33- meet yelena

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-quick side note, by the title you can tell yelena is going to be in this book, but we are going to pretend she is 15, Ik that's young, but I want yelena to be endgame and it wouldn't work if she was an adult so we are making her a couple months older than y/n


"Hey it's only lunch time, do you guys wanna do anything?" Bruce asked
"Can we not do anything yet, my sister should be coming home soon" Nat said
"YOU HAVE A SISTER?!" We all yelled
"Yea, I got word yesterday that she's just escaped the red room, and I told the pilot that picked her up to send her here" she said
"Oooo new people, what's she like" you asked
"Well to be honest I don't know anymore, I haven't seen her in years, but last time I saw her we were in Budapest" Nat said
Clint physically cringed when Nat mentioned Budapest but no one questioned him on it

Just as she said this, JARVIS came over the speakers
"A helicopter has just landed on the helipad" he called out
"That must be her" you said excitedly "can I come greet her with you?"
"Of course you can" the she turned to the rest of them "I recommend only y/n/n tho because we don't know how she'll react" the avengers agreed to this decision

You and Nat got into the elevator and went to the roof, when we arrived we saw, a blonde haired girl with blue/green eyes
"Natasha?" She questioned with a strong Russian accent
"Yelena!" Nat called

In your head she was really hot, and yelena exceeded your expectations.

They sisters ran up to each other, yelena was more limping, and hugged each other, you loosely followed  behind and when you caught up to them both
"Who's the kid" she said 
"Hi, I'm y/n, but most people call me y/n/n, unless I'm in trouble, nice to meet you" you held your hand out for her to shake and yelena grabbed it and pulled you into a hug
"You're very hot" she whispered in your ear, barely over a whisper so only you could hear
"It's nice to meet you" she replied
Nat looked at you both suspiciously
"Umm yelena, you're bleeding" you said
Her leg and shoulder was pouring blood
"Yea I know it's from that place that shall not be named, when I tried to escape I caught my leg on the fence, and they almost caught me, and I got shot" she explained
"Sit" you commanded
She sat
You pulled your hoodie off, and put pressure on the wound to slow bleeding, then tied it around her leg, you tore your shirt off, and were just left in your sports bra which showed your chisled abs and biceps, but it also showed your self harm scars, but you didn't care she was losing blood and fast, you picked her up bridal style with ease "we need to get you to Bruce" you said worried
"How-" she questioned looking at Nat
"Don't ask, she's like this with most injured people, she did it to me one time, she's a super soldier so to her your as light as a feather" Nat explained, yelena just looked at you in shock
"Yup, she's right, I'd just wish this elevator would hurry up" you said impatiently, as you said that the elevator dinged and you went straight into the Medbay part of the lab, to see Bruce and Tony working on something,
"I need a little bit of help over here, she's got GSW to the left shoulder and a laceration to the right thigh, she has a steady pulse, she's lost about a litre of blood, who knows how much on the plane" you said quickly but stern
"Ok thank you y/n put her on the her on the gurney, me and Tony will take it from here" Bruce said
"Ok" you said out of breath from the sudden adrenaline rush
You and Nat both went to wait in the lounge
"So where's your sister?" Sam asked
"She needed medical attention, so she's with Bruce and Tony right now" Nat said holding in tears, you looked over at Wanda
"Wanda, Nat can I talk to you in my room please?" You asked
"What are you gonna talk about?" Dad asked
"Girl stuff, you don't wanna know" you said as convincingly as possible
"Oh ok doll, you know you can talk to us whenever you need us" he said, you just nodded and grabbed them and ran to your room
The second the door shut Nat burst into tears "hey, hey shhhhh it's ok, it's ok, let it out" you said in her ear
All three of you had a group hug, and just like that for a good minute or so
"So Nat, do you wanna talk about it?" Wanda said with her Sokovian accent coming thru, Nat just nodded her head, you all sat on your bed whilst Nat poured her heart out
"We haven't seen each other in like 5-8 years and now I finally get her back and she might not make it, I just can't think straight right now, my brain just can't" she said whilst sniffing, Wanda was rubbing her hand up Nat's back and you held her hands, you just sat in comfortable silence until Nat said to you
"You like her don't you"
"What do you mean?" You said innocently even tho you knew exactly what she meant
"You like yelena" she said enthusiastically
"No I do not!" You exclaimed
"Oooooo do we have a crush" Wanda said
"I saw the way you were looking at her, I heard what she whispered to you, I think she likes you back, you should ask her out" Nat said
"Wait so your fine with me dating your sister, and also I'm gonna wait a bit, she's just made it into this country, I don't want to overwhelm her" you said not realising what you just said
"SO YOU DO LIKE HER" as she said this before you could respond there was a knock at your door "saved by the bell"she whispered
You all got up and opened the door, it was Bruce
"She's alive, and awake and asking for you and y/n" he explained
"You two go ahead, I want to talk to Bruce for a second, we'll be right behind you" you explained
"Ok see you up there" Nat called
"So, I know that look" you said to him whilst walking

Recently you've been getting dizzy, tired easily, and very short of breath when working out so you went to Bruce, and he did some labs

"It's nothing to worry about, you've got anaemia, it's very common among young adults, but I will have to give you iron supplements to take every day, so I will have to tell your dads" he explained you grunted in frustration
"Fine" you said as you reached medbay
"So how's the patient" you asked
"She's fine" yelena said, both of your faces went red as you made eye contact with each other "thanks for saving me back there" she said
"It's no biggie, like Nat said, I do it to everyone, I've experienced to much death in my life, I hate thinking that I could of saved someone and didn't" you explained, Nat and Wanda looked at each other and had a whole conversation through there eyes
"What are you two, telling each other!" You exclaimed
"Just how much of a good couple you two would make"
Your ears were on fire and your face was completely red, and so was Yelena's

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Sorry it's been so long since I last posted!
I'll try and post more often X
Love you all 3000 x

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