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A girl can't stand it anymore and she wants nothing to do with her friend or her mother or her teachers as they keep telling her that her dreams of being a hero is not going to work cause of her being Quirkless, but she wasn't making her to pissed before she unleased her Quirk onto them and screams she hates them all.

She ran and she packed all of her things and stuff before booking it fast as she can't stand it making her to be a missing child's case cause she ran away from home. She saw a boy with a teen making her to noticed the teen is jealous of the boy making her to fix this.

"Hello." Both turned to her and saw her with a lot of stuff.

"What are you doing here?"

"Where's her parents, Touya-nii?"

"I ran away cause everyone thinks I'm Quirkless when I was hiding it to keep myself safe really. I don't want to talk about my Quirk right now really. Why are you jealous of the younger boy?"


"Ah. You were replaced then by your younger brother and you didn't like that at all really as it feels like everything you did with him was for nothing and was forgotten for all cause of a better 'thing' has shown itself really. You know...

You could teach him how to use his Quirk a lot better than your father and make him not have the same personality as your father and make him a much better man really." The teen didn't it see it like that and will do that to make that old man suffer for everything he did to him by tossing him to the side.

It took a month before she saw the the two again making her to be angry as their mother was sent to a mental hospital making her to hate him even more and he was suppose to be a Hero. She asked them if they want to join her and run away from home.

"We'll be back for them and your mother." They packed and left with her making her to do training with them as she thinks a mistake with the genetics as he should of had a stronger body and not a weak one really which might explain this really.

They saw a girl who was crying and they got closer and saw she was crying cause her parents were killed and by a Hero called Endeavour cause of him chasing a villain making Touya to feel responsible for her cause of this mistake, but some people from HPSC threated her.

"If I tell, they'll..."

"Good thing I'm his eldest son. You can tell us and we won't tell anyone about it really." The girl nods and she begins to explain what happened to her.

Flash Back...

A girl was walking with her parents and then Endeavour shows up chasing a villain and both of her parents ended up getting hit by his Quirk as the villain moved out of the way making Endeavour to send the attack at them and since she was small, she didn't get hit by it.

Endeavour was looking away as he had the villain captured six minutes later and he didn't noticed a child crying for her parents dead parents as HPSC threated to hurt her if she told anyone about this.

"But he killed them and the villain moved to make it happened! How can you let this stand?! He's a villain pretending to be a hero!" She got slapped making her to feel pain on her left checks as they didn't noticed a police officer heard and say everything.

"You will NOT say anything about this to anyone or else we'll going to hurt you."

"That's child abuse!" Slapped on the same cheek making it to hurt even more.

"Don't care. He's going to be a very famous hero and you will not ruin this for him." They left, but the police officer cleaned her cheek and placed medicine with bandages over top of it.

"I got it all recorded. Don't worry. I got this. I'm Truth Man." She hugs him and thanked him as he can't believe what has happened and this could possibly turn her into a villain if she doesn't get help soon and therapy to handle what she went through really.

Flash Back Ends...

"Those bastard! Don't worry. you can come with us as we ran away from home. We'll be your new family." She hugs Touya as she thanks him and shows the way home where she packs everything with help and sold the company to a family member.

She even donated every clothing and furniture her parents and the house had to Diabetes to sell to get money to help those with diabetes which was for a good cause really. Touya held her at night with his brother to keep the nightmares away.

They saw a boy with a head of a crow who was sitting in the rain which it's been two weeks since they got their new member really. He's parents died from being drugged in front of him and now he has no where to go making them to head to his house to do the same as their girl did.

They had to avoid the heroes as much as they can making them to see a girl with a Frog Quirk and her two siblings making them to take them in fast and did the same as the other two. Then they saw a kid with a muzzle over his face making one of them to be very upset about this.

"He doesn't have any kind of canine Quirk and they're doing this just because he can brainwash people?! Come on! We'll going to sneak in and get his stuff! Plus make a few changes to their wills to get everything to him once death claims their souls!

I'm good with forgering hand styles and make it look like I'm them since I got better at it cause of my incubator really. Let's fix this up!" Once there, they got the boy's stuff and the girl managed to get both wills and changed it to what she wants them to place the money once death claims their souls.

Touya wonders if more is going to be joining them until they saw a rich girl who is crying cause she is being forced to be a good girl making her to see them and her butler/maid has all of her stuff packed making her to see theirs as well as she's their charge.

"Luckily I know a couple of islands where we can rebuild our lives... But at a cost. We become their rulers. We each take a island and make them our kingdom with us as their King or Queen and you can stop eavesdropping on us, kid." A boy shows himself as he has a large dark circles under his eyes.

It's been only four hours since they left the girl's mansion making them to wonder why the boy was here and he said that his brother packed up all of his stuff as he needs to run away from home to keep his father from forcing too much expectations onto him which would hurt him really.

"You're welcome to join us. I'm planning to do the building of the kingdoms for all of us really as it'll go even faster and it's going to be themed on our Quirks to make it fair really." They agreed as this is going to be awesome and they can't wait to see what she built for them all really.

She has a lot of work to do, but she cares for them and is not going to let them down as she knows that summoning her own kingdom is going to take a lot of out her, but she doesn't care as she also had the necklace show up as well, too.

'I'm not going to let down my friends as we're in this together really. Maybe I should use my Laputa name, but then Laputa would be in danger. Best not to do that really. Ever.'

AN: Warning. Two chapters had to be split into four chapters each cause it got too many words in them and I'm not going to be wasting your time with the wordy chapters anymore. Maybe only a thousand words is the most I'm going to try and do from now on really.

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