My Parents

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I was sitting on my useless bed, staring out my window. A couple hundred feet into the forest, a bird was making it's nest and singing a song. I kept humming to it's tune, making a melody from it's harmony. There were other birds around, singing their own tune, but this one was by far the prettiest. Then a loud crack rang out nearby, and the bird flew out of sight.

My head kept spinning. I couldn't do this. I couldn't be a vampire. I had no idea what to do! And now I was dating someone, and everyone knows, and I'm living with a bunch of new people. It was too much. And I couldn't cut myself, or run away, because Edward or Alice would know exactly what I was doing.

I was just about to officially freak out, when a wave of calm came over me. Jasper must have sensed my panic, and done something about it. That was nice. If I couldn't cope my way, I didn't want to have to cope at all.

"Thanks, Jasper," I said, 

"No problem, y/n," I heard his voice from downstairs.

So now I had time to think about the events of the day before. We had a date, and then kissed (It still felt like a dream). Then they came home extremely late, and Emmett and I told them everything. But why were they so late? It bothered me, and I was going to find out.

I ran through the house to find Carlisle, and heard him roaming around in his office.

"Can I come in please?" I asked.

"Of course," he replied.

The room was big for an office. Like my room, the wall facing the door was a window, opening to the forest. The walls surrounding it were adorned witih bookshelves, and the last wall was covered in paintings and pictures from all different times. It almost distracted me. Almost. I looked at him.

"Why did you guys take so long," I said.

"What are you talking about?" he seemed genuinely confused, so I didn't get mad.

"Yesterday, you went to my funeral. I've been to a funeral, and it doesn't take all day," I explained. "Why did it take so long."

He sighed. "We were hoping you wouldn't notice, but at the funeral we saw your parents, and they came up to ask us how we knew you," I gasped, horrified. "We had to drive the opposite direction in the speed limit for a while to throw them off the trail. They were following us."

How dare they. How did they find out where I was? How did they guess who I knew or didn't know? Why did they come up to the Cullen's. I sat down on a chair and closed my eyes. One day, when they were old and I was still a beautiful vampire or whatever, they will regret trying to find me. They will suffer.

"Shit, y/n, don't do that!" Edward came storming into the room, followed by Jasper.

"Goddammit I haven't felt that much hate in a long time," He said.

"Sorry," I apologized. I took a couple deep breaths, and tried to calm myself down. With jasper's gift, it was a lot easier than I thought.

"Silence is the best revenge," Carlisle said wisely.

I rolled my eyes. I knew he was right, but I still wanted to kill them.

"Y/N," Edward said threateningly.

"I can't control my thoughts, Edward." I breathed, "I'm going to talk to Alice. I'll see if she sees me killing or hurting them,"

"Remember, her visions are based off of what you decide to do now," Jasper reminded me. "It might not be useful.

"Thanks, but I'm gonna take that chance," I said.

I stood up and left the room, to head to wherever the vampire-sprite was. Honestly, in the couple of days that I've known her, she was like a ball of energy. Good energy, but energy nonetheless. I found her in the downstairs kitchen, which was completely useless, as none of us ate. She was baking a tray of purple brownies - a miracle- with sprinkles on top.

"Alice how do you know if it tastes good, and who's going to eat it?" I asked.

"One: it doesn't matter if it tastes good because of reason two: Rose and I dared Emmett to eat an entire tray of brownies and he accepted." She grinned, and went back to work

"What happens if you eat?" I said, curious, "I thought we couldn't digest anything."

"Oh, he'll have to throw it up, but he does it all the time. I guess he finds it fun?" she left the sentence on a questioning note.

"Makes sense," I admitted, "But I do have a question for you,"

"Anything," she replied, "I can't wait to hear you ask me. It's going to sound so cool."

Of course she saw this coming. "Could you maybe look into the future and see if I meet my parents again?" I asked. "I was told that silence was the best revenge, but i'm not currently sure that I will be able to contain myself unless I know that I won't."

"Ooh," she awed, "That was good,"

She took a deep breath and did that thing actors do with their hand when getting in character. she then sat down cross legged, closed her eyes, and placed her hands on her knees, as if she were meditating.

"In your future... I see..." she began.

"Alice, cut the bullshit." I said. "I don't know how this works, but I know it doesn't work like that."

She giggled, and stood up. "Ok, ok. It's a fifty-fifty chance that you'll find them. But-" She added, grinning and raising her eyebrows, "The more you hang out with Emmett, the less likely it'll be."

"You're shitting me, right?" I verified, "How can that possibly makes sense.

Her good humour temporarily went away. "I can't really believe it either, but it's true. Emmett's a good guy, and the more you hang out with him, the less likely you'll want to leave him. Emmett won't come with you to help you kill your parents, and he might not even like you as much if you do so, so you'll have to choose between him, or your parents." she explained.

Great. So now my only solution to not being a murderer is to hang out with my boyfriend. Why does that sound so awful? I should be ecstatic that I won't kill anyone and that I get to be with my Emmett. But I really wanted to hurt them!

"YOU'VE GOT TO STOP THINKING THAT Y/N!" Edward yelled at me.

"SHUT UP I'M TRYING MY BEST!" I screeched back.


That shut me up. I wanted to learn, so I thanked Alice and went to find Emmett, to distract myself.

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