Spending Time

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Carlisle set out for work, while Edward, Rose, Alice and Jasper left for school. It was just me, Em, and Esme, and Esme had to go hunt, so we were alone. I went to go up to find Emmett in his room, but I remembered what Alice had told me before she left.

"Remember," she reminded me, "When I said you should spend more time with Emmett, I did not just mean make out with him. You've only known each other for three days. Get to know one another."

"I expect Edward's told him everything about me," I told her, "I think we know each other pretty well."

"No. He knows you pretty well." She said. "You barely know anything." she turned to leave, and then stopped herself. "Get to know him, then you can kiss."

And with that, the Cullens had left.

I took a deep breath, and said to myself: Learn, then kiss, before continuing my route to Em's room. He was in his room, a baseball game playing on his TV, throwing a ball and running across the room to catch it.

 "Looks a little sad," I remarked. "Want a partner?"

He grinned, then put his hand on his heart. "How dare you? I'm dating someone already. In fact they're in this room right now."

"Idiot," I retorted, "Can I throw the ball with you?"

He nodded, and try to throw the ball passed me. Without blinking or moving my head or eyes, I shot my arm out to the side and caught it. In return, I threw it just to the side of his head, so it barely grazed his ear. He let it pass him, and then stretched his arm back to grab it. 

"Competitive," he smirked.

"I could say the same about you,"

We kept throwing hard balls to catch, and each and every time, we succeeded to get a hold of it. Of course, that only made us more competitive, and Emmett ended up breaking the glass case that was protecting his baseball equipment, so we decided to put a stop to the game. I looked around his room out of boredom and was reminded of his very green walls. 

"Is green your favourite colour?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said, "That and brown,"

"Why brown and green?" 

"It's nature's colours," He responded, "Plus, brown is the colour of grizzlies."

Curiosity consumed me. "What's your deal with bears?" I wondered.

"It's my origin story of some sorts," he laughed, "I was almost killed by a grizzly on a camping trip, when Rose there saved me, and Carlisle changed me. I'll forever be grateful to them for that."

"Yeah I talked to Rosalie a couple days ago, and she basically said the same thing," I chuckled in embarrassment, and Em seemed to notice.

"What are you laughing about?" he asked.

He would know sooner or later. Edward would tell him if I didn't.

"I was told when I was human that you two had feelings for each other a while back, and I guess I was a little jealous." I admitted

He leaned in closer. "You really like me, don't you."

I loved him. I loved him with every fiber of my being, but I didn't want to be the first to say it. What if it wasn't reciprocated? I didn't want to be that person. I also didn't trust my words, so instead of saying anything, I just nodded. He smiled.

"Good," he curled his fingers in my hair with one hand, and his other went to my chin, lifting it up so I was looking into his eyes. "Because now I can do this,"

I know what I should be doing. Alice's voice rang through my head. Learn, then kiss. I shouldn't. I needed to learn more about him. I didn't want to kill anyone. But... to be fair, I did learn the reason behind his favourite colours, and his obsession with bears, and how competitive he was. That was three things. I considered that enough.

He smashed his lips against mine, and moved his hand from my chin to my lower back, and pulled me closer to him, our bodies pressed together. My arms wrapped around his neck, and he lifted me up so we were the same height. I wrapped my legs around his waist a little forcefully, and he tumbled a little and ended up falling on the bed, although he was strong enough to keep himself sitting up.

"Sorry," I  laughed, "I don't know my own strength sometimes."

"Don't apologize," he said, repositioning himself to a better position.

His hand traveled from my hair to my face, cupping my cheek for a second, then moved down to my neck, tracing lines and circles all the way down my back to join his other hand. As if they were switching roles, the previous hand on my back travelled to my waist, before resting on the back of my thigh. Honestly, anyone could walk in, anyone could be reading my thoughts or emotions, I wouldn't care in the slightest.

A/N) Sorry guys I'm ust realizing that this is a lot more feminine than I intended it to be, but i'm a more fem presenting non-binary, so sometimes it's a little harder to make things more masc. Also, you are a sub in this story, and are shorter than Emmett. I will be posting more often now, but normally during the weekdays it'll be less.


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