Chapter 8

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Winrina chapter

"Where's the student council office?" Minjeong asked her newly found friend, Choi Beomgyu, "On the third floor, last room, why?" the other asked as he munched on a cracker, "I have some business out there, I'll be right back" she muttered as she slipped her cracker to Beomgyu, "You can have mine too" she winked before making a dash out of the cafeteria.

Beomgyu was muttering something but Minjeong was already out of ear shot.
She arrived at the office, she knew she was at the right place because there was a small board that said, "Students council office" she rolled her eyes, "For this?" he huffed in an irked tone, she knocked on the door, "Yes? Come in" someone immediately responded, someone Minjeong knew a bit too well.

She entered the office, with a smug look, the brunette was writing something on a booklet when she looked up and her eyes widened, "Been a while" Minjeong said with a wink, Yoo Jimin the student council president looked up completely dazed, "W-What are you doing here?" she stammered, "Oh you know just hunting sharks" Minjeong answered as she shut the door close and made her way inside the room with her arms folded, the other girl looked fazzled like she did not know what to do, she almost dropped her pen.

"Now, Now Yoo Jimin don't act too surprised, you're the president, you have a record of every student in the school especially the new comers, you were very much aware of my presence here but I should say I'm kind of disappointed that you didn't give me a warm welcome" Minjeong faked a pout as she walked closer towards Jimin.

Jimin gained back her composure sitting up straight and looked at Minjeong with a blunt expression, "Miss Kim-" she muttered but was interrupted by Minjeong who immediately let out a scoff, "Cut the formalities Jimin, you don't have to pretend like you don't know me, it's pathetic" Minjeong pinned, Jimin grimaced, she took a deep breath.

Jimin placed her pen down, "Miss Kim, if you do not have any business with the student council then please head to your classroom, you are distracting me" she said, in a less nervous tone.

Minjeong had enough, she slammed her fist on Jimin's desk making the older flinch.

Just then the door opened and Jimin's assistant Aeri entered with files in her hands, she looked at the situation in a befuddled manner, she raised an eyebrow at Minjeong who appeared very much annoyed and Jimin appearing stiff which amused Aeri because as long as she remembered Jimin was always confident and always carried an aura of authority along with her.

She watched the scene with fascination, the tension between the two engulfing her as well.

"May I help with anything? Did I interrupt anything I shouldn't have?" Aeri asked making the other girl turn towards her.

The girl's frown disappeared, but she didn't make a friendly face either, if Aeri remembered right, her name, she was Kim Minjeong the new transfer student, sophomore year, she was a hot topic from the day she joined, for her doll liek appearance with thay milk skin and doe eyes and having a cool personality for all that Aeri cared, she was just fascinated by the reactions she was giving Jimin, Aeri loves drama and a good sip of tea from time to time.

The girl stood with a posture indicating she wasn't leaving, she looked right into Jimin's eyes with a fierce expression.

Jimin sighed, "Aeri please excuse me for a bit" she muttered before grabbing the girl by the wrist and making their way out of the room, Aeri watched them with amusement.

"Seems like a love affair" she said out loud to herself before letting out a chuckle.

Jimin pulled the wolf cut brunette into am empty class room which was left unused then she let go off the other's hand, "Minjeong please don't make this difficult for me, I've already told you how I feel and that we are over, please I'm begging you" Jimin exhorted with a voice of plea.

Minjeong scoffed and her face turned red with anger, "Yoo Jimin are you even hearing yourself right now?" she snapped, "You suddenly ask for a break up when we are at the peak of our relationship without even giving me a proper reason and then you cut me off and just delete me out of your life and you really expect me to just let this off?" she was almost on the verge of shouting.

"It's for the best..." Jimin muttered, Minjeong's glare pierced through her,
"For the best? You mean for yourself? Now that you are living your I don't know perfect life, you say it's for the best making me suffer? Oh you never fail to use me Miss Yoo" Minjeong retorted.

"Why can't you just fucking tell me the reason why you fucking left me hanging?" she was shouting now, probably attracting other students but Minjeong was far beyond caring about others.

"You really want to know?" Jimin questioned, she had a look on her face which Minjeong couldn't quite make it out, it was a blend of anger, pain and frustration, she'd not admit but she suddenly felt bad, she felt like she was pressuring Jimin too much, but she had her rights too right? Jimin was not the only one hurting, Minjeong just nodded in response.

"Because you tire me Minjeong" Jimin answered, "You are so fucking tiresome, I'm done dealing with you and that is why I wanted to escape, escape from you and live my own life like I had always dreamt" Jimin said, her eyes were glued to the floor and her fingers were fiddling.

Minjeong let out a little chuckle, "Do you really take me for a fool Yoo Minjeong?" she said, the other looked up, "I've known you since I was ten Jimin, I know when you're sad, I know when you're happy, I know when you're being insecure and when you're lying, I'm not that naive you know" she muttered, Jimin opened her mouth to say something but Minjeong continued,
"But I won't force you, I'm sorry for going a little off at first, I was just bottled up with my own emotions, if this is what you want then what can I say, right?" she muttered as she gently held the other's hands with a small smile, "Feel free to tell me the truth anytime you wish to, but just know that you don't have to go through anything alone, I'll leave now, it's up to you to decide if this will be end or not" Minjeong said as she let go off the other's hands who looked dazzled.

She did not turn back, she ran out of the classroom, even though she knew Jimin was lying it still couldn't be helped that she was hurt by her behaviour, if Jimin wanted to move on then what could she do?

Minjeong headed to the washroom feeling nostalgic, with a straight face she walked down the hallways with emotions bottled up inside her.

When she entered the washroom there was just one girl in the washroom, she remembered her, the girl with red hair, Ningning, they had talked in class and she was also the friend of her new friend Choi Beomgyu.

The girl was applying her lip gloss when Minjeong entered, she was really pretty.

Ningning turned to Minjeong with a smile but her face immediately fell into that of concern when she saw Minjeong,
"My, My darling why are you crying?" she asked, her face flooded with concern, and that was when Minjeong realised she had been crying, hot tears running down her cheeks and her vision suddenly becoming blurry.

"I-I'm s-sorry" Minjeong stammered as she tried to wipe her tears away, she wanted to rush out but that would mean the whole school would see her crying pathetically.

Ningning immediately rushed to her comfort, "Now, don't apologise" she said in a soft tone, quickly embracing the other, "I don't know what happened, but it'll be alright okay? You poor thing, don't worry" she soothed but it only made Minjeong cry more, she just leaned against the other's shoulders and cried as Ningning gently patted her back.

Minjeong washed her face in the sink and Ningning handed her a handkerchief, "Here, don't worry I didn't use it yet, use it wipe your face" Ningning said, Minjeong thanked her, she felt pathetic for crying in front of someone who was obviously almost a stranger to her, she was glad that Ningning was kind.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour back then" Minjeong apologised sincerely, Ningning only rolled her eyes playfully, "Girlie don't apologise, we all cry sometimes, that's okay, I'm glad I could at least provide you some comfort right? I have to head to class now, take care alright? I'll see you around" Ningning said giving the other a small smile before making her way out of the washroom.

(Ps: a pretty dramatic start off from one of the side pairs of this fic, Taegyu content coming through in the next chapters~)

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