CH~45- Finding the truth.

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Mahir's POV

I sat in my bed staring at the troffe I won yesterday.
How much I wanted to hold the troffe with her.. how much I wanted to hold her infront of the world..

Everything just ruined in a fraction of second.

But even after seeing all the shit and hearing my friends out why I feel that I'm missing out something.

My heart says that Bella is innocent.

I wanted to stop her yesterday but before I could I fell unconscious.

I know the way I reacted at first that ... That was a reflex reaction to the situation. I reacted that way being shocked, heartbroken and betrayed but I know there's more to the story.

And I'll find it out.. I need to have a talk with Bella... I tried yesterday even after our friends said we should give sometime to eachother...I don't know what gotten into them... Don't they feel that we are somewhere wrong? Because I do feel it.

Bella is someone who has always stood by our side no matter what.. she has always supported and loved us with her everything. She can never hurt us. I know that..

I will go to the depth of this .. by hook or by crook.

I can't give up on my love just like that.. even if something is really wrong then we'll sort it out..

At first I was blinded by every messed up feeling.. and none can blame me because that was the expected reaction anyone would give after seeing what I saw.. but the moment Bella tried to explain looking into my eyes I knew she wasn't lying.. she was so heartbroken when her friends pointed out their finger on her. I know they did it for me .. but I was too occupied with my own thoughts to stop anything.. and when I finally decided to do the deed I was knocked out... And after I gained conscious I straight away went in search for her.

But I was too late.

She had already left the apartment.. but where could she go? she might have went to her parents..



I took out my phone and dialled Guru..

" Ha bhai bol!" He said picking the call.

" Guru.. book my ticket for tomorrow." I said and he said and ok ofcourse asking me why and all stuff but u cut it short saying it's urgent.

I dialled Sania next and asked her to meet me at MELANIA's.

Taking my bike keys I drove towards their cafe .. as I walked inside she came after a minute..

" What's up?" She asked looking tired.

" I think something is wrong!" I said when she looked confused.

" As in?" She asked..

" I guess we are missing out something. Do you really think Bella can do something like this?" I asked when she was lost in her thoughts for a moment before replying.

" I don't think so she can do something but then when it comes to Abeer she can do anything and everything. We have seen it Mahir.. that's the reason I and Meera were mad at first place." She said sighing.

" I don't know what you guys think but I know she can't do this to me.. I have seen the love she has for me in her eyes... No she can't do that.. she left the apartment.. can you believe these she left Meera's wedding which is today? Can you imagine how much hurt she is? Atleast we have eachother.. what about her? She's left alone.. the only people jo uske sath hai are her parents. And another thing she left but why the hell is Abeer still here? Whe his supposed girlfriend is broken and crying he should be beside her consoling her right? But no.. he's busy in AK's.. even after the show has ended.. what do you think is he doing there exactly?" I asked when she processed everything I said.

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