CH~33- Want her back!

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Abeer's POV

I was working on my laptop when I heard my PA as he informed that the people from AK tele production are here. I told him to bring them here and closed the laptop taking my blazer and wearing it.

Soon enough I heard the door sliding open and there entered a man in his later thirties wearing a grey formal set . He pushed the glasses on his nose as he reached out my hand for a shake.

" Hello Mr. Abeer. JD here.." he says introducing himself while I shake my hand with his smiling slightly.

" Hello JD. Please make yourself comfortable!" I said pointing at the seat as I sat with my back facing the main door.

" So shall we start?" I asked taking my iPad when he shook his head.

" Sorry to keep you waiting but actually I have someone with me without whom the meeting can't be held. She's outside having an important call. She'll be here anytime soon!"  He says while I give a sly nod before drowning myself in the iPad.

After some good 5 minute of waiting in between which JD kept kn trying to call someone finally JD looks up as relief washes over his face.

''Oh god finally you are here.. come!"  He said and all of a sudden my heart fastened it's speed of thumping against my chest.

I turned back not able to resist the unknown feeling only to get shocked.

She was here ... I was meeting her after 4 long years!

My love!

I just so missed her. I got up immediately taking the look of her as she was still the same old Bella!

My love!

" Abeer!" A whisper left her mouth making me smile but it vanished in a second as she collapsed on the floor.

" Bella!" I screamed running towards her followed by JD behind.

I took her head in my lap and my palm came in contact with her soft the cheeks. The same ones which I used to held and stare at those beautiful deer eyes which were filled with love for me.. the same cheeks which I used to pack everytime making her blush. Oh how much I love her!

"Bella? Please open your eyes... You ok? Please babe open your eyes..." I said worried shaking her slightly but came no response.

" Derry! Please call a doctor!" I yelled and picked her up in my arms.

I took her to my bedroom and placed her on my bed taking a seat beside her.
The doctor soon came and started checking her while I stood just in front of her staring at her beautiful face.

How could I do that to her?

I feel just so ashamed of myself that I hurted a girl like her who loved me with her everything.
I realised how much I loved her when she left far away from me.

I still love her and I can never forget her .
She resides in my heart and my love for her grew everyday since the time I realised how deeply and passionately I love her.
All these years my guilt was holding me back but today I finally met her. It was destined.
Even when she was miles away from me I was always connected to her by my heart and now today I'm seeing her infront of my eyes I realise that how much I need her.

Yes !

I need her! I want her back in my life!

This time forever!

Not to break her heart! But to love her with my heart!

" She just got fainted getting shocked with something! She'll be alright!" The doctor said before leaving from here.

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