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OML guys 10k reads?!!!

Thank you guys so much for being so supportive with this book! I honestly started writing this because I was bored and needed an outlet for my mental health, an I didn't expect anyone to read this except for my friend. The fact that you guys are enjoying this so much makes me cry, especially since this is my first story and it's about a FUCKING TWILIGHT VAMPIRE!!! (I mean, granted it's one of the hottest ones but still).

These past two years have been really hard on us all and I appreciate each and every single one of you. I log on to my computer every night, excited when even one person reads this, because it means that I have the chance to do to someone what I wish someone had done to me. 

I love you all, and I hope you can endure the next month or two while I get better and write the end!

Anyways thanks guys!



I'll take a page out of Edward's book for a moment, and call my life purgatory. Every single second I couldn't spend with Emmett was torture. I would have to erase his memory in ten. Fucking. Days. And I couldn't even spend half that time with him. He had to go to the fucking school where he would hear teachers talk about things he learnt 80 years ago. In a way, I was kind of glad I was dying, so I didn't half to spend eternity like that

It wasn't the absolute worst thing in the world though, because most of the time I had Esme. She would distract me by baking things with me that would jut go in the trash or Emmett's stomach, or by teaching me new things that she had learnt over the years. I was able to pick it up fairly quickly as Esme was a brilliant teacher. She never made me feel stupid, she never made me feel sad, and she never made me talk about anything I didn't want to.

There was one awkward moment during the day when I accidentally called her mom. She was teaching me on how to calculate some shit that I didn't understand when I dropped the M bomb on her. She had looked up at me from the paper we were looking at and smiled, looking like she had just won an award. I quickly apologized, and returned to the paper that was in front of me, letting my hands fall under the table we were at to fidget with my fingers.

It was true that Esme was more of a mother figure than I had seen in five years, but I didn't want to get attached or get her hopes up a week before I'd never see her again. I didn't want to get my hopes up.

After that moment, I promised myself I wouldn't make any more mistakes like that again.

It wasn't until night arrived where my mood shot up like a firework, when everyone got home and I would get to see them all again. 

In all honesty, I wished the time would slow down to half it's pace. It felt like a minute was a second and a day was an hour. Time flies when you really don't want it to, doesn't it? 

Emmett and I didn't spend too much time alone, mostly because I wanted to spend time with the rest of the Cullens. After all, they took me in and treated me as family when they didn't need to. They offered me the safest place I had ever had, asking for nothing in return. It only seemed fair to me that I would enjoy my time with them as much as possible, and savour every moment.

Rosalie was fine, and so were Edward and Jasper most of the time, but Alice really got emotional, and that was with Jas controlling her emotions. She would go from smiling and laughing to sobbing on the floor practically in a minute, and then stand up and re-enter the conversation as if nothing ever happened. To each their own mourning, I guess.

The only person I didn't see too much was Carlisle, who was working almost 24/7. It gave me a newfound respect or not only him, but human doctors. Carlisle didn't need any sleep, but the other doctors did, and they worked almost the same hours as him. How in the world could they do that, and why would they willingly do that?

I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm getting distracted. I was talking about not wanting anything to move too quickly, and to mourning, right?

It was 3 days before I left. Well, 3 days, 5 hours and 23 minutes to be precise. Edward was planning to leave at exactly 9pm, so it was 3:37. Everyone had come back from school almost an hour ago and we were watching a game on the television. Alice was curled up next to jasper, same as me and Emmett, and Edward was on the floor in between all of us. Rose and Esme were curled up on another couch, under a comfy blanket. Emmett would flinch a little every time a team scored a goal, trying not to throw me off of him by cheering. 

I wasn't really paying attention to the teams. I was memorizing each feature of my family members.

I was looking at Esme's kind eyes, the colour almost exact to all the others but somehow so unimaginably different. She had eyes that invited you in, no matter who, or where. The kind that would look at you with motherly eyes even if you were strangers. 

I was looking at Alice's mischievous yet innocent smile, looking at Jasper. Her smile could tell you hundreds and thousands of words without saying anything. The one that made anyone smile right back. 

I was looking at Jasper, his scars and bite marks not making a difference in his beauty. I was looking at the light reflecting off of him, highlighting his past and his struggles, yet making him beautiful not despite, but alongside his scars.

I was looking at Rosalie. Not anything specific, because as long as I was looking at one of her features, the others screamed for attention. It was impossible to find a non-beautiful part of her, and every time her smile went your way it made her so much more gorgeous.

I looked at Edward, whose mind felt so cluttered and panicked. I sympathized with him for a moment, imagining how hard it must be to constantly hear everyone's thoughts without cease. While being so busy inside, he managed to be a beautiful, calm person outside.

And mostly I looked at Emmett. I looked at his eyes that glanced between me and the tv, I felt his arm around me squeeze a little every time his eyes met mine. I saw the corners of his lips tilt upwards every once in a while and his chest moving softly, so calm.

I had three days with them. If I was going to die - or whatever they were going to do - I want to go out knowing my family. Not my blood family, because they have never been anything close to good, but my chosen family. My found family. I loved them, and I belonged there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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