Part 25- the after party

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You guys danced for hours and it was getting late, it was getting close for the kids needing to go back home, so you decided to sing them a song, like you usually did but this time you decided on a song that you hadn't played for anyone before, but you liked it, it was called grace by Kate Havnevik

"I'm on my knees
Only memories
Are left for me to hold

Don't know how
But I'll get by
Slowly pull myself together

I'll get through this
There's no escape
So keep me safe
This feels so unreal

Nothing comes easily
Fill this empty space
Nothing is like it seems
Turn my grief to grace

I feel the cold
Loneliness unfold
Like from another world

Come what may
I won't fade away
But I know I might change

Nothing comes easily
Fill this empty space
Nothing is like it was
Turn my grief to grace

Nothing comes easily
Where do I begin?
Nothing can bring me peace
I've lost everything
I just want to feel your embrace"

You finished singing and everyone had tears in there eyes
"Y/n, you should play more often I forgot how well you could sing" dad said, you were terrible at taking compliments so you just smiled and looked down
"I think it's time for us to get going," mr Cunningham said "it was nice to see you y/n"
"You too, sir" you replied, everyone came and gave you a hug and you stayed strong, but tears filled your eyes "I'll see you guys soon" you said to them
"Bye y/n" they all chorused
You watched them as Happy drove them home
"You ok, doll" dad said with a sad tone
"Yea I'm fine just didn't think I'd get emotional about it" you replied
"Well, everyone is just chatting in the lounge if you want to come join" dad said as he grabbed your hand
"I'm quite tired actually dad, and I have school tomorrow so I'll just go to bed" you said
"Ok hunny, do want me to come and stay with you" he said
"Yes please"
"Ok I'll just go and tell the others so they don't wonder where we are" he walked off and you went and got ready for bed
A few minutes later
Papa and dad came in and got into bed with you, you were sitting up talking,
"You sure you want to go to school tomorrow, with your chair it might not be the best idea" papa started
"Only, if you let me, I'm not going if you don't think i should" you replied
"You are such a good girl, we couldn't of asked for better" papa said, they both snuggled into you and you put you head on dad's shoulder as you held papa's hand
"I think you should go, it's the start of a new semester, anyway so if you think about it, you actually haven't had that much time off, only about a week or two" dad said
You all lay down and shut your eyes, and drifted off to sleep

A/n- Sorry this is so short, the next one with be longer!

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