Part 9- the discussion

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Author here just wanted to point out this chapter will be very short, it's just a conversation between the avengers about what to do with you.
It will probably be boring but you know 🤷🏼‍♀️
Author :)

Avengers POV

"Did you know this?" Tony started
"No we had know idea" Bucky followed
Nat tried to stick up for you "I don't think she even did until then"
"It doesn't matter if she just figured it out or if she has always known, she felt confident enough to tell us, that's all that matters, Wanda are you ok over there you are being very quiet?" Your papa is such a lovely man
"Umm... I'm fine, but I'm worried about y/n/n, I read her mind when she was telling the story just to make sure she was being truthful, and she was" Wanda explained
"Has she just figured it out or did she already know" bruce asked
"She had just figured it out at the same time we had," Wanda replied
"Oh our poor baby,she's already been through so much with just losing her parents in the first place she doesn't need this as well, what are we gonna do with her Tony?" Bucky asked
"In my opinion we let her rest for now and when she wakes up we can see if she will let us run some tests and maybe a dna test and get some answers" he explained
"Good idea" Steve said
"That poor girl If I spent one day in her shoes I'd fall on the first step she is so tough" sam explained "I mean I may have been through a lot but she is only a kid no child should go through that"
"Do I see Sam Wilson being sympathetic?" Bucky teased
"Yes you do, now get over it" he snapped back -I know that's not how the sam we know would respond but I want him to be kind sometimes-
"Can you two not argue like teenagers for 5 seconds?" Nat said

End of discussion- I told you it would be short

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