-only about 5 minutes later-
Everyone had stumbled into the lounge in a sort of silence/ small talk amongst themselves and then Sam piped up
"Y/n can play ukulele" everyone went quiet and looked to you and your face went bright red "you also said to me earlier that you would play when there was less people around, and there is less people, so play us something"
You responded with "я собираюсь побить эту суку"
(I'm going to beat this bitch up)
"Language, doll" Bucky gave you a look and Nat just burst out laughing
"What did she say about me!!!?" Sam said angrily
"I forgot you could speak Russian dad, sorry, but I mean what I said and I stand by it" that just made Sam more angry and Nat laugh more "I'll play something don't worry" you stood up and grabbed your ukulele "any requests?" No one answered "ok then, I'll play the song I used to sing to my siblings, the moon song by the one and only Scarlett Johanson"
You started to play and sing:"I'm lying on the moon
My dear, I'll be there soon
It's a quiet starry place
Time's we're swallowed up in space
We're here a million miles awayThere's things I wish I knew
There's no thing I'd keep from you
It's a dark and shiny place
But with you my dear, I'm safe
And we're a million miles awayWe're lying on the moon
It's a perfect afternoon
Your shadow follows me all day
Making sure that I'm okay
And we're a million miles away"As you finished a few tears escaped your eyes "sorry I didn't think i would cry" your dads came over and hugged you "it just brought back memories of when I used to sing to the kids" you wiped your tears and stood up "you happy now Sam?" You walked up to him and slapped him round the head
"OW!" Everyone burst out laughing, even your dads were laughing.
"So why did you care so much about me playing the ukulele" you asked him, a little annoyed at how much he pushed for you to play, then all the attention turned to Sam
"Uhhh... you know I actually don't know.. I just wanted to see if you were telling the truth" he explained
"You know Sam you're lucky I'm a very forgiving person because I could burn you in a second" you flipped your palm and a flame appeared in the centre
"кукла, прекрати это сейчас" dad warned
(Doll,stop that now)
You could tell that dad was getting angry so you stopped before it got worse
"Sorry, dad, it won't happen again"
"Good," after this there was a short silence then Tony piped up
"Do want to play truth or dare," everyone nodded in agreement "ok I'll start, Peter truth or dare,"
"Uhhh I'll go truth" he responded
"Ok umm lemme think.. oh I've got one Peter do you have a crush on someone if so who?" Tony asked. Peter's face went bright red "yes," everyone gasped out of shock "it's MJ" there was even more gasps
"MJ?" You questioned
"She's a girl from school" Nat explained for you
"Ok my turn Mr Rogers truth or dare?" Peter asked papa,
"I'll go dare, just for fun" he responded
"Ok... I dare you toooooo try and lift mjölnir" peter dared
"That's not much of a dare but oh well, Thor may I?" He asked
"Go ahead, if you lift it you can rule asguard" he answered
Papa walked over to Thor's hammer and put his hands on the handle and pulled as hard as he could, it moved a little but he didn't lift it
Thor looked extremely relieved that he didn't pick up his hammer "haha Rogers isn't worthy"
"Papa your turn" you said to him
"Ok y/n, truth or dare" everyone looked at you in anticipation
"I choose truth I think you guys need to know me better" you looked at everyone and they looked at Steve
"Ok sweetheart, you don't have to answer if don't want to because it's quite personal" you started to get worried about what it might be
"I'm an open book ask me anything" you asked confidently to hide your concern
"Ok, what's your most painful experience?" He asked
"Oh is that it, that's not very personal, lemme think" everyone stared at you as you thought, "ok but it's a long story" you didn't need to think for long "I know, i was two years old I think, I remember waking up strapped in a chair" you closed your eyes to try and remember better "I had something going inside me, it was very hot, my whole body felt like it was on fire, I saw my parents sitting across the room shouting at each other in Russian my mother was saying things like 'she's to young' and 'we shouldn't of done this' but my father on the other hand was saying things like 'she needs it' and 'she is going to be a great sidekick to the..." you paused, it finally hit you, you looked at Bucky "omg my parents are not who I thought they were"
"Doll what are you talking about" dad asked
"Well, I did say you needed to know me better, my dad wanted me to be your sidekick dad, that explains me being Russian," all of the avengers looked at you with shock "I'm sorry I never should of said but yea that's the answer to your question, my most painful experience was when I got my powers, I should go" you tried to get up but Steve grabbed your arm "ok but we need to finish this conversation in the morning"
"Goodnight guys," they all waved goodnight to youyou went to your room and took your hair out and took off your makeup, got changed into your pyjamas and just lay there looking at the ceiling not being able to sleep, because of what you had just discovered.

Adopted by Stucky
FanfictionY/n is a 12 year old orphan, her parents died when she was to young to remember them, they only come back in dreams, or worse... nightmares. Shes been living in an orphanage since then with a secret that no one apart from her parents that knew abou...