Waking up

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The burning sensation was slowly fading from my fingertips, and getting worse in my chest. A hundred daggers were on fire, stabbing my chest. I tried to focus on the parts of my body that were no longer in pain, but it only amplified my torso's torture. 

Soon my shins and palms were fine, and my chest felt like it was no longer a part of my body, burnt so much I was surprised it hadn't completely evaporated. Life got more and more painful, and I almost wanted to go back to my old life. Almost. 

For as much pain I was in, as far gone as I felt, I would rather go through this than have to continue my life believing I was a mistake. I hated this, but I hated my old life more. And I know lots of people have it worse, but for me, nothing worse could happen to me - unless my parents found me again. That would be hell. 

Another couple of hours, and my wrists and lower forearms were painless, my chest in unimaginable pain. Soon everything except my torso was fine. The fire burning in my chest had reached it's climax, and I heard a sing song voice yell out "They're almost ready." but it wasn't a yell, it was just her speaking normally. I could just hear it impeccably. Maybe this was some sort of weird vampire thingy?

Ew. I couldn't be a vampire, vampires didn't exist. Then again, the surreal pain in my chest immediately contradicted my thoughts. So, if I was a vampire, what did that include? Extra clear hearing was one of them I guess, but was that it? Every Cullen was inhumanely beautiful, Emmett included, so did that mean I would be too? Would my scars be gone? So many questions! 

The pain suddenly stopped, and I opened my eyes.

Super vision was apparently one of my new things, because absolutely everything was perfectly clear, from a single skin cell on my hand, to the speck of dust across the room, to the people standing next to me.

There were seven people around me, two of them I didn't recognize. Jasper was holding Alice's hand, looking very happy. Edward was far back, looking as if he pitied me. The two strangers were directly next to my left hip, the woman having an unimaginably content face. Rosalie was next to Edward, a little disappointed - maybe that I woke up? And Emmett, looking a billion times more beautiful than the last I saw him, was on the right side of the bed I was on.

And that's when I realized my body. I was gorgeous! I was also right, my cuts had completely disappeared, along with any colour I ever had in my skin. My body had  beautiful shape, the ones models have and normal people die for, and I was dressed in the most gorgeous clothes I had ever worn. 

I was petrified. This was too much, I couldn't handle this. This was too much pressure, no one would talk to me, I practically died for a few days! I ran to the corner of the room in a millisecond, and curled my lips, ready for attack. I was a vampire now, and I guess super speed was something I had. 

"Jasper, calm them down." Edwards voice came in a relaxed tone, yet worried for me, as if he could see what I was thinking. 

"What did you do to me? I'm a monster!" I couldn't handle this, I wouldn't be able to. I would have to go away from the public eye, never to be seen again. Rosalie, the girl with the blond hair, spoke up.

"I knew this was going to be the reaction. I don't know how you could be so stupid Emmett!"

"I lost control!" Emmett said, panicking, "If you knew the way they smelt to me, this conversation would be completely different. And may I remind you that if we hadn't seen that blue sedan a few miles before Forks, none of this would have happened!"

That was weird. That was the same type of car that my parents had. What was their licence plate?

Edward responded with the exact licence plate, without me voicing my thoughts.


Edward laughed a little. "I can read minds. It's a gift. That's why I was constantly looking up at you at school."

"Putting aside that you can READ MINDS, do you hear everything people think? Or just some things..." Edward nodded and I knew that he meant he knew about my Emmett thoughts. "I swear if you tell anyone anything I will murder you."

Everyone looked annoyed, save Emmett, who was just curious. The silence brought me back to the licence plate number, and my parents car. If Emmett didn't turn me, or whatever, I would've had to go back with them.

"That was my mom and dad's car," I said quietly, "I ran away from home, and they were trying to find me. You've as good as saved my life, even if it's this weird, superhuman, vampire life that you've got going on here."

I didn't think they were expecting that given the shocked faces around the room, but Emmett looked like he was going to faint from relief. 

"Great. The newbie vampire hasn't figured out anything yet but is glad to give up their life for a bunch of strangers." Rosalie had gotten over the surprise and now looked annoyed.

A sudden fire moved through my throat and I was suddenly scared the firy transformation wasn't over. 

"It's just thirst, y/n," Edward said, "Emmett, why don't you take them hunting?"

"What if they don't want to hunt animals though?" Jasper's southern accent voiced.

That made me angry. "I refuse to hurt anyone. Emmett, please take me eating, or drinking, or whatever you want to call it."

Saying his name gave me butterflies in the stomach, and Edward and Jasper shared a grin.

"I don't know what kind of freaky power you have cowboy but I swearm, you tell anyone anything and you wont be able to say anything in any kind of accent ever again."

Everyone turned to look at me. I wasn't usually the confrontational type, but if anyone said anything about me and my private thoughts, I wouldn't be so sweet.

"Alright then," the woman who I didn't know said, "Y/N and Emmett will go hunting!"

She looked at me like I was her child, and for once, that didn't scare me.

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