A Month

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Life was good. No, life was great. I spent most of my time with Emmett and Esme. She was designing the new house we'd have to move to in a few years, maybe even sooner now that I was here, so she didn't come out of her room very much. Edward kept teaching me piano, and I had finished learning most of the scales, and a couple simple songs. We practiced every Wednesday and Friday after he had school, while Esme watched and listened, humming and swaying to the music. Then, Edward would play a song that he dedicated to Esme. It was beautiful, and I hoped that one day I'd be able to play like that. 

Rose taught me a couple things about cars, and helped me improve mine, which they kindly saved for me. I helped her fix up the dents and faults in my car, and even built me a new engine. Rose was cool. She was direct when she talked. Never beat around the bush. And I loved her I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude. 

Jasper and I would talk. He was id of like my therapist, and I was his. He told me about his experience before and after he got bitten, and in return I talked to him about my family. It was a lot easier to talk to him than anyone else, because whenever things got too emotional, he would calm me down, and whenever he got worked up, I would charm him into taking some deep breaths and calming down. 

Carlisle kept looking at my scar every now and then, but I don't think he got any farther than the first time. He would bring me to his office, and take notes. I once tried to peek at them, but they were quite literally scribbles to me, probably another language or something. 

Alice kept changing my wardrobe. Normally she had to make everything pale and bland to blend in with the rest of the school, but since Emmett and I weren't going, she got to experiment. I normally would have said no, but an eternity of this was starting to sound boring, and I wanted to make it less so for Alice.

And then there was Emmett. We'd spend most of our day talking, playing, and, my favourite activity, kissing. I tried to learn as much about him as possible, and spend quality time with him, so we play fought a lot. It would always end with either him or me trying to distract the other one until we could win, and I finally made a promise that I wouldn't charm him at all. That was okay, because I found a way to distract him without my gift. If I gave him a doe eyed look, smirked, and bit my lip, he would immediately get preoccupied and I'd be able to win. I won most of the time.

I went hunting with him as well for the most part. We'd go during the day time, and come back a minute or two after the rest came back from school. Sometimes Esme would join, but she preferred to go hunting with Carlisle, and we only went hunting with Carlisle if our schedules synchronized which was rare. 

I still hadn't gotten used to grown animal blood, but Emmett kept reminding me that we had to think of the food chain and how harsh our hunting habits could be towards it, so I wasn't allowed any cubs. I knew that sounded a little creepy and wrong, but I didn't really care. 

I had been a vampire for a month, and the school year was coming to a close, which meant that Emmett and I would no longer have consistent privacy (Esme was away in her room designing and redesigning our home). We decided that while they had their last day of school we would have a big, blowout date. One that would conquer all the other dates anyone had ever had. For this reason, he thought it would be even more spectacular if I didn't know what we were going to do. I tried to point out that it was stereotypical for one person to not know what was going to happen, but he said "That's the point, it's so blatantly predictable and obvious that it's perfect!" I had no idea what he meant by that, but I went along with it anyways.

So everyone knew but me. Edward and Alice could see it. I definitely did not trust Alice to keep a secret, so at least Jasper would have been told. Emmett probably asked someone for help, and the word must have spread through the house. By the time the day had come, everyone was staring at me like I was going to be proposed to today. I would've been worried about that, but I made it clear to Emmett that he was not to try and get us engaged. Vampire or not, I was not ready to get married. 

When they all left to the Volvo, Alice turned and gave me a thumbs up before skipping out of the room, Edward wiggled his eyebrows at us (apparently he was in a good mood), and Rose just walked out of the door, not bothering to say anything. I would have to thank her one day, she really took the drama out of certain things. Esme winked at us and said she had to go off to hunt, but Emmett told her she didn't need to leave and that we would be going soon. 

"Alright," I said, "Cut the bullshit, I want to know where the fuck we're going,"

"We are going to a place," he responded, "A place that will host the most perfect date in the history of dates,"

I was expecting a lot, and was not happy. There shouldn't be anyone doing anything too much for me, I didn't like it. Nothing was worse than me being in the front of the stage, and even worse if I was the only one on it. 

"If you want to get on with the date before the others get back, we should get going," He said, at the door. 

I took a deep breath and joined him.

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