Hunts and Conversations

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"Holy shit I'm fast!"

All I heard was Emmett chuckling besides me as we ran into the forest behind their house they took me to. He seemed in a much better mood since I became happy that I wasn't human anymore. I thought maybe he had started to like me. As a friend of course. No one could like me any other way.

We finally stopped, and I asked him the question I had been building myself the courage to ask him since I found out Edward had powers.

"Why did your brothers get powers?" 

"Most of us do. Carlisle, our father figure thinks we all bring our most prominent trait into our new body and amplifies it. For Edward, he was good at figuring people out, so he can read minds now. Jasper was very charismatic so he can control emotions. Alice, we don't know what kind of   had before, but she can sort of see the future. And I, well I have super strength."

"Don't we all?" I asked ripping a small tree from the ground. The fact that I actually could do that shocked me. I was just joking before.

"I have SUPER super strength," He smiled. "But right now, you're probably stronger than me. Newborns still have lots of human blood in them, which makes them stronger. It'll fade after a year or so."

"Does everyone get a power?"

"We call them gifts, and no. Rosalie is just extra pretty, and Esme, that's the woman you saw in the house, she's super kind. She's our mother figure, and Carlisle's mate.

"Mate," I said sarcastically, "What are we, animals?"

"We call them mates because they're sort of our forever partners. Vampires emotions don't change easily, so when you love someone you never unlove them."

"Why did you say forever like that," I asked, "It freaks me out."

He looked like he didn't want to tell me this, scared of my reaction. "We don't age, and we don't die."

"Holy shit, really?" I would be seventeen forever!

He smiled and nodded. 

We travelled a little further through the forest before Emmett forced me to stop, and made me close my eyes and listen to the surroundings. I could hear everything. The sound of each leaf hitting the ground the ants crawling in the dirt, the birds chirping a mile away. It was all so beautiful. I also heard an animal walking near. A large one, probably a grizzly bear by the sound of it, and a baby one as well.

I sprinted towards the sound of their footsteps but Emmett made it there before me and took the mother bear out. Desperate I took the closest thing near me, the baby bear, and attacked.

So sweet. I didn't think there was any kind of food that could satisfy my thirst as much as this, but anyone who wasn't drinking this bear right now was really missing out.

Emmett looked at me when he was done with his bear. "You really know how to suck," he laughed at his own joke.

"Ha ha, not funny. This bear is so good!" I said

"Why the baby bear?" He replied, "I've never tried one but it can't be better than a grown bear." 

"You are seriously missing out. I think I'm full"

"Nice joke, let's keep hunting now, that was good for your first prey."

I stopped him as he tried to run off. Touching him was the most exhilarating feeling of my entire life.

"I'm serious. That baby bear was so sweet I don't think I could swallow anything more."

Emmett let out a chuckle, "Wow. No swallowing?"

"Oh my god you have such inappropriate humour," I sad, although secretly I was happy. No one ever had such a dirty mind, and it was cool to finally joke around with someone.

We shared a laugh and headed back home. I call it home because that's what they all made me call it when we came back. I guess I was living here now? That suited me perfectly. I didn't have a home, and Esme and Carlisle seemed to welcome me with open arms.

I spent the rest of the day talking with Carlisle and Emmett, and they taught me all about vampires, and the rules. Like, who would've known that there were Italian vampire police, waiting to kill any vampire who made themselves known? And why didn't we sleep, or get hurt easily? And why were we all so goddamn beautiful?

I learnt that Rosalie, the blond and beautiful one, liked cars a lot, and was working on a BMW right now, whilst Edward was listening to some classical music, which he apparently liked. Jasper used to be a confederate soldier (blarg) and was hanging out with Alice, who was designing my new wardrobe. Carlisle told me he was a doctor, and Esme was a really good architect (she was designing my room for me, although I would have rather shared a room with someone else), and Emmett was just a fun loving, strong guy, who was always trying to get his siblings to fight with him. I admired him a little. Knowing that you would be living a half life for eternity could probably get a little depressing, but he was taking advantage of every moment. I promised myself I would try to do that as well.

"Alright," I said, looking at the time, "I should probably go to bed." I walked to the door to go to my car when Emmett grabbed my arm, sending happy shivers down my spine.

"One: you don't sleep anymore. Two: You don't have to live in that car anymore either. Remember, you're a part of our family now." He said.

"Esme should be almost done your room'" Carlisle said. He noticed I looked surprised. "Super speed, remember?"

This would take a while to get used to.

A/N)   The last chapters were a little long, but i'm happy about them. I made Emmett inappropriate because he canonically says the most dirtiest jokes ever and I love him for that.. Also I'M still welcoming Ideas because I find mine shitty.

Get some sleep, like I should be doing, 

J xoxo

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