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I made it quick. 

I made sure no one saw me, no one heard me. I didn't touch anyone else except for my parents, and sadly, they didn't feel any pain. 

Their house was packed with reporters and worried neighbours, and with the amount of light that was coming from the phones and cars, you couldn't even tell it was night. there were people yelling questions and whispering to each other, people spreading rumours that weren't one hundred percent false. I had to stop them before any more rumours could start.

It all happened in one second. I sped through the packed crowd, through the door, and weaved through all of the reporters to get to them. They were talking to their next door neighbours, over reacting about the whole thing. Apparently, now I had thrown my father across the room and showed fangs at my mother. I had almost killed them but my dad heroically threw a knife at me and I got scared and ran away. Their story was laughable.

I approached my mom and whispered "Sorry" in her ear. She didn't deserve what happened to her as much as my dad. She was innocent before. She was just bullied by my father. I held her head in my hands and twisted it to my left quickly. A snap cracked from her neck and I let her fall to the floor.

Then I moved on to my father. He deserved everything that would come his way. I resisted the urge to make his death as painful as possible. I know he probably wasn't the worst dad possible, but he was not a good one. Nevertheless, I couldn't resist giving him a quick middle finger before snapping his neck just as I did to my mom.

I raced out of the house, fast enough so that all anyone could've seen was a blur. To the humans, it would look as if they just collapsed and died. Their murder would be a mystery forever. 

I ran back to the place where I left everyone else, but they had all gone, except for Emmett. I felt horrible, like I had deceived him.

"Em, I'm so sorry." I pleaded.

"Everyone makes mistakes," He smiled sadly, "I've made some as well, and god knows I won't judge you." 

I ran to him and hugged him. I didn't deserve him. I just committed murder, and he forgave me. It wasn't even an accident, or some stupid uncontrollable vampire thing. I chose to hurt them. 

"It was too late," He whispered. "They were filming them live,"

My dead heart sank. "It was all for nothing,"

I probably fainted or something, because the next thing I know Emmett was practically holding me up, while I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck. 

"I killed my parents for nothing," 

He ran me home, and I zoned out to think about what I just did. There were now rumours about vampires just a couple day's drive from Forks, and to top it all off, the people who started it mysteriously died in front of everyone. 

He sat down on the couch and I sat on his lap, still freaking out and not seeing anything. Esme came to sit on the armrest and rubbed my shoulder. Rose came and sat next to me.

"Well that happened, congrats on following through with your plan. On the other hand, the Volturi's going to find you out."

That knocked me back into consciousness. "The Vampire cops are worried about this?"

No one was weirded out anymore that I called them that. The Volturi seemed a little too professional of a name for a few nerds who think they're better than everyone else. But if they knew that I was the cause of all the new rumours and proof that vampires exist, I was toast.

"Yeah," Alice said, "And they're going to come in a little bit to hold a trial of sorts," Jasper snorted when she said that.

"It isn't really a trial. When they want something, they get it." he said it in a threatening tone, but I still felt calm and relaxed.

"Thanks for the calm, Jasper," I smiled, and he nodded.

Carlisle walked up behind Esme. "Well, they might forgive us if y/n joins the Volturi. Aro would really be interested in your gift."

"No fucking way am I going to play a part in their freaky police club," I chuckled.

"You may not have a choice," He said. "He's been harassing Alice for a while because of her powers, but they can't force her to do anything because she hasn't done anything wrong." Alice gave a look only a golden child would give, which made us all laugh. "You however, have just publicly outed us, one of the worst things you could do. He could blackmail you for everything."

"Oh, I don't care if I die," I shrugged, "I'm very neutral to death," 

Beforehand, I would've loved to die. I never would have tried to kill myself, but let's just say that if a bear were trying to attack me, the most I would do is a light jog. Now that I have Emmett, I have a better reason to live.

"It might not be you that dies," Edward added. "He can hurt us as well,"

"I've only known you for a month," I panicked, "I can tell him I don't care about you."

"You can't fool Aro," He sighed. "He has something like my gift. When he touches you, he knows every single thought that has ever passed through your head."

"Well that's shitty," I got a little frustrated.

"Yeah," Emmett agreed. I pecked him on the lips.

"I'll charm him into not hurting you. It'll take a lot out of me, but if I'm going to die anyways, I'll do what I can."

Emmett held me tighter. "We'll hope it doesn't come to that," He rested his chin on my shoulder. 

"Yeah, It wont' come to that." I responded.

My Favourite Scar (Emmett Cullen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now