29- sam wilson is actually kind?!

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You had just finished dinner and most of the avengers were just chatting in the living room, but you wanted to sit on the balcony and watch the sun set (picture above) and have some alone time, so you put on your AC/DC playlist and just sat in your thoughts
This didn't last for long because you were rudely interrupted by Sam coming outside, turning your music down
"Hey kiddo" he started
"Hey Sam" you said cheerfully, not knowing if you meant the enthusiasm or not
"How you holding up?" He asked
"I'm guessing my dads asked you to talk to me" you said bluntly
He sighed "yes, yes they did, but they're doing it for your own good"
"Why you tho, you were helping veterans with ptsd not suicidal teenagers" you said chuckling. He came and sat on the balcony with you
"Yea but your dads told me about your nightmares and flashbacks, and so I could help you with those, and take just a little bit of pressure off" he explained, and he made a point, you thought about it for a minute "fine" then there was a silence "so how does this work?" You asked
"How about we start by me asking, what are the nightmares about?" He started, you sighed deeply, really struggling not to cry
"They vary, sometimes they're are made up nightmares of papa and dad sending me back into the orphanage, or my parents coming back from the dead and kidnapping me, but sometimes they're more like memories of when I got my powers or when I got brainwashed" a tear ran down your face, but you brushed it away before sam could see
"Hey look at me" you looked up at him, he must of seen the tear
"There is no way that your dads would ever send you back to the orphanage, if they do, I'd adopt you" you both started laughing
"Is this sam Wilson being kind?!" You exclaimed
"Yes it is, and get used to it before I take it back" he put an arm around you "you know, one thing I know helped a lot of people with nightmares is writing down what happens, when you wake up, now I can't tell you what to do but try it out for a few days and see what happens" he explained
"thanks sam I'll try it" you said
"No problem, you know we don't have to talk just about your nightmares, what ever you say stays with me, unless-"
"Unless I'm going to cause harm to myself or to someone else, I know, i know, I've been to a shrink before" you interrupted
"You have?" Sam asked
"Yea, Mr Cunningham got me into therapy when he found out I had been hurting myself, and I actually stopped, until I found out about my parents" you explained
"Oh I'm sorry, I feel like the avengers are partially guilty for that" he said
"Yea well, it is what it is, I'm actually 4 weeks clean today" you said
"Yay, for you, we should celebrate!" Sam said, way to enthusiastic for your liking
"Sam, it's not a big deal, four weeks is nothing" you said
"Uhhh, no it's not, come on we're are celebrating whether you like it or not, unless you don't want the avengers to know you have been self harming obviously" he explained still happy
"No it's fine, they already know I think" you said
The second you said that he grabbed you and chucked you over his shoulder
"Ooo she triple named you Wilson" Nat said laughing
He put you down in front of all of the avengers and said
"I'll get the champagne, we have got champagne haven't we stark?" He said
"For Starters, yes we do we always do and secondly, what are we celebrating?" He asked then they all looked at you "y/n?"
You rolled your eyes and said
"It's not a big deal, I've already told Sam it's not a big deal" you said
"What's not a big deal, and also Wilson if you think my daughter is drinking think again my daughter is not drinking she is only 14" dad said
"It is y/n, if she won't tell you, I will, y/n is a month self harm free!!! A whole month!!" Sam said very enthusiastically
"Y/N that is a big deal, we have to celebrate!!" Nat screamed, everyone surrounded you and gave you a huge hug
"Can't....breath" you said, they all let you go
"I'm so proud of you doll" dad said
"Congrats sweetheart" papa congratulated


Don't hurt the butterfly 🦋 , if you ever feel like this, talk to someone, it helps me, and I wrote it based off peronal experience from when I was one month self harm free, we all go through ups and downs, sadly I'm not one month free anymore but I'm making my way back up

The butterfly encourages people to draw a butterfly on their wrist. They name the butterfly after someone they love and look at it whenever they feel the urge to cut. If the person cuts, they kill the butterfly. If the butterfly wears away before the person hurts them self, the butterfly lives.


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