Part 5- The good bye

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-a few weeks after first meeting Buck and Steve-
"Rise and shine people!" Mr Cunningham's cheery voice chirped as you woke up
"Y/n I have news Captain Rogers and Sargent Barnes want to adopt you and have already signed the foster papers you are leaving today" Mr Cunningham explained with a smile
"WAIT REALLY!?" We all squealed
"Y/n, I'm so excited for you" Beth said
Charlotte almost instantly burst into tears "y/n/n I'm going to miss you"
"Oh Charlotte it's ok I'll always come back I'll make sure of it, you might even get to meet the Avengers one day" you hugged her and whispered a small 'I love you' in her ear

You were just doing your daily chore(s)
"Y/n" Mr Cunningham came and stopped in front of you "Sargent Barnes and Captain Rogers will be here in about an hour so if you want to start packing now you should be almost ready for when they come"
"Ok sir, will do" you quickly finished your chores and went to your dorm and started to pack.

-Mr Cunningham POV-
I had just told y/n that her foster parents were going to pick her up in about an hour, and I had gone back to my desk to do some paperwork and I heard a knock at my door
"Come in" I called and my PA, Mrs Smith walked in "what can I do for you Mrs smith?"
"Y/n's foster parents are here early, should I send them to her dorm?"
"Oh yes they are early, very early" I chuckled "yes just send them through y/n will be very pleased to see them" Mrs smith walked out and I could hear her voice faintly through my door "y/n's dorm is just down the hallway if you want to see her, she will be packing at the moment"

-Y/n's POV-
You were packing when You heard a deep voice from behind you "hey sweetheart" it was Steve
"Steve!!" You ran and gave him a hug "where's buck?"
"He's just parking up the car, do you need any help packing?"
"Oh ok," you pulled out of the hug "we'll I'm almost done if you could just bring those bags to the car I'll be grateful" you smiled
"ok hunny"
You watched as Steve effortlessly picked up your bags and walked out, you couldn't believe that you were finally being adopted and two of the most famous people in the world, let alone America. You snapped out of your trance and finished packing, as you were doing a once over to make sure you hadn't forgotten anything you found a few letters in your drawers Addressed to everyone

(Get one of the older kids to read this out)

I know we've known each other since you were a baby and I've grown up with you as my little sister, but y/n loves you and wants you to be a good girl for Mr Cunningham,
Lots of love,
y/n xxx

Beth and Ben,
Ok so, we have only know each other for about 2 years but that is long enough for us to be very close, but now I am leaving and you have got to step up and be the oldest, Charlotte will need your help to get to sleep, and Maisie will need help unbuttoning her school shirts, Jessica should be fine, however she can get very scared at night, so Beth, when she does get scared just comfort her like you comfort me when I get my nightmares,
I am leaving you two in charge of the dorm and look after each other, I have left a memory stick in my drawer with me playing the moon song for when you can't sleep
Y/n loves you both xxx

Maisie and Jessica,
You two are no longer the young ones anymore, but listen to Beth and Ben like you listened to me, I know you two never really liked me, but I hope now that I'm leaving you realise how much you needed me.
Love you both,
Y/n xxx

As you went around and put the letters on everyone's bed a few tears escaped your eyes remembering all the memories you had here and how much you were going to miss it all, all of a sudden you heard a voice behind you "doll, are you ok?"
"Umm" you wiped your tears to try and cover the fact you had been crying "yea I'm fine"
"No you're not, you've been crying, what's wrong?" He came over to you and sat on the bed next to you
"Ok, fine, I have been crying but I've lived here practically my whole life and now I'm leaving, I'm so excited, don't get me wrong, I love you and Steve but it's just hard, you know?" You explained holding back tears
"Oh doll, I get it, come here" he pulled you into a hug and you stayed there for a second "well I should probably wait for Steve but I can't wait to tell you, we're not fostering you anymore..." your heart dropped "we've already signed the papers you're officially ours!!"
"NO YOU DID NOT!!" You got up and starting to jump and dance, you couldn't believe it!! You were officially adopted!!
"What's all the commotion for?" Steve walked through the door with a confused look on his face
"Sorry babe, I couldn't wait to tell her" Bucky said you ran up to Steve and squeezed him so hard you couldn't feel your arms anymore "your officially my dads!"
"Yes we are, sweetheart" you walked over to your bed and picked up the last of you stuff "do you need any help, doll?" He chuckled as you were clearly struggling to carry it all,
"Yes please" Bucky and Steve came over and grabbed a bag each and took them out to the car,
You almost forgot, you had one more letter to deliver

Mr Cunningham,
You have always been there for me and I have known you since I was 4 when I first came to this place, and I just wanted to thank you for bringing me up and looking after me, it's kind of sad how long I've been here and now I'm leaving
From y/n

As you delivered the last letter you felt 10 mini arms grab you and pulled you into a giant heap on the floor, you all burst out laughing
"Y/n you can't leave now we've trapped you" Charlotte said with a very deep voice, which just made you laugh harder "oh guys I have to, but I'll see you again soon, I promise" you all got up and you managed to riggle out of your little prison of arms, you saw that Bucky and Steve watched it all go down and came over and helped you up, you laughed as you watched Ben's reaction to seeing captain America
"Y-you're c-captain America" he stuttered
"Yes I am, now can I have my daughter back please
"Yes sir," he quickly said and let go of you and you whispered in his ear 'I know right, I'm being adopted by the most famous people on earth'
"Come on doll, we've got to go" Bucky put his hand on you're shoulder
"Ok, bye guys, I'll be back"
"Bye", they all chorused you all had one last group hug and you were finally on your way to a new life

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