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"Well this was not the right time to come in unannounced," Edwards voice rang through the room from the now open door frame. 

Bullshit. He definitely knew we were kissing, he could read minds for fuck's sake.

I pulled away from Emmett - one of the hardest things I've done - and arranged my face to look calm and pretty. I would not get mad at Edward. He was family now, and I didn't want to murder this family. I would be sweet.

"Edward, you lied to me, multiple times. You had told Emmett how I felt in Spanish, you then proceeded to tell me you never said anything. Now you've pretended that you didn't know exactly what was going on in this room before you came in." I could see from the corner of my eyes that Emmett was enjoying this, but definitely didn't plan to involve himself. "Now, you will stop lying to me, brother dear, and forget that you saw anything in this room."

Emmett laughed. Edward, however, stood frozen, looked me dead in the eyes, and nodded. Weird. That was exactly what Rosalie did. Edward shook his head, just like Rosalie, and turned away, about to go out. Then he stopped dead, and whipped his head in my direction. 

"What did you just do?" he asked, a little panicked.

"I don't know, I tried to be calm, and you just did what I said. It's not my fault you're so prone to influence."

Emmett chuckled, but Edward wasn't so assured.

"Carlisle, come here for a second," he whispered, and in a second, Carlisle was there.

I wasn't appreciating the lack of privacy, and wanted to go back to kissing the boy beside me, but that seemed impossible now. Funnily enough, Emmett looked slightly disappointed as well, although not as much as me, and probably not for the same reasons. 

"What's the problem?" Carlisle said.

"Nothing, Dr. Cullen," I responded, "I think Edwards just a little paranoid."

"Call me Carlisle, y/n," he turned to Edward. "What did you say was the problem?"

"I interrupted them, and when they told me to go away and forget it, I did. I can't exactly explain it. It's like they hypnotized me."

Emmett looked bored. "How is that possible? I don't think it is with Carlisle hypothesis on how gifts work."

Oops. I didn't tell them. I guess now was the time to come clean.

"Actually," I interrupted, "When I was human, I was pretty good at charming people into getting my way, which, now that I think about it, is kind of manipulation."

They all goggled at me, like I just confessed to a murder. 

"See?" Edward said, "They can hypnotize people. God Aro's going to be chasing our tales."

Carlisle still looked hesitant. "Y/N, why don't you try getting us to do something, and we'll see if it works.

My face lit up. I would take full advantage of this situation, and my smiled showed it. I stood up, faced Emmett, and with a straight face, told him,

"Do the splits."

Nothing happened. Emmett kept looking at me. He finally gave up and looked at Edward and Carlisle.

"See?" he said, imitating Edward, "Nothing happened."

"If I may propose an idea," Carlisle said, "Y/N said they were good at charming people. So wouldn't it only work if they were trying to charm them?"

"Okay," I said, more to myself than to them, "I'll try."

I took another deep breath, but on the sweetest, most doe eyed expression possible, and said in my kindest voice:

"Emmett, honey, do a back flip for me please."

He stood up, and in a little jump, back-flipped like it was as easy as snapping his fingers.

"See?" Edward said, once again, "A hypnotist."

"Holy shit!" Emmett yelled, "That's just as good as your gift, if not better, Edward!"

Edward stuttered and they started discussing. Not arguing necessarily, more like two brothers bickering. I was too chocked to participate. I knew I could be quite convincing, but I didn't think I would turn out to be a vampire hypnotist. Of course, no one expects that. I was having a hard time thinking, so I decided to put my new found gift to good use.

"Carlisle, Edward, would you boys please be kind enough and leave the room, just to give me a little privacy?" I specifically omitted Emmett. One, because I can't kick him out of his own room, and two, because I didn't want him to leave. 

The discussion I had with Emmett was ringing in my head. The one where he told me that our kind stay together for life, and that our emotions don't change easily. If he really did like me, did that mean it was possible for us to be... mates? I really liked him, almost to the point of falling in love, and if he didn't like me back, it'd be a pretty devastating eternity.

Once both of them had left the room, I drooped myself onto the couch and closed my eyes. Physically, I felt like I could destroy a plane, but mentally, I was exhausted. I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths. 

"You good?" Emmett asked, "You don't look good."

"Such a gentleman," I responded. "I'll be fine. My mind control powers have sucked all my energy. Don't make a sucking joke please."

"And to think, I had a hundred dirty jokes lined up, ready to fire."

We both chuckled at our sarcasm. I took another deep breath, and then sat up straight.

"There we are!" he laughed, "Now, where were we?"

So it wasn't a dream, or a joke. We did actually kiss, and judging by his reaction, he liked it too.

"We were enjoying each other's company, and then we got interrupted. Now I think I'm thirsty."

As soon as I said it, I knew it was true, and my throat started to burn. 

"Looks like the baby bear doesn't do much in the long term," he grinned, "I'll take you again then, on one condition."

"And what's that?" I demanded. I was going through all the possible requests he could have. No hypnosis on him, some house boundaries, help with a prank or something?

He continued. "You'll go on a date with me. A real one, without Edward or Alice being able to know everything."

What? Was that really his condition? If so, it was a win-win for me. I didn't have time to think about it any further, because the fire in my throat was getting a little unbearable.

"Yes, of course I'll go on a date with you."

He smiled, seemingly genuinely pleased, and off we ran.

My Favourite Scar (Emmett Cullen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now