Chapter 22

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Taehyun was on his own, in Beomgyu's balcony as the other was in the shower, it was evening, the sky was ablazed with the fire of the setting sun. The evening sun casted long shadows on the ground, the sight was entralling to Taehyun making him feel slightly drowsy as his tense body relaxed a little bit.

He had stayed at Beomgyu's place for three days now, somehow being with the other was all it took for him to finally analyse on what was going on in his life.

His family

Even though he wanted to escape from the plights of his life yet he knew he had to face it.

He had been ignoring his parents continuous miscalls and he knew he would get into trouble for it but he also held reasons as to why he had done that.

He was human too, he could not always submit himself to everything they did and want just because they were his parents, he had skipped school which was something he never did.

Sighing and letting out a deep breath he finally turned his phone on, Taehyun you can do it

The moment he turned his phone he saw dozens and dozens of miscalls from his parents. It even surprised him a little when he saw that there were more miscalls from his mother than his father.

Just as he opened his phone, it began ringing the caller's ID was his mom.

He dithered on whether he should pick it or not, he really did not want to but his instincts made him answer the call.

"Taehyun? Taehyun are you there?" a voice called out

Taehyun raised an eyebrow

"Moonbyul noona?" He questioned

"Taehyun? I've been trying to reach out to you" the other said over the phone. Her voice seemed desperate and nervous.
Taehyun couldn't help but feel nervous, his body tensed up again.

"W-Why?" he stuttered, "your mother has been hospitalized" Moonbyul muttered,
Taehyun's eyes widened, he swallowed.

"She keeps mumbling your name" Moonbyul continued, "Do you want to see her Taehyun?" she asked, Taehyun swallowed hard and nodded, "yeah I'll be there" he muttered in response, then there was a pause.

"Where is dad?" he asked

Moonbyul did not answer for a moment

"Is he there?" he asked intrigued

"N-No Tae it's just me" she answered.

Taehyun closed is eyes, "I'll be there soon" he uttered in response.

"Okay I'll send you the location and cabin room" she said, Taehyun thanked her and ended the call.

Taehyun walked inside the room, Beomgyu had just gotten out of the shower, he smelled fresh and his hair was still wet from the shower, his vanilla shampoo tantalized the whole bedroom.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Beomgyu asked  as he dried his hair off with his towel, Taehyun thought for a while then said.

"I have to go home" he muttered

Beomgyu was surprised, he placed his towel down, "Did something happen? Do you want me to come with you?" he asked the other.

Taehyun shook his head you cannot always bother him with your problems he thought to himself.

"No Beomgyu I think it's time that I gave my problems by myself Gyu, I need to stand for myself" he stated taking the other by surprise because he did not expect that moment from Taehyun at that moment.

Beomgyu looked at Taehyun reassuringly, "are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" he asked in a worried tone.

Taehyun shook his head, he grabbed his jacket and took steps closer to the other till they were only inches apart from each other.

Taehyun reached his hand out and placed it on Beomgyu's face.

He then stood on his toes and placed a soft gentle kiss on Beomgyu's cheek, "Thank you Gyu" he smiled and made his way out of the bedroom and out of the house.

Freak he muttered the moment he made his way out of the house, his heart raced. He kissed Beomgyu again.

Beomgyu stood there astounded, trying to process whatever had just happened, he wasn't sure of what to label what had just happened but he was assured of one thing, Taehyun was acting strange.

Taehyun took a cab and made his way to the hospital where his mother was.

A lot of things were on his mind as the cab drove him to the hospital, he was a lot calmer now even though everything seemed like a mess at that time. He did not know whom he hated more, his mom or his dad. But then again he could not hate neither of them, he could have just endured it till he completed his high school and then leave them to live on his own and study in college with his scholarship. But he could not just let them be even though they were the real cause as to why his life was going downfall.

Maybe it was because deep down inside he wished and hoped for that happy family they once had even though it was an impossible scenario,that particular thought was like a fantasy to him now with the situation in hand.

He reached the hospital and headed to the cabin where his mother was, Moonbyul was standing outside the cabin waiting for him anxiously, somehow just feeling his own mother's presence made him want to turn away and run away, it was unpleasant.

Just as he was hesitating Moonbyul spotted him and she waved with a small smile, "I'm glad you could come" she said immediately.

Taehyun gave her  a slight nod as he followed her inside the cabin.

His mother was in a terrible state, she looked frail,pale, bony and almost anemic, he could not recognise his own mother who layed on the bed breathing and panting, his jaws clenched.

His mother looked up to his son, even opening her eyes seem to take great afford, "Taehyun" she smiled weakly.

A frown rested on Taehyun's face, he swallowed and watched her mother almost dying.

Why was he not feeling any pain? Any ache at seeing his own mother suffer

Why did he feel like she deserved to suffer for all that she did to him?

All those bitter thoughts wounded him more than seeing his own mother in pain.

She did not feel like family anymore.

(Ps: didn't proofread am sorry)

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