Y/n is a 12 year old orphan, her parents died when she was to young to remember them, they only come back in dreams, or worse... nightmares.
Shes been living in an orphanage since then with a secret that no one apart from her parents that knew abou...
You had just got in the car and were on your way to the compound "So," you started "now you are officially my dads, instead of calling you Bucky and Steve can I call steve Papa and Bucky dad?" You asked cautiously not knowing how they would react "Of course, doll, we were going to ask the exact same question" Bucky said "also y/n/n we have something to tell you before you find out any other way" "Yea, continue" you stated nervous of what he might say next "Well, Tony has planned a party for you, and Nat and Wanda wanted to go shopping for dresses and asked if you would go with them" Steve explained, "Yea!! Sure I would love to!!" "Good because we're here and they look ready to leave" Bucky chuckled "Oh and before you go doll," "Yea dad," he smiled at you for calling him dad for the first time, "Do you mind doing a speech at the party?" "Yea sure," "Just say a few words it doesn't have to mean anything" "Ok" The car pulled to a stop and you got out "what should I do about my bags and stuff" Steve and Bucky brushed you off as though to say 'oh don't worry about it just have fun' "Ok then, hey Nat hey Wanda" "Hey hunny, you ready to go shopping?" "YEA!! I was born ready" you were excited to go shopping but you had never really been before, it looked like fun from what you had seen on the TV All three of you hopped in and Wanda asked "so where are we going then y/n?" "Umm well about that.. I've never been shopping before, up until you guys I rarely ever left the orphanage so it's up to you really?" You explained "That's no problem we'll find somewhere, how about Dress me up New York?" Wanda stated "Oooo I love that place let's go there" Nat sounded excited so you were excited -15 minutes later- "We're here!" You all squealed. You got out of the car and went in you walked around the shop for a bit and came across a pink cocktail dress "ooo I like this one" "Try it on, I think it would suit you" You went behind the curtain to get changed and came out like this:
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(If you don't like it, imagine one)
"Oh y/n, you look lovely I think you should get it!" Wanda and Nat looked at you in awe as you walked out "Are you sure it's very expensive" you explained "Oh don't worry about that, Tony will pay for it" Nat said in a snarky tone, she held up Tony's credit card and all three of you burst out laughing. You went back behind the curtain and got changed back into your normal clothes and Nat and Wanda found their dresses, You payed and went back to the compound to get ready.
-back at the compound-
You arrived back at the compound and your dads were waiting for you, "Hey dad, hey papa," "Hey doll," they came over and hugged you "soooo... show us the dress" You looked over to Nat and Wanda and smirked "you can see it at the party" "Ok, fine, but you better get ready quick it starts in 2 hours" Steve explained. You, Nat and Wanda ran off into the compound in fits of giggles You all piled into Nat's bedroom and started to get changed Nat did your makeup and Wanda did your hair You looked like this:
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"Y/n! You look amazing!" Wanda exclaimed "Thanks," "Girls we've got to go or we'll be late" You Nat and Wanda all rushed out of Nats room and the closer you got to the party the louder the music got. You got to the top of the stairs and the music got really quiet and everyone stopped and stared at you three, you could hear were the whispers surrounding you as you all walked down the stairs you were greeted by your dads "You look lovely doll" Nat and Wanda handed you off to Buck and Steve.