Part 40! Wow! I did not think I would get this far!! And thank you to those who have read this and commented, it means a lot, I've had over 200 views in the last couple days!! That's more than I could ever imagine
Thank you again
Love you 3000 xx
—————————————Avengers Pov:
Dr banner jumped straight into action, checking over the almost unconscious y/n. He started up a blood transfusion and set up a station for testing and stitching.
"W-w-where's d-d-dad" she stuttered, knowing the last time he saw him he was in HYDRA. He jumped up and ran over to the girl
"Im here doll, don't worry you're safe now" he said softly "but I've got to let banner do his thing ok, you're in good hands" Y/n nodded slowlyBanner took y/n to the infirmary and had to put her under because of how many unclean and unstitched wounds she had, plus the healed and new broken bones and don't forget the burns that needed dressing
2 hours later
"I had to put her under because of how many wounds she had and broken bones, I thought it would be better instead of making her sit through all that pain, so she's still asleep right now, but visitors are welcome" banner explained
Clint was controlling the quinjet so he couldn't visit her but Steve Bucky, Yelena and basically all of the avengers went to check on the poor girlThey were all shocked to see the girl covered in bandages, even her face had the odd bandage from where she had been burned
Steve and Bucky ran straight over to their girl and hugged her, gently obviously.-30 minutes later-
Your pov:
Your eyes opened slightly and slowly adjusted to the light, you flinched when you saw you were in a hospital room
"Hey, hey it's ok, you're ok, you're safe" papa said whilst caressing your hand, you relaxed in his touch and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in
"Oh thank god" you said in a raspy voice, you had been screaming for the last 5 months you didn't expect it to be normal.
"Rest your voice kid" Tony said whilst handing you a phone with notes open "type what you wanna say into here" he said(Bold- you typing)
You nodded, you typed
So is everyone ok or...?
They all let out a small chuckle "yes everyone's fine sweetheart" Nat said
"You are always caring for others" Yelena said
You laughed silently
When's the quinjet going to land?
"I'll go ask Clint, but I think it's soon, we've been flying for a lot longer than we should of" Nat said as she left the roomSoon after, she came back in "we're going to safe house and we should be getting there in about half an hour" she confirmed
Kk, also can someone get Bruce I wanna ask him something
"Ok doll, I'll go get him" dad said
Papa can you lay with me? Or yelena I'm fine with both
You typed with a smirk on your face
"Cheeky monster" Yelena said as she got onto the gurney with you, and papa sat on a chair next to youAll the other avengers had left at this point, they really just wanted to make sure you were ok
You lay your head back and just stared at the ceiling thinking about what had happened over the last five months, you shivered at the thought of your parents and what happened of the first night and every other day after that
"Someone said they had a question?" Bruce said as he walked in with dad close behind
Yea, I was just wondering, it's a bit of a long shot but can I get in a wheelchair and not on the gurney it's very uncomfortable and embarrassing????
You typed
"Umm I'm not sure" Bruce said unconvinced "Not that I counted or anything but you have a total of 16 stab wounds and loads of burns, oh, and don't forget the broken arm, dislocated shoulder and broken tibia, I just don't think it would be the best idea" He said
But pleeeeaaaasssee Bruce you typed whilst giving him puppy eyes
"Y/n / doll" papa and dad warned
"Fine if it means that much to you, but don't come to me when it hurts a lot, and you are not allowed to move anything, let your dads put you in the chair and wheel you around" he gave in
You gave the best smile you could
Papa and dad came over and Bruce got a wheel chair
They very carefully picked you up
Hydra didn't really feed you so you were lighter than ever
They were making sure they weren't hurting you and very slowly placed you in the wheelchair, you winced slightly but it wasn't that badThen it hit you.
You had 16 stab wounds. 16!!!
And who knows how many scars from the last 5 months, a couple broken bones
You remembered the malicious faces of your parents but instead of the lovely people you thought you knew from before the supposedly 'died' you just saw the devil, you know the dude with horns? Yea him. The people that beat you and burned you and stabbed you over and over and over again, we're the perfect definition of the devil. Like who does that. Especially to a 15/16 year old.
You snapped out of your thoughts to Clint saying that you had landed
"Welcome to our safe house" he said whilst pointing to a small cottage in a field
We all walked in whilst Sam wheeled you in, with papa and dad holding a hand each, and yelena close by
You were surprised that they all still had their suits on, but on the other hand you weren't because you thought seeing you was a little bit of a shock
"What is this place?" Sam asked
"Safe house" Tony answered
"Yea no shit Sherlock" sam said
"Let's hope" Clint said
You all walked in (apart from you obvs)
"Honey? I'm home!" Clint yelled
A women maybe in her late 30's who was heavily pregnant walked in "hi, I have company sorry I didn't call ahead" Clint added
"Hey" she replied and they hugged
"This is an agent of some kind" Tony said bluntly
"Gentleman, this is Laura" Clint said
"I know all of your names" Laura said to us all, then loads of small footsteps came running down the stairs
"Ooo incoming" Clint said joyfully
It was a young girl and an older boy "heyy sweetheart, hey buddy" he said to the kids
Papa just looked confused
"And....these are smaller agents" Tony said again, you let out a small giggle
"Did you bring aunty Nat?" They young girl asked her father
"Why don't you hug and find out?" Nat said
"Sorry for barging in on you like this" papa said
"Yea we would of called ahead but we were busy having no idea you existed" Tony said in his normal sarcastic manner
"Yea, well fury helped me set this up when I joined, kept it off SHEILD's files and I'd like to keep it that way, I figured it's a place to lay low and recover" Clint explained
Your wheel on the wheelchair rolled over a small Lego house but dad just shoved it under the couch with his foot and pretend it never happened."How's little Natasha?" Nat asked Laura
"She's..Nathaniel" Laura said cautiously
Nat bent down to Laura's belly and whispered "traitor"
Clint's daughter, who You found out was called Lila came over to you and just stared at you curiously, you started to get flashbacks of HYDRA but was quickly snapped out of this by the ping of a toaster——————————
Poor y/n she's been thru a lot at least she's with family now, and a couple new characters, oOoOoOEat,
it'll still be here in the morning
I luv you 3000 <3

Adopted by Stucky
FanfictionY/n is a 12 year old orphan, her parents died when she was to young to remember them, they only come back in dreams, or worse... nightmares. Shes been living in an orphanage since then with a secret that no one apart from her parents that knew abou...