Chapter 29

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(p/s: this chapter was not proof read so feel free to correct me anytime I love that)

Choi Jisu's POV

"So how's your grandmother feeling?" Yeji questioned placing a glass of orange soda on the table with a slice of burnt cheese cake on the table as she sat on the opposite side of the table with her fingers wrapped around a glass of orange soda for herself.

"I told you already that I don't care" Jisu answered frowning and Yeji just shook her head, "still as cocky as ever".

"I'm amused by those people who think you're the sweetest person alive or something, have you seen how cocky you are?" Yeji said sarcastically, and Jisu only rolled her eyes.

"Is it my problem? How they visualise me is their own issue to deal with, I wasn't brought to this world to impress nobody" Jisu snapped and Yeji brought his hands up in defence immediately as she let out a chuckle, "Chill Barbie I was only kidding" she uttered.

"Anyways why did you return to Korea if you don't care about your grandmother" Yeji questioned while sipping on her orange soda, Jisu looked offended and made an annoyed face, "You can't just say that? Aren't you happy to see your own best friend after such a long period of time?" she pouted while poking the cheese cake with her fork.

Yeji ruffled Jisu's hair playfully, "Of course I missed you, don't be dramatic, I even prepared your favourite cake" she comforted.

Jisu couldn't help but smile a little, Yeji was the only friend she could find herself trusting, she could be real only with her because she knew that she wasn't bothered by whether Jisu was nice or not, Yeji did not care or rather she was too in her own world to care about how Jisu really was, Yeji understood her and that was all she had ever needed.

"Now tell me why you're actually back? It isn't just because you missed me right?" Yeji interrogated, Jisu frowned and crossed her arms,"Really? You don't think I'd come to meet you?" She tried to sound offended so that maybe Yeji would feel guilty and get her two more slices of burnt cheese cake.

"That just isn't you" Yeji chuckled and Jisu threw a cushion at you,"you don't understand my feelings" she pouted.

"Taehyun" Yeji muttered her smile falling a little and Jisu immediately stiffened and her smile dropped and she looked away immediately.

"I-It's not always about him, you know" she stammered and Yeji shook her head with a sigh, "you're a terrible liar Jisu, especially if it has to do with your feelings" Yeji stated.

"I just wanted to see how he was d-doing' she stammered her eyes now stuck to the floor and her cheese cake untouched.

"Seriously why are you so hung up on this kid? You've had so many other exes but you never even cared, what's so special about Kang Taehyun?" Yeji asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jisu clenched onto her dress, "He gave me something which all the other guys couldn't give me.." she mumbled.

"And what is that?" Yeji questioned.

"Trust" Jisu answered, "He trusted me without hesitance" she answered and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Then why did you leave him?" She asked.

"He was too good for me Yeji, I couldn't believe him or myself, he trusted me and gave me all the love I thought I could never recieve and which was why I got scared I was so scared of being attached I was scared of being played, I was scared and so I ran away, I made excuses and everything possible and I ran away" Jisu explained clutching onto her dress even harder.

"Then I realised after I left him how much he meant to me, I couldn't go a day without thinking about him Yeji so I had to come back" she reasoned, her voice slightly broke and she felt a lump on her throat.

"I saw him again..." Jisu smiled and he looked terrible", Jisu gulped as she looked at Yeji with glossy eyes, "I want to protect him, I want him to be happy, I want to be with him, I really do Yeji" she confessed sounding almost desperate.

Yeji's mouth opened a little while trying to process everything that Jisu had told her,
"Uh....I had no idea you liked him that much Jisu" Yeji mumbled.

"I know, I've never felt like this before too" Jisu nodded, Yeji quietly looked at the girl she almost felt sorry for her, Jisu had never received affection from her own family who only piled burdens on her inorder to build that perfect daughter.

It was as though Jisu was a puppet whose strings they could pull for their own gain, she felt guilty knowing that Taehyun might have fallen for someone else by then.

"Can I tell you something?" Yeji could not look at Jisu which drove Jisu into panick and she gulped trying to calm herself down.

"What is it?" Jisu asked in a low voice.

"What if I tell you that it's too late?" Yeji questioned, her voice hardly audible.

Jisu looked both confused and hurt, "Is h-he seeing someone else?" Her voice broke and guilt started consuming Yeji all over, Yeji nodded.

"His best friend Beomgyu, I think they have something going on, almost the whole school knows about it, in fact I'm not even assuming but guaranteed that there is something going on between them Jisu" she muttered.

Yeji pulled her phone out and browsed for something on her phone for a while, then faced the screen towards Jisu after she had found what what had been looking for.

Jisu's eyes widened as she watched how Taehyun pulled Beomgyu into a kiss, her mouth opened agape and she hated to admit how she could sense their chemistry and tension even through the screen.

Yeji looked down, "I'm sorry, but I had to show you so you wouldn't be even more hurt later on, Jisu I think you are too late and Taehyun is already consumed by someone else" Yeji explained.

Jisu's body immediately filled with emotions and feelings which even she herself could not comprehend, she wanted to cry but couldn't find the strength to do so.

"Are they dating?" Jisu asked in a surprisingly calm tone making Yeji look up at her.

"That's unofficial, they may or may not be dating even though their chemistry is undeniable" Yeji confessed.

"I see .." Jisu mumbled, Yeji looked at Jisu with concern, "How are you feeling? I'm really sorry" Yeji muttered, but Jisu turned to Yeji with a smile and said,

"Of course at the end of the day what matters most is that he is Happy, I'm okay," Jisu answered with her hands clutching onto on her drees, "I just want him to be happy"

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