36- stitches

141 2 0

Bucky pov:

When I saw what was under the bandages my heart sank, i looked at Steve, and we both nodded at each other
"Oh doll, I'm going to go and get some stuff from the lab, you stay here with your papa" I said really trying not to react to strongly
"I know, I know they need stitches, but that's the main reason why I didn't tell you, because I'm scared, and also they'll heal soon anyway I'm a super soldier I have faster healing powers you of all people should know that" y/n said barely over a whisper
"We know baby, we know but we just want to make sure"
I gave her a quick hug, and went down to lab
"Hey Bucky, everything okay?" Bruce asked
"Yea, y/n's done it again and she needs stitches, but me and Steve were both trained in how to do stitches in the military, so we're gonna do it for her, and try and not cause too much commotion" i explained
"Oh that poor girl" he handed me all of the stuff that we'd need and her pill "also, it is just a stomach flu, it should be all clear in a couple days"
"That's good thanks Bruce"
"No problem"
I went back up to her room trying to avoid the avengers

Steve's pov

Buck had just gone downstairs, to the lab to get stuff for y/n, whilst I was with y/n/n
She threw up once and I helped her clean up
"I'm fine, papa, we don't have to do this" she said, clearly scared
I picked her up and cuddled her, like old times, she was silently crying on my shoulder, I could hear the odd sniffle
"I know sweetheart I know, but we have to, just to make sure they don't heal wrong or get infected" i explained softly, her grip tightened on my shirt as I said this, after a couple of minutes she had calmed down, and Buck came back and put all of the stuff, out of view for y/n so she couldn't see the needles and stuff, Bucky joined the hug and we all stayed like that for a while
"We don't have to do this" y/n/n said confidently
"Yes we do, doll" Buck said softly but stern, she just grunted in annoyance

Your pov

You were still absolutely terrified but was doing better at hiding it
"I feel like your both angry at me" you said looking at them both
"We're not angry, just worried" papa said softly
"Ok can we just get this over and done with?" You asked
"Yea, of course doll" dad answered
As papa and dad started to set up, your nerves were starting to make an appearance again, you let a few tears escape, you knew that this was going to include needles, and you weren't happy about it, you were still scared of them, even if you had blood tests on the weekly
"Nope, no way in hell am I doing this" you jumped down and tried to run, stupidly you forgot that your dads are super soldiers like you and caught you whilst you were still in the bathroom
"It's ok to be scared doll, but we have to do it" dad said
"How about, we make your bed and set up in there, then we do one arm at a time but we switch, like if I sit with you whilst dad does your left arm, then dad sits with you for your right arm?" He suggested, you nodded your head and just sat at the toilet whilst they set up
Once they had set up papa came and picked you up and held you tightly and sat on the bed
You winced when the had to clean and numb them but whoever was holding you at the time was very good at keeping you distracted, when papa was finishing up and redressing the now stitched cuts, Bruce walked in
"Hey, Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I wanted to make sure everything was ok?" He said
"Hi Bruce, I'm getting there, this was not fun at all but, you know" you said, not really wanting to talk about it
"I get that, have you taken your iron meds?" He asked
"Yea I've taken it"
"All done" papa called
"Oh, thank Thor" you said trying to avoid saying god.
"Ok, I'll go now, Tony will probably want me, he'll want my advice on some new gadget or something" Bruce explained
"Ok, thank you, banner" papa said, dad handed you a long sleeve sweater and you went downstairs, because you could, when you got down there you saw yelena
"Hey, I thought you weren't supposed to be up yet?" You asked her
"Bruce said I could, just as long as I stay off my leg, and take it easy on using my arm, because you know, I got shot" she said whilst laughing
You joined in "yea you did"
It was only you and yelena in the room, you went and sat next to her
Your eyes met, "do you want to talk about what your sister said earlier?"You said barely over a whisper, whilst looking at her lips
"I think it's pretty obvious, that what she said was true, we'd make a great couple" she said copying your tone
You both leaned in, you could feel her breath on your face
"Yelena, can I have the honour of kissing you?" You asked with a smirk on your face, she nodded whilst biting her lip, your lips smashed against hers, it became very passionate and you forced your tongue into her mouth exploring inside her mouth. You both pulled away as you still needed to breath
"Sooo" she said
"Yes?" You asked smiling
"Are we like a thing now?" She asked
"Only if you want it to be" you said smirking


Hello there! (Wow that was posh)
Umm I've completely forgotten what I wanted to write here but yk, oh well
I'd also like to say thank you for over 700 views! This was genuinely just for my personal purposes and just published it for fun! So thank you again and hope you sleep well, and/or have a good day
Remember to eat. Your body won't survive without it!
I luv you 3000 <3

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