Battles and Scars

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First I went upstairs to change, because I hadn't done that in a little while. I took off my turtleneck and black jeans and weht for a tighter fitting shirt and some shorts. It was the beginning of summer, and I wasnted to take advanteage of that. I looked at myself in the full lentgh mirror beside my bed and freaked out. There was a huge bite mark, probably from when Emmett had bitten me. What the fuck happened, and why had I not seen this earlier? I mean, I guess I was wearing a turtleneck, but still! And weren't all my scars supposed to heal? This was weird, and not the good weird.

"Carlisle," I said, a little embarrassed that I was constantly asking him for advice.

"What can I do for you," he came in the room and gasped, exactly like me. "What happened?"

"That's what I want to know!" I exclaimed, "I thought you studied this shit!"

He came a little closer and began examinig my scar. Now that I took particular attention to it, I noticed some stuff. Like the way it sparkled in the exact right angle to the light, or the messy bite mark, which was probably when Edward and Carlisle ripped him off of me. 

"This was when Emmett bit you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I don't remember any other sadistic mythical monster biting my neck," I said sarcastically.

"I've never seen something like this before," He breathed, all your flaws are supposed to disappear."

I pulled back slightly. "Well I don't necessarily considerate it a flaw. I think it looks beautiful. and it's unique, right? No one has scars from their human life. Yeah, I like it."

Carlisle looked a little embarrassed. "Of course, it looks beautiful, i'm so sorry I called it a flaw. I will study this though. Curious." and he walked out of the room.

I admired my neck for a little while longer. I can't believe I said this, but I think it was my all time favourite scar, and it wasn't even made by me! It was made by Emmett, and now I had a real, material proof that we were somehow linked. It sounded creepy, I know, but it made me feel happy. I couldn't wait to show Emmett. I had no clue what his reaction would be.

I sprinted across the hall and went in without knocking on the door, but Emmett wasn't there. I closed my eyes and tried to hear any sound of him. I heard some classical music from Edwards room, a pencil sketching in Carlisle's and Esme's room, the sound of the oven baking the brownies, and from outside, I heard two people fighting and one making snarky comments under her breath. I skipped downstairs to watch the rest of the match between the two who I assumed were Jasper and Emmett, and stood next to Rose.

"Cheater," Rose and Emmett said at the same time. 

"What's happening?" I asked.

Rosalie turned to me. "Jas is using his gift to make Emmett tired. He hates it when the others use their gifts on him." She faced the boys again. "Jasper! You have enough of an advantage with your strategies. Stop it!"

It distracted Jasper long enough for Emmett to charge into him. They crashed to the ground, Emmett on top, and laughed it off.

"Hey, y/n," Emmett noticed me.

"You done?" I wondered, "It looks fun. I have something to show you."

He looked worried. Did he think I was going to hurt him or something?

"Dude, I'm not going to kill my boyfriend. That's too predictable."

That did not seem to reassure him. He had to be pretending. I could be dangerous, but not that dangerous. 

"Why don't you just show me here," He proposed, "In front of everyone."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes, and showed off my neck. "That's the scar from when you bit me," I explained, "Carlisle doesn't know why it's still there, but it is. It's so pretty Em!"

"Shit," Rosalie commented, "It is really cool. I like how it shines in the right angle."

Jasper approached us. "Yeah," he said, "It matches all of mine,"

And with that he rolled up his sleeves and showed me the pack of bite marks all over his skin. I looked up at him. Did Carlisle lie when he told me he'd never seen this before?

"How did yo-" I started, but he interrupted me.

"I got them after I turned," He could still see I was confused. "Long story short, in the south, there's wars between vampires for land. I helped train some newborns to attack others, and got a little scarred up while doing it."

"Yeah," Emmett concluded for him, "He'll tell you the rest later. You said that this looked fun?"

The fight. He was talking about the fight.

"Sure," I said, "I might not have the best strategies but I'm still stronger than you."

Rosalie looked at Jasper. "Newborns," she said, although I had no idea what she meant.

Emmett taught me the rules quickly and showed me a couple moves to try. He then set me up in front of Jasper. I winked at him. This could be easy if I just used my gift.

"If I use my gift you can use yours," I proposed.

"Combining the energy it takes for you to charm people, and how tired I can make you, you'd probably be the first ever vampire to fall asleep," he joked. 

"Fine then," I said. "No gifts."

We started circling each other slowly, and suddenly he lunged at my legs. I jumped up just in time and turned around to see him coming for me. He probably thought I was going to take my time, but that's not how my brain works. Instead of trying to avoid him, I used his momentum to yeet him away from me. (I'm so sorry for using yeet. I couldn't think of any other word and it was just so funny.) He landed a little clumsily, but was back on his feet in no time. 

We went on like that for a little while. He would lunge, he would miss. I would lunge, I would miss. It was fun for me, but apparently not for others, because I could feel that Rose wasn't entertained. 

"Emmett," Rose said, calling him over so she could whisper in his ear at a safe distance. Curiosity almost got the better of me and I was very close to being tackled by Jasper, but the two had run off in a way so that I could still see him out of he corner of my eye. Jas and I circled for another second before Emmett and Rosalie came back, both grinning.

"Hey y/n," he called out,

"I'm a little busy here Em," I dodged one of Jasper's lunges.

"Yeah," he admitted, but continued anyways. "I was just thinking about last night on the couch."

The night we made out. The night after our date. The most perfect night of my life. Butterflies went through my stomach, and then every inch of my body. I could still taste his lips on mine, feel is hand on my waist, my hands on his neck. I knew what Em and Rose were doing, but I couldn't seem to snap out of it. Without processing what was happening, I felt the ground underneath my feet disappear, and then reappear underneath my back. A huge thud rang out around me, and I was vaguely aware of the sounds of laughter. I shook myself out of it.

"That," I stated, "Was not. Fair." I glared at Rose.

"C'mon y/n," Emmett said, "We were just fooling around," I smiled at Emmett and joined in the laughter.

It was hard to be mad on such a perfect morning. 

My Favourite Scar (Emmett Cullen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now