Part 12- testing and training

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After that discussion you skipped dinner and went straight to bed dad and papa came to check on you but you were already asleep.

-in the morning-

"Come on doll it's time to get up," you groaned
"What time is it?" You opened your eyes and looked at the clock, it was 7am,
"Come on dad, even in the orphanage I didn't have to wake up this early" he chuckled
"We want to see how strong you are and Wanda wants to help you get a better control of your powers" he replied
"But I can already control them"
"A wise women once told me 'Just because something works doesn't mean that it cannot be improved" he smirked "if you don't get up I'll get papa and he'll go all military on you"
"Surely you could just do it yourself" you gave him puppy eyes "just ten more minutes please"
"Ok, you leave me no choice, I'm getting your papa" Bucky left, to be honest you were absolutely terrified of what military mode meant so you just got up before you had to witness it first hand, Papa walked through the door
"I'm up, I'm up" you said before he could yell at you
"Was someone scared of military mode?" You looked at him and laughed
"Maybe, I just don't want to see it first hand" he laughed back
"I'll leave you to it" papa left and you got ready into some gym style clothes. You had never been to a gym before so you didn't have anything suitable so you ended up  in a crop top and leggings
You looked like this:
Ignore the quality of the photo I found it on the internet 😅

You quickly brushed your hair and put it up in a loose ponytail and went to the kitchen to have breakfast, when you got down there you saw Nat, Your dads and Wanda eating breakfast "Looks like someone finally decided to get up" you rolled your eye...

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You quickly brushed your hair and put it up in a loose ponytail and went to the kitchen to have breakfast, when you got down there you saw Nat, Your dads and Wanda eating breakfast
"Looks like someone finally decided to get up" you rolled your eyes at dad
"You ready for today y/n/n" Nat asked
"I honestly don't know, I mean I might shock myself at how strong I am but then I may do the complete opposite because I'm hoping to much of myself, so like I said I don't know" you shrugged you shoulders, you saw that Wanda had made pancakes so you grabbed 2 and the golden syrup,
"That makes sense, when you're done we'll get started" dad said you nodded with a mouthful of pancake
-15 minutes later-
You had finished your breakfast and headed down to the training room, surprisingly you were actually feeling pretty nervous because you didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of anyone, you walked in and saw Wanda, Steve, Bucky and Nat doing some light training "hi," you squeaked "where do we begin" you looked at them all
"We'll start on the treadmill and see how fast you can run because if your anything like your dads you are a very fast runner" Nat explained
"Ok" you walked up to the treadmills and Nat set it up for you at a low speed (Bucky and Steve can run around 25-50 mph and probably more under stress) you started in a slow jog and got faster and faster you reached 15 mph and it was still pretty easy for you
"This is faster than I can run" Wanda said
"Same here" Nat replied
"Not to be smug or anything but this still feels pretty easy" you felt as though you weren't working at all
"Only if your sure" you nodded and Nat turned up the speed to 20 mph you tilted you head up to say 'faster, faster' and she turned up to 23mph you were at a steady pace that you sustained for a good 5 minutes than Nat slowly turned it back down and off. You were out of breath but strangely really enjoyed it,
"That was fun" you laughed at the shocked looks on everyone's faces
"Y/n, that's was 23 mph, and your only 13" Nat said still shocked
"Was it? Wow! It didn't feel that fast I probably could of gone faster but i didn't want to risk it, what's next?" You replied
"Woah! Doll, slow down, catch your breath first then we'll move on" you laughed and sat down for a minute

"Ok, what are we doing now?" You looked at papa and he laughed
"You are really enjoying this aren't you?" You nodded eagerly "well I think we will move on to weights, I can lift about 1200 pounds and your dad can do about double" (according to the internet, I don't know if it's true)
"Wow, so what weight are we starting at"
"I can do about 500" Nat replied
"And I can do about 150 and I don't know how much with my powers" Wanda said
"Ok so we'll start at 100 and work our way up, sound good?" Steve explained
You nodded, and walked over to the dumbbells and picked up the 100lb with ease, you curled it a few time and then set it down
"Try a 300lb deadlift" Wanda said intrigued
"Ok," you went over and picked it up a little too easy, you put it down and picked it up again but with just one hand,
You got a little angry "why is this so easy I don't like it"
"Hey, sweetheart, it's fine we'll just make it more complicated" he set a 800lb deadlift for you to try "try that it should be harder" you walked over and picked it up you found it heavy but you felt you could still do more
"Oh thank god, I still feel I could do more"
"Ok we'll add another 200 so, you'll be up to 1000lb" you nodded, you hadn't realised at the time but you had gathered an audience, you set it up and picked it up you struggled a little but not a lot
"I think I can probably do more but I would li-" you turned around and saw all the avengers in the gym watch you pick a thousand pounds, they all stood there shocked "uhhhh... hi, you all ok?" You asked oblivious, of why they were actually there
"Y/n, you just deadlifted 1000 pounds," you didn't know how to react, you knew that you had done 1000 but you didn't know what to say, So you just stood there speechless, in the end you tried to change the subject
"So is there anything else?" You said
"Did you know you could do that, and I know you came for Wanda to help train but I think you've done enough for today" you shook your head
"I did not know I could do that, I've got to be honest, well, if that's all I'll go and hop in the shower" you left the avengers looking shocked
You went upstairs and had a shower, it was still only 9am so you got into a nice summer dress and jacket
You ended up looking like this:

 hi, you all ok?" You asked oblivious, of why they were actually there"Y/n, you just deadlifted 1000 pounds," you didn't know how to react, you knew that you had done 1000 but you didn't know what to say, So you just stood there speechless, in the...

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Author notes:
I got all the (how much can.... Lift and how fast can ..... run) info off the internet so I don't know if it's correct at all, but even if it isn't it wouldn't really matter because 1000lbs is still a lot

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