CH~49 - Last Lesson ▫️▫️▫️

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Author's POV

In AK Tele Productions, meeting room.

Ansh sat at the head chair listening to all of the ideas his members were presenting. JD who had a happy mood from the morning sat straight clearing his throat.

" Umm Mr. Khanna?" He called to which Ansh looked at him raising his brows.

" I was thinking that the reality show is finally over and I have some few ideas about something new .. but as we know Ms. Bella is no more a part of us.. we'll need some assistance and I have someone who could help us?!" He asked or rather stated..

" And who do you think is that someone?" Asked Ansh ..

" Shreya!?" He asked to which everyone were taken a back.

" You really think someone can replace me?" All the heads turns to the entrance where stood Bella holding a file in her hand.

Looking as beautiful and confident as she always looks.
JD was shocked to see her back as it was completely unexpected for him.

She smiles warmly to the people in the room and finally makes her way inside taking a seat right beside JD who was still lost in his thoughts processing things ..

The meeting went on for the next 1 hour and finally everyone started to leave the room. Ansh looked at Bella who gave him a smile.  He smiled back and looked at his screen and as soon as it pinged he got up walking to the door and left Bella with JD behind.

She looked at JD with her ferocious eyes.. but a calm look on her face.. while JD was in deep thoughts..

Questions rising in his mind about her comeback..

How could she? When he had managed to completely  break her emotionally.. she couldn't be possibly back here to live with all the pain and people who had hurted her to the core?

Then why was she back?

He was thinking when her voice broke his trance...

" Surprised?" She asked and his head snapped to her direction.. brows scrunching up in confusion although deep inside he knew what she meant.

" Or shocked?" She asked resting her face on her palm.. elbows resting on the wooden table.

" What do you mean?" He asked .. his voice rasp and sounding worried.

" You exactly know what I mean JD.." says Bella with a calm smile..

" You must be surprised or precisely shocked.. shocked that how come I'm back.. even after you did everything to break me apart... First physically and finally when you couldn't beat me physically you broke me mentally... Snatching away the people around whom my life revolves.. without whom I'm nothing.. you must be thinking how come this is possible right?" Asked Bella with amusement lacing her voice.

To say JD looked shocked would be an understatement..

" How? How do you know.."

He asked shocked..

" Bure karam chipaye nahi chipte Mr. Jayant Dhawan..  " she said with a stoic face.

The door to the cabin opens and Abeer along with Shreya , Sansh , Meerish and Mahir enters.

" Oh.. hi.. my well wisher.. or I can say my fake well-wisher?" Bella asked wriggling her brows..

" Bella.. you're back? How are you feeling now? You left all of a sudden.." Abeer asked going towards her..

" You guys made me leave.. and yeah lakh koshisho ke bawjud .. I'm fine.." she said with a tight lipped smile.

" What.. what do you mean?" Abeer asked stuttering in between.

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