Part 11- I AM WHAT NOW?!

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"May we have the room, please?"
Everyone left apart from your dads and Tony and Banner
"Ok so y/n we have found a lot," Banner started, papa and dad grabbed a hand each to keep you calm "where do I begin? Ok, let's start with what the scans showed, the scans were sort of inclusive" you looked confused
"sort of, what do you mean sort of?"
"They didn't show much apart from there was evidence that there was some sort of brain Washing at some point in your life," he paused for a second to let what he said sink in
"You mean I've been B-B-Brainwashed? Did it show when?" You asked, you sort of shocked everyone of how calm you were
"Not exactly it looked to of happened about 9-11 years ago, but I wouldn't dwell on it for to long it happened ages ago"
You nodded in agreement "and the blood work?" You asked
"Well that's a whole other story, y/n you're a super soldier, on top of your fire powers" Tony interrupted
"IM A WHAT NOW?! I'm not even that strong" you were so surprised and excited and nervous all at once, but you had to be honest you didn't know how strong you were because you hadn't had to test it before "actually that's not true, I don't know how strong I am I've never had to test it" they all looked at you with a confused look "what, I used to live with 10 year old or younger I didn't need to be strong I could beat them very easily, with my eyes closed and in my sleep" they all laughed in agreement "also I've decided I don't want to know about my bio-parents, only if I absolutely have to, I think it's better if I don't think about them and just focus on my new brilliant ones" you smiled at papa and dad and they smiled back
"Ok that makes sense, have you got any questions?" Tony asked
"Yes, only one, I was only under a heavy sedation so when am I allowed to walk?" You answered
"Whenever you feel ready, but be careful because your legs may be still a little asleep so you may want a hand" you nodded in agreement
"Can I start now, this bed is very uncomfortable" this made everyone laugh.
"Of course you can, doll" dad and papa took one hand each and helped you swing your legs around to the side, you tried to stand up and you were putting all of you weight on your dads, you took a few steps, and then papa let go and went to the other side of the room "walk to me sweetheart" Dad let go of your other hand and you walked into papa's arms
"This kind of makes me feel like a baby, you know, when a baby takes there first steps, one parent on one side and the other parent on the other, it kind of looks like what's going on in here" you laughed
"I know what will make you feel even more like a baby" dad ran over to you and picked you up and put you on his hip, you squealed in excitement, you wrapped you arms around his neck and cuddled him, he started to take you into the kitchen
"Hey y/n/n how are feeling?" Wanda asked, Bucky put you down and you walked over to the island
"Great, thank you" you paused to think for a second "do you all know what they found out about me?" All the avengers gave each other worried looks "it's fine if you do know, I just wanted to know if I needed to find a way of explaining it" you said
They all nodded "that's fine," there was a very awkward silence for about 5 minutes, then Banner and Tony wales in "y/n, we know you are a super soldier, and we wanted to ask you some questions, it's up to you if everyone stays or not" you nodded
"I think if you ask anything and I do remember I think they ought to know"
You replied
"Ok, do you feel up to it now or do you want to do it later?" Tony asked
"We could do it now," you said
"Ok I'll call a meeting"
Tony set up the meeting and everyone met up, in the meeting room, obviously, you were just waiting for Nat and Sam because they were on a mission and would be back soon,
-about 5 minutes later-
Sam and Nat came in and sat down Bucky had filled them in on the results Bruce and Tony had found so you didn't have to explain
"So, now that everyone is here, I guess we'll start. Y/n remember, anything you don't feel comfortable in saying you don't have to, or if you need to take a break just say" Bruce explained, you nodded in agreement "ok, so first question, can you please explain what happened when you first got your powers?"
"Ok, so basically what I said when we played truth or dare, I woke up strapped to a chair with my parents arguing in Russian, but they were saying completely different things like my mom was saying things like 'she's too young' and 'she doesn't need this' and my father on the other hand was saying 'she needs this' and this is when I realised they weren't who I thought they were he said 'she'll be a great side kick to the winter soldier" you looked at Bucky "it was the most painful thing I had ever been through my whole body felt like it was on fire and all my bio-dad would say was 'don't fight it it will just make it hurt more" dad got up and walked over to you
"Doll, do you remember your parents names?" You shook your head
"Only my last name, y/l/n" you lent forward and put your elbows on your knees "can we move on?"
"Of course, ok, is there anymore information that you can tell us about your parents before they passed?" You had to think about this for a minute or so and then it came to you
-after 3 minutes of thinking-
"Yes, I've remembered their names it was y/m/n and y/f/n" Everyone had shocked looks on their face "what do they mean something?"
"Y/n you've heard of hydra, right?" You nodded, dad grabbed your hand, and met your gaze
"Doll, y/m/n and y/f/n used to work for hydra, and You bio-mom used to give me my food and was really kind but your father on the other hand-" you held you hand up to him
"I don't wanna know, they're dead and that's it" a hot tear ran down your face
"Ok, sweetheart" papa came over and ran his hand down your back
Bruce and Tony had a few more questions but didn't really get anything interesting

Author here!
Just a reminder that y/m/n means your mothers name and y/f/n means your fathers name

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