Date pt.1

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I was alone. It was a dark room, and I couldn't see, hear, smell anything. Nothing. I was left to my own thoughts. And when I'm left to my own thoughts, I go to my childhood.

"No meals, no toys, no bed, no nothing!" My dad screamed at me from the other side of the door. 

"What if I have to pee?" I asked.

"You went before I put you in there! I'll bring you out every five hours!" 

Then I heard footsteps walking away. I was in my room, the mattress on my bed had been taken away, along with any toys, I had in there as well. I didn't own stuffies or cute pillows or special blankets. I didn't deserve them. 

I hated being alone. Sadly, that was all I ever was. Fun fact: my worst fear is and always will be being alone.

I. Was. Ten.

I went over to my closet and pulled out a pocket knife. M mother had given it to me a year prior for my protection, but I never intended to use it. Now I knew that I would use it. Just not for my protection. I was in this room, I was being punished, and there was a reason for it. I deserved it. And I deserved this. The blade was in my hands and pressed against my thigh.

"Shit, y/n," Emmett yelled in his jeep, pulling off my soundproof headphones, "Don't do that!"

I still couldn't see. So he knew that it was a surprise, he insisted on removing my hearing and sight. 

"What was I doing wrong?" I asked, "Being too patient?"

"No, you were screaming and scratching your arms!"

I quickly sat on my hands so it wouldn't happen again, but Emmett pulled the closest one from me and held it. He pulled down my sleeping mask, the thing that was blocking my sight, looked me in my eyes, staring into my soul.

"I will never let anything hurt you" he said, "You don't have to put the headphones back on, just don't try and cheat."

I nodded, pulled my mask back up and took a few deep breaths. He wouldn't hurt me. I knew that. It was just - what was it? It couldn't be a dream, we couldn't sleep. Maybe it was a daydream?

He continued driving, humming to the radio and drumming his thumb on my hand to the rhythm of the song. I tried to focus on Emmett's voice. The way he glided through the notes, holing on each of them preciously before moving on to the next. It calmed me. I felt us roll to a stop, and tried to focus even more on Emmett's humming, so I wouldn't spoil the surprise. If there's one thing I hate more than being in the spotlight, it's people who ruin surprises. Never the less, I managed to hear a handful of footsteps.

"Emmett," I started, "I'm not allowed to go in public,"

"Shut up, stop listening, and don't say that you aren't allowed to do anything. Technically, we don't have to abide to Carlisle's suggestions."

He hummed a little louder, and I was able to tune out everything but him. I loved the sound of his voice, but I paid particular attention to when he took a breath. It sounded like the breezy wind on a hot summer's day. It soothed my mind, and when I was especially thirsty, I would listen to his voice and it helped me. 

We entered a room, and he led me to a chair, which he pulled in for me. I grabbed the edges of my seat out of nervousness, and accidentally smashed the area to pieces. 

"God fucking dammit," I swore, "I'm going to get us discovered."

He chuckled. "We'll steal the chair later and pay for it. I'm going to take the blindfold off, are you ready?" 

I nodded and I felt the ribbon that was holding my blindfold come undone. I was still squeezing my eyes shut, scared of what I might see. We've only known each other for a month! What if he made a huge deal of things? What if he thought I was dainty? Personally, I would've loved a nice, quiet time with him, and maybe a couple fun activities. I was 17, but I still had the maturity level of a child.

"Open your eyes, you idiot." He told me. 

I did as I was told. I was in a small room, with no lights, the only source of light being the dozens of candles around the place. In the centre of it all was a round table with a beautiful white tablecloth, with two chairs. One of the chairs I was occupying, the other Emmett was sitting in. Blackbird was playing from an old record player which I recognized as the one in the field. The footsteps I had heard were coming from behind a curtain. This must have been a private room in a restaurant or something.

Emmett sat in his seat nervously. "I know we can't eat anything, but I thought you'd want to get out of the house, and this was the only thing I could think of. I've also got a couple of things after this, just in case you were bored."

If I was still human, tears would be coming to my eyes. This was almost exactly my perfect date with him. He must have misinterpreted my expression.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized. "I should have planned something with you instead of guessing blindly at what you'd like-"

I interrupted him before he could insult himself further. "Em, I love it. It's perfect." He smiled shyly, and I reached for his hand across the table. "This is genuinely the most awesome date in the history of dates, and we haven't even started it yet."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You ain't seen nothing yet,"

"No I ain't," I agreed. 

A waiter came in and asked us if we wanted anything to drink. She specifically started talking to Emmett, and I made it obvious that we were dating, as if it weren't before.

"Honey," I said to Em, "What did you say we were going to have?"

Emmett didn't really get what was happening, but he went with it anyways. 

"Anything you want darling," he leaned over and kissed my hand. He seemed to be overdoing it, but I was happy with that. 

"Well it is our one month anniversary today, so let's treat ourselves," I subtly changed the ring I had put on my index to my ring finger and showed it to the waitress. "We just came back from our honeymoon, and wanted a little bit of privacy. I'm not done deciding yet, would you mind coming back later?"

"Yes, of course," she stuttered, and then backed out of the room.

Emmett looked stunned. "What the fuck was that?" He asked. 

"She would not leave you alone," I explained, "There was no possible way she would have backed off if I told her we've only been dating for a month."

"Yeah, but we've been in constant contact with each other," He shot back, "Its basically been three months, and for other people of our kind, that's a lot."

"Em, we can't go telling people we don't sleep and we live forever. Aren't you worried about the vampire cops?" 

"The Volturi," He corrected me.

"I know what they're technically called, I just prefer vampire cops."

We both smiled. I took my ring off of my finger to put it back on my index. 

"You can keep it there if you want," he said, eyeing my hand. 

"Emmett we've been over this, I'm both legally and mentally seventeen. I don't exactly know how old you are, but you're just going to have to wait."

"I was kidding!" He put his hands up in surrender. "Once we get engaged, all the fun goes away."

I rolled my eyes. "You, are one nasty little shit,"

"I'm your nasty little shit," He precised.

We fell silent after a couple of laughs. I looked into his hazel brown eyes, and he bore into my orangey-brown ones. I still had a red tint in them from my transformation. Everything in his eyes screamed happiness, and the same with me. I had found my joy. He was the one I wanted to spend my eternity with, and I was absolutely, 100% sure now. He was my everything. He was my heart, my soul, every part of me was emotionally attached to him, and I loved every second. He was my life.

He was my mate.

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