Chapter 30

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(a/n: apologise for the extremely long lack of updates to my lovely readers. So here's an update:)

Jisu's POV

Why do they keep fighting?? Can they just shut up? God please save me!! I can't do this anymore! I'm so sick of this! What did I do to deserve this?? Please stop! Please stop please stop SHUT UP SHTU UP I SAID SHUT UP!! SHTU IP-

Jisu slammed her diary shut with a sigh and threw her pen at the other side of the room, hot tears fell down her face staining her cheeks as breathed heavily. Her parents had been arguing throughout the whole day, she could hear them break things and yell curses at each other, she was deaf to their yelling for which she was glad because she thought she would drive into insanity if she heard what they were yelling about.

Not after a while, there was utter silence and Jisu felt like she could finally breath again, and then she heard a knock on her door, Jisu internally screamed but she immediately collected herself plastering a smile on her face and fixing her hair, if only she could fix how she felt inside as easily as she could fix her appearance.

"Yes mom?" she questioned with a smile though her eyes almost appeared dead with no hint of happiness or whatsoever happiness was supposed to be.

She didn't look at her mother directly but she could make out that she looked tired, her eyes sunk deep inside and her hair was an unkempt mane and she sounded like she might fall apart at any point of time.

Jisu clutched her fists, her stomach churned and she felt a lump on her throat forming her with suffocation which was clinically impossible to fix, she wanted to say something to her, she wanted to yell at her to leave that horrid man, to run away she wanted to cry, she wanted to throw a tantrum, but she just smiled with all the storm of emotions hurdled deep inside herself building a monster slowly embarking a mind of its own.

"Could you please go to the hospital to your grandmother? And give her lunch? I'm a little exhausted" her mother muttered, having a fake smile plastered on her face, it made Jisu angry even though she wished she were, Jisu was not deaf or was she blind, she could see how feeble she looked and all the fightings they had.

"Alright mom" she answered and nothing else came out of her mouth as her mother handed her the basket of lunch.

Lunch for that old hag

Jisu rolled her eyes placing the basket on the desk as she grabbed a cardigan and her charged phone.

Jisu repulsed her grandmother like a plague, like a deadly disease she wished extinguished.

She was the main cause of all the turmoil in their household, stirring up trouble was what she did best just because she hated her mother for whatever invalid reason her twisted mind invented.

Jisu sometimes would drive herself into thinking she just wanted to kill her grandmother, it always terrified her how thoughts of wanting his grandmother dead would actually cross his mind.

Jisu yearned for comfort, she yearned for warmth but ever since she was a little girl Jisu had been taught to control her emotions at all times, she wasn't permitted to question her parents since her grandmother coined it as being too "noisy for a kid" to question anything parents talked about or decided upon.

She had grown up quivering from the shadows of her grandmother and negligence from her own parents.

Jisu was always lonely, she always felt like she had nobody and that thought was almost becoming reality until she met Taehyun.

Their story wasn't anything out of the ordinary which would be fit to be a plot in some romantic drama, they met in the simplest way.

Taehyun was in his freshman year when she first saw him, he looked all innocent with his oversized t-shirts and puppy dark hair almost covering his eyes and he would often brush them back with his hands whenever he got anxious.

They met at the infirmity when Taehyun got injured during PE and Jisu was in the infirmity cause she had a headache.

They both layed on different beds and there was utter silence until Taehyun's phone rang and Jisu immediately recognised the song was of Twenty One pilots which was one of her favourite bands.

She found herself lost in a conversation with some freshman and almost forgot about her headache.

Jisu was immediately attached to Taehyun because as they got closer she began to see how similiar their lives were, they were both neglected by their parents and suffered with an inferiority complex with anxiety while trying to keep their grades at the top of of their class.

When Jisu confessed to Taehyun, he accepted her confession and told Jisu that she made him feel more accepted.

Taehyun was tall, maybe not as tall as most of the other boys in school but definitely a lot taller than him, he looked intimidating but as Jisu got to know more about him, she realised Taehyun was just a small soul in need of love inside a big body looking like any other guy in school.

She loved him dearly, and she was assured .

She could show a little of herself with him and she also saw herself in him and soon enough Taehyun slowly began to occupy a place in her life which no one ever did.

Jisu loved everything about Taehyun, from his ocean deep dark eyes to his flaws to the demons he hid inside of him.

However there was a certain person in his life whom she didn't like, she felt insecure about his affection for her when he was around, she felt like an option with him around, and that person was non other than his best friend Choi Beomgyu.

Everytime he was with Taehyun he smiled differently, even when he seemed annoyed with Beomgyu's stupid antics there was till some teasing joyful sensation in that glare he would give Beomgyu, it was as though Taehyun became this glee free soul with Beomgyu, someone she would question if she knew or would want to know that Taehyun.

And she could also see the spark in their eyes whenever they were together, it made her more anxious than when her parents fought at home and she would shut herself in her room.

It scared her, the fact that Beomgyu was capable of taking Taehyun away from her anytime, it scared her how he was able to transform Taehyun into a different person when he was with Beomgyu.

But she could not say it to Taehyun, because she knew it would cause chaos and Jisu wasn't someone who caused chaos or rather she was taught to be the perfect daughter and she was also scared that Taehyun would hate her and choose Beomgyu over her, she didn't see Beomgyu as a competition, she saw Beomgyu as a part of Taehyun she could never reach out.

It made Jisu hysterical, then she began to succumb rather than heal over her love for Taehyun, when she realised how much she envied Beomgyu, it terrified her it was as though she was a whole different person, because the Jisu she was, wouldn't be someone who would envy others or suffer for someone's attention.

It terrified her so bad she ran away from Taehyun, she cut ties and headed abroad. She tried to forget Taehyun because it felt as though he was keeping her strong and also at the same time he was destructing her even more.

She left him without even knowing his response and that resulted into more and more suffering.

Jisu was miserable without Taehyun but she was terrified with him around.

It drove her to insanity at some point, till she began to realise she couldn't survive without Taehyun.

Despite knowing it was too late she wanted Taehyun back and for that she should see Beomgyu as a competition.

She had to have Taehyun back in her life to keep her sane, no matter what it caused.

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