Once you had finished hugging and dressing your cuts making sure it wouldn't come undone, you all made your way downstairs, You were in your wheelchair.
You we're getting quite nervous because of the state they all saw you in, what they would think, so when you were getting closer to the door you just stopped
"What's wrong sweetheart" papa asked, concerned
"I don't know, I just don't know how they will react" you replied, they came over and bent over to your level, looked you in the eye and said
"It'll be fine, they love you, they are very worried, they just can't show how much they love you because they are on missions all the time, but we promise you they love you very much" this made you really emotional because for a long time now you didn't know your self worth, you just thought they tolerated you, but hearing this made you realise how loved you actually are, a stay tear escaped your eyes and dad held your cheek in his real hand and wiped the tear away as papa held your hand, they had teared up too
"Why are you two crying?" You said as you let out a chuckle
"Because of how beautiful you are and how much we love you, is that not enough to make someone cry?" Papa said as they both laughed too
"Can one of you, carry me in please? I'm getting tired" you asked
Papa picked you up and put you on his side, you rested you head on his shoulder as Bucky caressed your back, this made you feel comfortable enough to go in, so as a family,
you all walked into see all the avengers looking worried
Bruce got up and went over to you "when we are all done here, I want to check you over, just to make sure your perfectly ok, but only if that's ok with you" he said
"Well, I can't exactly say no, can I?" You replied, then you looked at Wanda "shall we get started?"
She nodded and gestured to a chair "if you could put her in the chair please" papa walked over and put you down in the chair, kissing you on your forehead before walking backwards to stand with the others, Wanda put her hand on your arm, reassuringly
"This will take about 2 minutes, if you just want to close your eyes and relax, you'll know when it's done" she said calmly, you nodded and closed your eyes lying back into the chair "also it shouldn't hurt but if it does at any point just say, any questions before I start?" She said
"Will everyone be able to see what you can or will you have to tell them" you asked
"I can project it so, yes they can see what I can see"
-side note, I know Wanda can't actually project things like this but I just felt it went better if she could-
"Ok" you said as you lay back and closed your eyes,
She brought her hands up to your head and they glowed red, it didn't hurt at all if anything it tickled, you could feel the power flowing through your head, you knew that she was looking at the odd memory, and all of your current emotions because you felt the rush of the sadness and the rush of anxiety, you also got suicidal thought,
You also knew everyone could see how you felt because the room was deadly silent, like Wanda said about two minutes later (even if it felt like hours for you) you felt yourself go back to feeling numb, like you had for the last few weeks
You opened your eyes and saw everyone was crying even Tony and Sam, which was a rare sight, you held yourself together, went back to your normal funny self, masking all of the symptoms so they couldn't see how you actually felt, and said
"It feels like someone died" you laughed nervously trying to avoid eye contact with them all, you wanted to just get up and walk away but because of your stupid injury you weren't allowed, you could if you wanted to but the more you disobeyed Bruce the longer you wouldn't be able to walk, so you just sat there in the awkwardness of the room
"Can someone say something, I would walk away but thanks to hydra I can't so I'm stuck here watching all of you guys cry" you said
Everyone came over to you and bombarded you in a hug
"Wanda, I think you've broken them" they all laughed
"Why didn't you tell us that's how you felt, y/n/n" Nat said
"Did Wanda not explain, I wanted to but I didn't know how to word it" you said "also, I really want to know what she showed you, because I thought I knew but because of the way you all reacted I don't think I am correct"
"She just showed us, how you were feeling when you were about to jump of the building and when you tried to kill your self again a few hours ago, as well as a few memories from the orphanage, and before the battle of New York, before you became an orphan, also she showed us how you mask, like how you are now" Bruce explained, you looked down
"I can't help it, it's habit now" you said "you wouldn't want me not to mask because I'd be a pain in all of your backsides" you laughed, Bruce took his glasses off and gave you a suspicious look, this made you nervous but you didn't know why "why is he giving me that look?" You asked to no one in general
"I'm concerned y/n" he replied
"Why? I'm perfectly fine" you said trying to act oblivious but it wasn't working
"No your not sweetheart, we've all just seen how you feel, let Bruce give you a once over, and we will go from there" papa said, you were getting really sleepy and could barely keep your eyes open but you were pushing through, dad picked you up and put you on his side, you put your head on his shoulder struggling to keep your eyes open
"Do we have too, I just want to sleep" you replied
"Y/n it's only 11 am, you've practically only just woken up, i am going to check you over, now" Bruce said sternly, you didn't really hear him because you were half asleep, the whole team followed Bruce down to the medical room, with you in Bucky's arms, he placed you on a gurney and put you in the recovery room, you were conscious but not one hundred percent aware of what was going on
"Can you give her some space please?" Steve said
"Wait, p-papa l-let them s-s-stay" you stuttered "it's n-not l-like I'm d-dying, i don't really get why I'm in here, I'm just t-tired" you added, having them in there makes you feel safe and less likely to cry
"Only if your sure, sweetheart, also they can't get in Bruce's way" papa said, everyone nodded and agreed
Bruce quickly left to go and put on his lab coat and get all his equipment, he came back about a minute later, because you were barely awake he couldn't exactly ask you to do stuff, so he just did it, like using a stethoscope and doing blood work, everyone let Bruce work but they all held you in some way, like your dads were lying in bed with you unless Bruce needed them to move and Wanda and Nat were holding your hands and so on, you had even made a small friendship with Peter at school, so even he was crying and comforting you
Soon Bruce came in with an IV catheter and set the pole up and hooked the clear liquid up to it
"Is that saline?" You asked
"Yes, it turns out, you lost some blood, not enough to be deadly, but sometimes losing blood can make you dehydrated, and very lethargic, so hopefully soon you will feel better" you nodded, but you had never needed an IV whilst awake, you had, had one before but not when you were awake, so this made you nervous and you started to squeeze Nat and Wanda's hand very hard and they, noticed almost instantly, they could see you were panicked inside but you weren't physically showing it yet,
Bruce came over and asked "where am I most likely to get a vein?" You just shrugged your shoulders "ok I'll just go in your hand, it'll be easier to move with it in your hand" he said, you nodded as he came closer, you we're getting more and more nervous, because your eyes were starting to glow blue,
"Y/n what's your favourite film?" Nat asked changing the subject taking your mind off of what was going on
"I don't know probably, Y/f/m" you squeezed out
"Oh I love that film!" She said enthusiastically
"Oh and me" Sam said catching on to what she was doing
"Y/n I've heard that you like Harry Potter, me and your dad have never seen them, once we are done and you've had a nap, do you want to binge watch them together?" Papa asked, getting what they were all doing too, you nodded, at this point it had worked you were completely oblivious and distracted
"All done, just need to connect them together and you are free to sleep" he said comfortingly, with a smile on his face
"Are you not bored of me yet Bruce, I mean I'm in here all the time at the moment" you said, he gave you a sad look
"I could never get bored of you y/n/n, Your family, I will always be here to help family, family comes first" he said and everyone agreed and bombarded you in a hug
"We all love you y/n/n, you're just going through a rough patch, and it will get better" Nat said kissing you on the forehead
"We'll go and let you sleep, night y/n" Wanda said, everyone left apart from your dads, as usual. They hopped into bed with you and hugged you tightly making you feel safe and you drifted off into a light sleep

Adopted by Stucky
FanfictionY/n is a 12 year old orphan, her parents died when she was to young to remember them, they only come back in dreams, or worse... nightmares. Shes been living in an orphanage since then with a secret that no one apart from her parents that knew abou...