Take that, Rosalie

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Alright so I lied about a couple of things. 

One: I wont be doing those one shots for a really long time, firstly because my mental health is deteriorating quickly and there's a bunch of shit going on, and secondly because I've started another book. It's all my own characters, and it's about the first mermaid. It's pretty dark, and there will be smut.

Two: It's not just gonna be another couple of chapters. There's going to be at least five more. I'm finally getting out of a writer's block for this story, and I also don't want to finish.

Aight don't hurt yourself please,

J xoxo.

They're finally giving me some space. I absolutely love the Cullens, but for the last three days, since I made up with Emmett, they wouldn't give us more than thirty seconds of alone time. That's right folks! exactly one week and three day were left until I was leaving with Edward to Volterra.

Edward happily agreed to take me, on the one condition that he got to leave before Aro tried to pull any of his shit on him again. Apparently they've been trying to get Edward and Alice on their little squad for a long time, but they've been rejecting him.

We were in our old room, and Emmett was telling me about all his adventures and experiences before I was here. He couldn't remember  much about his human life, so he focused more on the places he and the rest of the Cullens lived. I wasn't necessarily listening to the words he was saying, but more his voice. 

I was trying to memorize everything about him I could before I had to go. I took notice of everything he did, right up to the little flecks of colours in his eyes. I tried to memorize how his hair felt when I ran my fingers through it, how his hugs felt, strong and warm, how every time I smiled, he did the same. Everything. 

His silky smooth voice was melting my brain, making my thoughts warm and fuzzy as I tried to retain any sliver of resemblance to someone who was paying attention to their boyfriend. 

And then, suddenly, the fuzziness stopped.

I opened my eyes to see Emmett looking at me with a grin. "You might be the first vampire ever to sleep," He said. "And I was the one who made it happen! I guess I am boring."

I slapped his arm playfully, rolling my eyes. "You know that isn't what happened."

"I do. Tell me, aren't you supposed to be the one with mind control gifts?"

We both chuckled, and once we were done, I urged him to continue his story. I really had to focus to not zone out to the sound of his voice again. Every time he would look at me in a certain way, I melted, and he would have to shake me a little to keep paying attention. 

When he was finally finished, I laid down on his arm and closed my eyes. He joined me, and we stayed there together, for a long time, just holding each other, pretending to sleep. Maybe it was beneficial, just relaxing like that, but the only reason I was doing it was to spend some time with hi. 

I ended up zoning out, and my thoughts brought me to the first time I ever saw him in school. I thought he was strong and maybe deadly, didn't I? I thought he wanted to kill me or something. I thought he hated me. Well, to be fair, two out of three of those things are true. He was deadly (just not to me) and he did want to kill me. But I didn't hate me, or at least, I don't think. I didn't hate him. I didn't think he'd actually kill me. Because I'm not dead now. Yet.

We practically spent the entire day in that room, and maybe a little bit of the night too.

I slowly opened my eyes and glanced at the *sleeping* boy next to me. I couldn't believe that I was the one who got him. I was the one he wanted. I was the one that was his true mate. Rosalie might take my place later, but I'd know that he and I were real. Rosalie, the most beautiful girl in the world, a borderline goddess, was my replacement. It gave me a little ego boost.

Take that, Rosalie. 

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