Y/n is a 12 year old orphan, her parents died when she was to young to remember them, they only come back in dreams, or worse... nightmares.
Shes been living in an orphanage since then with a secret that no one apart from her parents that knew abou...
You all looked terrified at the comment Tony just made "It's nothing to worry about it's just the new semester is coming up and I think y/n would do well socialising with kids her own age, she'd have peter anyway" (we are going to pretend that Peter is only 14 atm) everyone looked relieved apart from you "Do I get a say in this?" You said "Yes of course you do, we will homeschool you if you want, you just need to do some sort of learning" Papa agreed "It's fine I'll go, but do I tell people about my last name or do I just say I'm y/n" you asked "It's up to you, we don't mind, it might be safer to keep on the down low for a bit" Bucky said "Ok when do I start?" You replied "Peter goes back in 2 weeks so that's when you will start, I'll contact school, so you have the same time table as him" Tony said
-two weeks later-
"Wake up, doll, you have school" dad came in "Fine, I'm actually quite nervous, but it's nice to know Peter will be there" you said dad nodded, he gave you a hug and kissed you on the forehead "Well, I'll leave you to get ready" he left and you got up and dressed You put on your usual hoodie but with jeans because the school didn't allow leggings, you didn't get why but you went with it so you didn't get a detention on your first day
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Imagine this without the rips, or don't, it's up to you
You finished getting ready and went downstairs and saw Peter sitting with Tony making breakfast He passed you a pancake and the syrup "Hey y/n/n, you excited?" Peter asked "I guess, at the orphanage we all did school there so I've never been to a proper school, so in a way I'm definitely nervous but, I am excited all at once" you laughed nervously "I'll be there and you can meet MJ and Ned so you already kind of have 3 friends" you nodded "Y/n and Peter you need to leave now" JARVIS called "Happy is waiting for you outside" "Thanks JARVIS" you and Peter got up and left
-at school-
Happy had dropped you off and you were walking into school, "Sup, Penis Parker, who's the hottie?" That was flash, he thought he was cool but he really was just a big bully seeking attention. You shot him daggers, you whispered to Peter "did he just call you penis Parker?" Peter nodded "Just ignore him" you walked in to school You had home room first but the teacher wanted you to wait outside for a second "Right, students this is y/n, if you would like to introduce yourself" you walked in and stood in front of the class "Hi, as miss already said, I'm y/n, I can play the ukulele and one fact that not many people know is I love the band ACDC" "There are two seats available one next to Peter and one next to flash" the teacher said Obviously you chose Peter not because he was the only person you knew but because of the comment flash made to you earlier -at lunch- You had just finished history, you were learning about your dads, Bucky and Steve, and went to lunch. You saw peter sitting at a table with two people you hadn't seen before, you went over "Y/n, you made it, this is Ned and MJ, Ned and MJ this is y/n" "Nice to meet you both" you responded, you put your food down and held you hand out and they shook it "So your the famous MJ, peter is always talking about you" you said, Ned and MJ gave you a confused look and peter looked annoyed "Do you two know each other?" Ned asked, you gave peter a look and said to him "do I tell them, can I trust them" "They know about me being Spider-Man, so you can trust them" you nodded "Well, yes we do, I never actually told you my last name, my full name is y/n Roger-Barnes my dads are Steve Rogers and James Bucky Barnes" they looked at you stunned "and before you say anything I am adopted" they both looked at peter and gave him a 'is she for real?' Look and he nodded reassuringly
-next period-
It was PE next and you Ned MJ and Peter were all doing sit ups and as you went to get a drink you heard flash behind you "Hey hottie what you up to tonight?" You slapped him round the face then everyone started staring at you, "Call me hottie again and next time you will not live to see another day, got it?!" You shouted "Y/n my office, now!" The coach boomed You went to his office feeling proud of what you had done and not giving a shit what your punishment was "I know it's your first day but I'm going to have to call your dads to take you home" you were surprised it wasn't anything more sinister "but you can continue the lesson until they arrive" you were so shocked about the punishments at this school you thought you would be suspended or get a detention, or something like that, but to be taken home was a dream come true! You walked back into class and went straight over to Peter and the gang "Everyone is going to find out about my dads" you said "coach is calling home for them to pick me up" you looked petrified
Behind you you overheard a group of girls talking "I heard captain America and the white wolf, adopted a child, how I'd love to be her right now" you stared at her "what you looking at, new kid" "Oh nothing, just thinking, if I was you I'd wanna be me too, you know?" She looked at you in shock "You're lying I can see right through you" just as she said this papa and dad walked in "Y/N YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE" dad boomed, it made you jump you had never heard him shout before but you laughed when you saw the girls face when she found out you weren't lying "Geeze dad, I just slapped someone, I've done worse" you said "CAR NOW!" Papa shouted, you finally guessed what military mode was, lots and lots of shouting then your dad started shouting in Russian "тащи свою задницу в машину немедленно!" He shouted (get your butt in the car now!) You knew he was being serious so you did as he said, you got your butt in the car "WANT TO EXPLAIN WHAT THAT WAS ABOUT" papa kept shouting, you had never been shouted at before so tears formed but you didn't let them escape "I can't tell you if you don't stop yelling at me" you said quietly, they both turned their voices down, but kept the Stern tone "Can you tell me now" he said once he had calmed down "A boy named flash" you started "he kept calling me hottie and looking me up and down so ,as you would, I slapped him, and I feel proud for sticking up for myself and now everyone knows who my parents are and that means the whole world will know" you ranted you caught your breath back and just looked at them both, they gave you a sad look, you found it strange how forgiving they were, you didn't like it in a way -at the compound-
"Y/n what are you doing home so early" all the avengers looked at you as you walked into the lounge "Well, there was this boy flash" you started "Peter has mentioned him before" Tony stated "He said to me multiple times 'hey hottie' 'who's the hottie' 'what you up to tonight, hottie' and it was getting on my nerves so I slapped him and they called these two" you pointed to your dads, Sam and Nat both gave you a high five. If looks could kill, they would both be dead right now, Bucky and Steve gave them such a stern looked it kind of scared you "What?! Don't give me that face Rogers she did the right thing and I'm proud," she turned to you "you made auntie Nat proud, that's what I would of done" You giggled and just went about your day