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"It's been a week," Edward said. "Why the hell are they already coming?"

"That's what she said," Emmett whispered in my ear, which made me laugh. 

"It's only Jane and Alec right now," Alice mentioned, "If they had come to punish you, there would be Aro and a group of witnesses."

"Because me gifts are so irresistible," I joked. "I mean, look at Emmett. He doesn't even like me, I've just tricked him."

I pecked him on the cheek and put his arm around my shoulder, smiling. I knew no one was very happy about my potential death, but I really wasn't scared of a bunch of thousand year old men.

There was a knock at the door, and the whole room went silent. Since no one moved, I opened the door. Two teenagers were in front of the door. Both looked about thirteen. they were wearing dark robes, so I guessed they were emo or something. I'm don't have the best logic.

"Hi there, how can I help you?" I welcomed them.

Jasper grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "That's Jane and Alec. They are unimaginably dangerous."

My face went blank and I let them in. They both looked as if they wanted to kill me, but couldn't.

"Carlisle," Jane acknowledged him, "Aro sais hi. Same to you Alice."

 Her face was so serious it was hard to like her. I wouldn't like her anyways, but now I didn't even want to try. Alec looked bored.

"Aro would like you to meet him in Volterra in two months time. It's not optional." She smiled coldly.

"Honey you are twelve years old and are telling me what to do?" I laughed. "Yeah right."

Rosalie tried to cover my mouth to stop myself from saying that but it was too late. Jane stared into my eyes and, although I tried, I couldn't look away from her blood red ones. 

"Pain," She muttered. A sudden jolt of agony ran through my body and I fell to the floor in pain. It was all I could do to not scream out in pain. I was reminded of my transformation, but not as bad. I tried to concentrate on how horrible the transformation was, to lessen the hurt.

"Fuck you," I managed to say, smiling a little psychopathically. She stopped when Alec put his hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Slap yourself," I said sweetly. Her face went blank and her hand hit her face.

"Oh you didn't," Jane got pissed. 

"Oh fuck yeah I did, tween," I called her. Emmett stepped in front of me and Carlisle and Esme intervened.

"Okay why don't we calm down," Esme smiled, "I think we just got off on the wrong foot,"

"No," Jane growled at me, "I think Aro will be interested to know how special y/n seems to be."

"I don't think that's necessary," Carlisle stepped in front of me next to Emmett. I got the feeling I had made a mistake insulting her.

Jane looked past them to stare at me. "Volterra, two months, noon." Then she and Alec ran out the door.

"So," I said awkwardly, "That went well,"

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