Part 43- first night home

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Warning- smut ⚠️ I'll warn you when it comes up

"Ahh, finally home sweet home" Tony announced as you all walked in through the heli pad
"I know right" you said when you got into the lounge "well it may be early but I'm going to bed" you started to wheel yourself off towards your room, you were so glad that Bruce told you on the journey home that you could start walking again tomorrow, you had been taking the odd couple steps every once and a while, but your wounds were almost healed so he said that you should start walking now.
Everyone said their goodnights and you went to your room
Papa and dad followed you up to your room to say goodnight, you went straight into your bathroom, not knowing they followed you up

You wheeled out of the bathroom in your pyjamas singing to a song that was on the radio
"Jesus Mary and Joseph" you exclaimed when you saw them
"Sorry doll, we just wanted to say goodnight to you" dad said as he patted the bed motioning for you to get into bed, but before you had the chance, papa had already picked you up and started cradling you like a baby
"What's this for" you said taking full advantage of the hug, dad came up and hugged from behind
"Calming our baby as much as possible before her first night alone" papa said calmly, you just hummed in response, dad took you from papa and carefully placed you on the bed, hopping in next to you with dad on the other side
"We are going to stay here until you fall asleep, as long as it takes" dad said
"As long as it takes" papa repeated
"That's not going to be long cause that hug made me sleepy" i said yawning my eyes shutting
"Night doll, we love you so much, we are so proud of you, you've been through-" you were asleep before he could finish
But soon the nightmares started

First person pov:

My eyes fluttered open and I saw those same two people I now know as my parents "Normally we'd electrocute you, but that didn't seem to work" my 'dad' informed before twisting the knife that was currently in my thigh The pain was like no other, i couldn't help but scream.

My so called 'mother' grinned at me psychotically before grabbing a hammer and slamming at my fore arm, effectively breaking it. More screams escaped my hoarse throat, each louder than the last.

My body began to shake with sobs and screams as my head hung low. I just wished i would pass out from the pain, and hoped that it would stop.
"don't be like that" the man said "we've only just begun"  with that statement another hit with the hammer came straight for my knee. I screamed and screamed over and over wishing to escape

Bucky pov:

"Night doll, we love you so much, we are so proud of you, you've been through so much, and she's asleep" me and Steve let out a small chuckle, we stayed for a couple minutes to make sure she was properly asleep then carefully got up and walked back into the lounge of the tower
"Is she ok?" Yelena worried
"Yea, she was scared to be alone for the night but she was out like a light" i explained, calming the worried teen
Me and Steve sat down and us and the avengers were catching up, and discussing what has happened over the last couple months
"That girl has gone through so much" Sam said
"Don't even get me started" I replied "in hydra, I don't know about the red room, they would brain wash us and electrocute which is nothing compared to what y/n's been through, they stabbed her, burned her, broke her bones..." I trailed off
"Well, I told y/n earlier on the quinjet, but I think she'll be able to start walking again tmr, she will need intensive physical therapy, but thanks to the serum she won't need much, her muscles will build up naturally because she has so much already" banner explained, everyone got a little bit of hope in their eyes
"That's good, it's been quite a while since she has last walked, maybe I'll make her a similar brace to what I made, Rhodey" Tony said gladly "but more robotic, she probably won't need them, but I'll make them so she can run faster than ever in them, faster than a car, and she'll be able to jump over 40 foot, which is almost double what she can do currently, and I can even put them in her suit" he rambled as he walked off before anyone could tell him differently
"Ok, well that's another surprise for our baby" i said "SOUNDS LOVELY STARK!" I shouted behind me
All of a sudden we could all hear this heart wrenching shriek, yelena was up and running towards y/n's quicker than all of us, we weren't far behind
We burst through the door to see her covered in sweat and screaming 'please please not again!' Over and over again

Your pov:

You were shaken awake by papa, dad and yelena
You were bawling your eyes out, you leaped into yelena's arms and kissed her a bit too passionately because You were with your parents plus all the avengers, but just glad to be with her
You pulled away still trying to get your breath back, you wrapped you arms around all the avengers, your dads included
"Oh thank god your here" you said, not realising you were standing up, once everyone realised you were fine they left and probably went to bed themselves as it was getting late, apart from Bruce
"Y/n, imma get you some therapy sessions, I recommend you take them because this is the worst nightmare you've ever had, plus separation anxiety, but you should get back into bed, get as much rest as possible before you start walking tomorrow" Bruce said, you pouted but gave in because you knew it was for the best
"Ugh fine, just please no one leave me" you pleaded absolutely fucking exhausted
"I'll stay with you моя любовь" yelena said (my love)
You smiled at her as she hopped into bed with you
"Ok, I'll allow this, just please don't have too much fun" papa said "no fonduing" he said
You both burst out laughing you squeezed out a "not promising anything"

⚠️ Smut- skip if you want

First person pov:

We waited for the footsteps to complete fade then Our eyes met "I haven't got underwear on" I whispered to her in a playful tone, her eyes darkened
"You haven't?" She questioned playfully, i bit my lip, shaking my head "neither have I"
Our lips slammed into each other, I grabbed her butt for stability as she gripped my hips, I ripped her tracksuit bottoms off aggressively, leaving her naked from the butt down
"No, no no моя любовь (my love) you rest" she said sternly, with authority in her tone, she proceeded to rip my shirt and pants off leaving me completely naked, a knot forms in my core, knowing what's to come
Suddenly I wasn't tired anymore just really turned on but the half naked women infront of me
She pins my arms above my head making messy kisses along my body, sucking my nipples as she goes past them, she looks up at me for consent I nod in response she eventually makes her way to my clit and slips her tongue into me, I moan a little bitting back a little to make sure I'm not too loud she quickly removes her tongue
"JARVIS, turn on sound proof mode" yelena calls out "make as much noise as you want моя любовь"
Still pinning me down, she makes her way back up to my face, she inserts a finger into my cunt, making me shudder with pleasure, she creates a steady pace me almost screaming
"More, more please yelena" the second I said this she quickly stops and flips me onto all fours giving her full access to my ass
I let out a little yelp in pain
"Sorry sorry" I say quickly without thinking
"What are you sorry for?" She questioned angered
"Sorry mommy" i said as a reply
"Good girl" she said with a devilish smile, she gives me one last hard smack, but instead of flipping me over again, she inserts a finger into my cunt from behind creating a rough but steady pace, she adds two more fingers getting faster and faster
"Fuck! I'm gonna cum" i Moan
"Come on me моя любовь I don't mind" she says as I reach my climax coming all over her

She helps me clean up and then we fall asleep in each other's arms, I was exhausted but felt at peace being with my love me
I fell asleep to be surrounded by darkness, not having a nightmare

Sorry if that was shit, I've never written smut before but I promise I tried 😉
Luv you 3000 <3

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