Ready, Set, GO!

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The sound from the engine of the Volvo interrupted us once again. They were back from school I went to get off of Em's bed, and this time, he didn't struggle to let me go. Instead, he flopped down on his bed.

"Every time!" he sighed.

"Em, we've been kissing since noon, and to me, there was no sign of stopping any time soon. They would have to come in the house some day."

He pouted a little. "Yeah, but I was hoping they'd all decided to leave us and start a new life."

I leaned over him for a moment, and gave him a small kiss on the nose, and then lips, before standing back up and giving him my hand. We made it downstairs at the same time Alice came tumbling through the door. 

"Oh my gosh," she said, "I was so hung up on y/n and all the drama that we forgot to do the brownies!"

I had completely forgotten about the purple, sprinkled brownies. Emmett had made a deal that he would eat an entire tray. Even though we can't digest anything.

"Em, are you really going to do this?" I asked. I didn't really want him to purposely get sick.

"Yeah, sometimes I can still taste the sweetness of deserts," he said melancholy. 

I really felt bad, and rubbed his shoulder. "Aw Em, I'm so sorry, I-"

Edward chuckled, trying to hide it with his hand, and Rose scoffed.

"Emmett stop lying," she said, "Y/N, he just likes being an idiot."

"Alas," he replied, hanging his head, "T'is true. I completely adore being a dumb ass,"

I still didn't like the thought of my boyfriend eating an entire brownie tray, able or unable to digest it. So, there was one thing left for me to do.

"Count me in," I stepped up to the kitchen table.

"You're actually going to do this?" Rose and Alice said at the same time. 

Alice looked around at her unmoved crowd. "Oh come on guys, I've been practicing that line the entire day!"

"I know," Edward replied, "I heard you. And they are serious guys, They don't want Emmett eating an entire tray alone." He paused, looked at me, and continued. "Also, it might be fun."

"I can speak for myself, thank you," I turned temporarily to Edward, and then to Emmett. "Are we going to eat this before eternity ends or what?"

He jogged up to the chair beside me, and Alice ran upstairs and came down wearing a crop top and ripped jeans, with a checkered flag in her hand.

"Alright, we're changing the rules a little because for a first, there's two."

Emmett got a little upset, "Woah, each and every one of you tried to compete with me but you all gave up."

"That's because we don't enjoy the taste of food, nor the taste of vomit." Jasper replied.

"Settle down guys!" Alice yelled, as she cut the brownie try in half. "First one to finish their half wins, and gets a point. Last one to barf it up wins, and gets another point. To finish it up, once all contestants have puked it up, there will be a fight between you two, and the one with the most points wins."

"Easy enough," Emmett stared at me. "Good luck kiss?"

I placed my forehead on his before whispering in a low tone. "You've had enough kissing for today." I turned to face Rosalie. "No cheating during the fight."

She rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Ready," Alice started, "Set," I winked at Emmett, "GO!"

I dug into the brownie with my hands, and shoved the food in my mouth. It was absolutely disgusting. It had the consistency of mashed potatoes, and it had the flavour of shit. 

"Was wong?" Emmett said, mouth full, "Fot it wod tast gud?"

I swallowed the gross mush, and shoved another handful in my mouth. If I still had a gag reflex, I would not be capable to swallow this. 

I took a deep breath, blurred my vision, and zoned out. It was one of my many tools when I needed to escape, and trust me, I needed to escape right now. 

I don't remember what happened for the next thirty seconds or so, but when I came back, the tray was empty and Emmett was wiping his face. 

"Who won this round?" I asked. 

"You don't remember?" Alice wondered.

I explained my zoning out.

"THAT'S WHAT THAT WAS!" Jasper and Edward said together. They apparently sensed my bland mind.

"It was a tie," Rose said, bored. "Literally, you finished the brownies at the exact same time." 

"Yeah, but now you have to keep it down," Emmett grinned. As soon as he said that, my stomach started to grumble, and I felt sick. "It's kicking in," he announced to the rest of us.

"You. Fucking. Wish." I said, and stood up to head to the couch to watch some TV or something.

"Damn," Jasper muttered, "He's finally got some competition."

My Favourite Scar (Emmett Cullen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now