Finish Line

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Esme entered the house, looking as untouched as when she left. Emmett and I always looked like we were attacked when we came back from hunting. Why didn't anyone else? She came in, saw the empty tray of brownies, and looked at Em, who was sitting next to me, watching whatever was on the news. We were watching a game, but Alice saw who was going to win, and Edward spoiled it for us.

"Why, darling," She sighed, "Why?"

Emmett lifted his hands in surrender. "Y/N wanted to do it with me,"

"That's what she said," I whispered. 

"What the fuck y/n!" Edward exclaimed.

Emmett laughed, which caused him to almost throw up.

"Damn it!" I huffed, "I really thought that would work."

I snuggled into his lap while he threw his arm around me, drawing circles on my shoulder. 

"Alright," Rose sighed, "This is getting boring, someone throw up."

I was definitely not going to barf first, and I was feeling very unwell. I suddenly had an idea.

"Jas, you can make us feel sick, right?" I asked.

He stuttered a little. "I mean, I guess theoretically I could, but I've never really tried."

"Well," Rose said, "Try!"

Jasper closed  his eyes and reached his hands out for us to take. "It'll work better if I have contact with you," he said. We gave him our hands and made funny faces to each other. I finished the battle by miming him throwing up and me being victorious, and he chuckled and gagged, almost losing. 

"Ok," he said, "it should work right now,"

And as soon as he said so, I felt a wave of nausea hit me, getting stronger and stronger as the seconds passed. I was now clutching my stomach and holding back my gags. I could feel Emmett shuddering next to me, and suddenly his hand tore off of Jasper's and he was gone to the bathroom. 

"Yes!" I screamed, "That's a point fo-" My cheers were interrupted by my brownies making its second appearance, and I had just made it out to the river a couple hundred feet away before throwing up. It was the most horrible experience in my entire half-life.

I finished up, then walked back to the house. Emmett and the others were waiting for me.

"Did you puke?" Em asked.

"No, I just wanted to see the beautiful river," I said sarcastically.

Edward grinned, "Well then, that's a point for Emmett," 

That wasn't right. He went to the bathroom to throw up. I won. I should've gotten that point.

They saw my confused face. "I only pretended to go to the washroom," Emmett explained, "Once I heard you leave, I came back. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to throw up for real."

No way that was fair. Absolutely no way. He couldn't cheat like that! Then again, I would have probably done the same thing if I had the idea first. 

Emmett came back, and I came up to him and whispered sweetly.

"You tricked me," I said, "You cheated. You shouldn't have done that, and you will pay for it. Now, because you can't help but use your gift in the fight, I get to use mine. Don't worry, I'll play fair. But do be prepared."

And with that, I skipped outside to the back. There were a good fifty feet of flat earth before the forest started, and I stood in the middle, waiting for the rest. They came, and Edward, Rose, Jasper, and Esme stood a couple feet away from the house, while Em and Alice came up to meet me. 

"Rules," she stated, "One: don't kill each other. Two: first one who falls to the ground loses. Three:" she looked at me, "Do not use your powers to win automatically. You can't force him to lay on the ground, to not attack you, to stay still, or anything like that. Good luck."

Rule number three was a little frustrating, but I had a plan anyways that didn't require any of those things.

"Alright," Alice said a little farther away, "And... FIGHT!"

We circled around each other for a few seconds before Emmett lunged at me. I avoided him, and turned to face him. He looked like he was having lots of fun. I couldn't help but be happy myself. Emmett's good mood was so contagious. He lunged at me again, and I flipped in the air so he would miss me. 

This went on a couple more times, before I started my plan. I stood straight, looked him in the eyes and talked to him charmingly.

"Em, honey, can you kiss me please?" I asked. I only half used my gift, because I knew I didn't really need to, but I wanted to make sure anyways.

He rolled his eyes and grinned before my charm had any effect, then stood straight, nodded, and walked up to me. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled myself up so we were on the same height. I pressed my lips against his for a second, making the moment last as long as possible, and then put my hands on his chest and slammed him to the ground. 

"And Y/N wins!" Alice exclaimed. 

Emmett shook out of it and grinned at me. "Cheater" he called me.

I helped him up. "I could say the same about you. At least you enjoyed my cheating though."

"Yes, I did," he admitted, "Can you cheat again?" 

He leaned in closer and puckered his lips.

"You've had enough kissing for now," I joked. I put my hand on his lips to block him, and skipped to Alice. "Does this mean we're tied?" I asked?

"I guess," she said, "But that's good enough for everyone here. No one has ever tied with Emmett in these sorts of things."

Esme approached us. "Carlisle will be home any second, we should go inside,"

Everyone went in the house, and I stayed behind with Emmett. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, but he pulled me in and kissed me on the lips before I could protest. I wouldn't have protested though. 

"We can say that you won," he whispered, before running into the house.

I couldn't help but admiring him.

That was my boyfriend.

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