Chapter 36

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Taehyun's heart raced as he and Beomgyu hurriedly hailed a taxi to get to the hospital. Beomgyu tenderly took Taehyun's trembling hands in his own, offering a comforting touch to calm Taehyun's nerves. Taehyun's gaze shifted downward, fixated on his shoes, his voice barely audible as he whispered, "I'm scared." Sensing his distress, Beomgyu pulled Taehyun closer, enveloping him in a warm embrace. "You don't have to face this alone," Beomgyu reassured him softly, his words filled with unwavering support. "I'm right here by your side, always".

As Taehyun leaned his head against Beomgyu's shoulder, he could feel the warmth and comfort radiating from his boyfriend's embrace. The taxi continued its journey to the hospital, the sounds of the bustling city fading into the background. Taehyun's mind was filled with a mix of worry and anticipation, but the presence of Beomgyu by his side provided a much-needed sense of calm.

In the quietness of the taxi, Taehyun's thoughts swirled, yet he found solace in the knowledge that Beomgyu was there with him, offering unwavering support and love. The rhythmic hum of the car's engine seemed to lull them both into a state of tranquility, as if time itself had slowed down.

With every passing moment, Taehyun's anxiety began to subside, replaced by a newfound sense of strength. He knew deep down that he didn't have to face the unknown alone. Beomgyu's presence was a source of comfort and reassurance, reminding Taehyun that they were in this together, no matter what lay ahead.

As the taxi pulled up to the hospital entrance, Taehyun took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of nervousness and determination. With Beomgyu by his side, he stepped out of the vehicle, ready to face whatever awaited him.

Lia anxiously awaited Taehyun's arrival outside the hospital, her heart pounding in her chest. As she caught sight of Taehyun and Beomgyu's intertwined hands, a wave of mixed emotions washed over her. "Lia?" Taehyun called out, breaking the tension in the air. Lia's voice trembled as she responded, "Taehyun..."

Her gaze remained fixed on Taehyun, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight before her. Beomgyu stood nearby, his expression revealing a hint of displeasure at Lia's presence. Taehyun's desperation led him to ask if Lia had met her mother, to which she nodded calmly.

"You should go and meet her," Lia said softly, her voice filled with a bittersweet resignation. Taehyun nodded, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. He hurried towards the elevator, but before he could leave, Lia called out to him once more. Her smile appeared pained, and her words were barely audible, "Goodbye." Taehyun responded, his confusion evident in his voice, "I'll see you later."

Beomgyu observed Lia thoughtfully, his gaze filled with contemplation, before turning away and joining Taehyun on their journey to the elevators. The air was heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions, leaving a sense of uncertainty hanging in the air.

As Taehyun stepped into his mother's cabin, his heart sank at the sight before him. His mother lay on the bed, her body contorted with pain and restlessness, a clear indication of the toll her addiction had taken. Moonbyul, with a look of helplessness on her face, stood by her side, desperately trying to bring some comfort.

Taehyun's emotions were in turmoil. Despite the strained relationship he had with his mother, seeing her in such agony tugged at his heartstrings. It was as if all the hurt and resentment melted away, leaving only a deep sense of compassion. He couldn't bear to witness her suffering.

In that moment, Beomgyu, sensing Taehyun's distress, stood beside him, offering a silent but powerful gesture of support. He gently squeezed Taehyun's hand, a small act of comfort and solidarity. It was a reminder that Taehyun was not alone in this difficult situation and had someone by his side to lean on.

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