Chapter 1

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A smile appeared on his face as he watched his crush walk by, Taehyun's heart fluttered and he could feel it pounding inside of him as she played with her red hair while she talked to her friends, he let out a sigh, she's so adorable, I wish I had the guts to talk to her.

He was immediately distracted when someone slapped his head with a book, Taehyun glared at the wolf hair cut boy, "Ouch, why did you do that for?" he whined.

"Stop starring at Ningning like some creep and focus on our project" his best friend Beomgyu said rolling his eyes, "I wasn't starring" Taehyun tried to deny, Beomgyu scoffed, "Like anyone who saw you is gonna believe that" he said, Beomgyu rolled his eyes, "Why are you so head over heels over her anyways? She's nothing special" Beomgyu bluntly said, Taehyun glared at his best friend, "Shut up, you won't understand"

Beomgyu grinned, "Because I'm like gay?" he questioned, "Yes and for the love of God please do not start with your lecture on 'The perks of being homosexual' please" Taehyun snapped, Beomgyu had a smug facial expression as he nudged the other with his elbow, "Come on Tae I know you're at least bi" he teased, Taehyun rolled his eyes, "What makes you think so?" he asked.

"I mean look at me Tae, I'm fabulous, who wouldn't fall for me? There's a reason why I'm literally like the most popular boy in school, boys and girls would kill just for my attention" the other was even dramatic enough to do a hairflip and fan himself with his hands.

Taehyun raised his hands up in surender, "I'm done, I'm working on my project at the library, bye" he said picking up his material and standing up,

"Awe did I make your heart skip a beat?" Beomgyu blinked, Taehyun rolled his eyes for millionth time, as he was about to walk out of the classroom he turned towards Beomgyu who still had his annoying smug face on.

"Don't hang out with Yeonjun hyung too much" he said before making his way out of the classroom.


"I got tickets to Saturday's game and you're coming with me along with our group" Beomgyu declared and he rested his chin on the other's shoulder, "mmhh..okay" Taehyun answered, his eyes focused on his phone screen, "What you watching?" the other asked leaning closer, "Free" Taehyun answered in a monotone.

"That anime about baseball?" Beomgyu asked, "No swimming" Taehyun corrected, his eyes focused on his phone.

Beomgyu smirked, "So you admit that you like to watch shirtless men dance under water?" he teased.

Taehyun slapped Beomgyu's head, "Ow! How dare you hit the absolutely gorgeous,amazing, out of the this world, work of art Choi Beomgyu just because he stated the obvious?I'm offended" Beomgyu exaggerated pouting.

"I'm just watching it for the plot, don't come up with weird ideas" Taehyun answered, Beomgyu sighed shaking his head, "That's what y'all weebs say, you hoes" Beomgyu said.

Taehyun wanted to do nothing but to wipe that smug face off of Beomgyu's face by punching it but he knew he couldn't do that, then Beomgyu would make a whole scene out of it and threaten to file a complain against him for domestic abuse. What a pain

"Anyways I'll have to head home now, I'll text you about our date this Saturday" Beomgyu stood up, Taehyun raised an eyebrow, "What date?" He questioned but the other just winked at him and exited his room, Taehyun rolled his eyes and focused his attention back on his phone, he was used to the other's stupid antics.

Texting in the group chat:

"Hoes got your back"

Loudspeaker 📢: Y'all I'm excited for tha match 😩

Pink head Diva: yes and btw Binnie~ let's twin~

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