Chapter 17

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Taehyun dashed out of the restaurant as fast as he could, he could no longer bare to endure the sight he had seen.

He felt betrayed and frustrated,so he ran all the way home trying his best not to burst out crying and causing a scene.

If people saw him they would think he was shooting for some dramatic soap opera because he had just dashed all the way to his house like cinderella at midnight.

He had tripped a few times and almost fell on his face a few times but luckily he didn't and he was finally at his doorstep.

When he opened the door, he burst out crying, his whole body shaking as he cried  his legs slowly giving up on his weight because what he had seen made him feel like he was carrying the world's pressure on his back.

He dropped to his knees and let his tears fall, he couldn't believe what his dad did to him, he always had a hunch about it because his dad was strangely acting distant but seeing it made his heart break, he felt betrayed, how could his own dad leave him to suffer while he went to seek for his own happiness? Wasn't his dad responsible for him even during the hardest moments? Why was he suffering for his parents? What had he done to deserve it? Taehyun never wanted much not did he tell anyone in particular but he honestly just wanted a normal family and a home which he would love to come back to, I'm tired

Younger Taehyun would have never imagined that the first person to break his heart would be his own parents. They were once his super heroes and now he could not even recognise them.

"Taehyun?" a voice called out from over the hallway and Taehyun looked up to see his mom looking like a terrible mess, her hair disheveled, her eyes were red and she had dark circles, Taehyun could see the veins popping out of her hands arms and neck, she was pale and thin, her lips looked dead, Taehyun couldn't even recognise his own mother anymore and with her not using any make up her acid scars were clearly visible, she almost looked like she had died and almost for the first time she was sober.

"Why are you crying?" she questioned approaching the other looking somehow worried. She would definitely have found it odd because Taehyun wasn't someone who would just show his real emotions to anyone unless he fully trusted them.

Taehyun clenched his jaw at her question, was she seriously asking him that? Why was he crying? After all that she had done to him, making him hate coming back to his own house, was she seriously going to ask him why he was crying? Should he be happy? It was all his parents fault, Taehyun just wanted the old them, he just wanted to grow in a normal family like normal people not with people who were addicted to drugs and someone who was having an affair and already having a family.

Heck Taehyun couldn't even recognise his parents anymore because he had stopped considering them his parents for quite a while now because they had stopped treating him like their child.

"Are you fucking serious?" Taehyun scoffed, "Do you actually think you have the audacity to ask me that?" Taehyun narrowed.

Her mother looked taken aback, she tried to approach the other but Taehyun took steps back, "Don't even try to come near me, I don't know you!" he shot making her eyes widen and her lips quivered a little.

"T-Tae.." she called out, tears suddenly falling as Taehyun flinched away from him, guilt started eating him when he watched his mother have a breakdown in front of him, he could not endure it anymore, he turned the doorknob and immediately headed out leaving her all alone. It wasn't his fault anyway.

His sight was blurred when he saw someone standing right in front of their doorstep, he could not recognise the face properly.

"What do you want?" he rudely snapped.

"Tae" a voice called out.

Taehyun recognised that voice, he could never not recognise that voice.

"Gyu" he muttered, his voice softening a little.

Beomgyu did not say much as he approached the other, his heart aching at seeing Taehyun looking so broken and feeble, it made him want to take the other far away to a place where he could be protected.

He embraced the other in a hug without saying anything.

Taehyun sobbed terribly on the other's shoulder as Beomgyu gently patted his hair, he did not say anything but Taehyun found it so comforting, crying on someone's shoulder felt so much less lonlier, he did not feel like he was carrying the world's pressure on his back anymore, it still hurt but with Beomgyu it was more bearable, he was broken but he also felt warm and comforted. He felt like he could breathe again.

Beomgyu felt like home.

Beomgyu took the other to his own house, he looked so fragile that Beomgyu had to hold on to him their whole way to his home.

"Taehyun what happened-" Beomgyu's mom questioned but Beomgyu immediately shushed her and she just nodded her head.

"Take him to your room, I'll bring something for you guys to eat" she said immediately, and Beomgyu just nodded, "thanks mom" he muttered and led the other up to his room.

Taehyun clenched onto Beomgyu like he was afraid that the other would run away or as though he was scared that something would attack him if he let go of the other.

"You want to take a nap Tae?"  Beomgyu asked as he entered his bedroom, Taehyun just nodded,Beomgyu guided the other to his bed, gently removing his shoes, he was extra careful almost as if he was afraid of breaking the other at how fragile he looked.

Beomgyu pulled the other under the sheets, covering his body with the blanket as he wrapped his arms around him, he held him close to him till he could feel Taehyun's breath on his neck then he continued to pat the other's head in a gentle manner, he heard Taehyun sobbing, his heart ached.

"I'm here for you Tae" he said almost in a whisper as he continued to pat the other.

"I will always be here for you" he added.

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