Coming to Forks

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A/N)    Hey so i'm making us completely non binary-you can imagine yourself whatever gender you want, mostly because I hate reading fanfics that are so unimaginably gendered.

It was a long night. 

I spent hours before dinner packing and repacking, checking boxes on my list, because there was no way I was coming back here. I couldn't deal with anyone anymore. I hated this life, I hated my family and I would make sure that I didn't have to see theses horrible walls ever again. My life in this town was coming to an end, and it couldn't come soon enough.

I ran down, knowing that my parents would be home soon, had dinner and rushed back upstairs. I had a little trouble zipping up my suitcase, but I was soon out the door and in my car. My beautiful car. The one thing that never abandoned me. Not when the huge snowstorm hit our town and destroyed most cars. Not when I tried running away and drove until I didn't have gas and fell into a ditch. Never. It may have a few scratches, maybe a dent here and there, but I loved it.

Turning the keys and hearing the engine roar was the sweetest thing ever. I'm not a car person, but I know every square inch of this one. I stepped on the gas and sped down the road, just in time to pass my parents car coming home and stick the finger at them. I was free. I was 17, and for the first time since I was 10, I was truly smiling. 

It had been about an hour when the car went blue and red. Shit. I forgot that going 200 km/h is illegal. Pulling over, I got my ID ready, put on my prettiest face, and rolled down my window. Charming people was my best weapon. Man, woman, whatever. I pleased everyone when I was in the mood.

"Identification ple-," a curly, brown haired man came striding towards me and stopped in his tracks. 

"Yes officer?" I smiled, giving the most doe eyed expression possible.

"I- I just wanted to tell you that-"

"Well spit it out darling, before you and you're pearly eyes forget what you were saying."

"Darling? Oh, well of course darling," He was getting confused, and it was very funny. "Its  just that the speed limit says 100 and-"

I interrupted him. "I'm so sorry! I didn't realize how fast I was going! I'm just in such a rush to get home, although I don't know why...  Curled up, all alone..." I looked down, pretending to sniffle.

"Of course. I completely understand." I smiled again, hearing his voice suddenly change to seem more - what was it, manly? "Here's my number, by the way, so next time you don't get so lonely."

He left after slipping me a paper with his name and number in it. Officer David Collington. I couldn't believe it worked. That was some of my sloppiest work so far, and i had done some pretty sloppy work. 

I used the paper to spit my gum out, and continued my trip, going a little slower than usual, a hundred and fifty kilometres.  I hated driving slow, but it was worth it. I was leaving my horrible life, and now I could take as much time as possible. I was going away.

I was going to Forks.

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