King Cremation Frost and Queen Carola's children

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Queen Speedy Glitchy was fully working on a new baby to see different timelines only, but she didn't think something would go wrong when three people came through and she had to call for doctors and for her King asap really plus her king's group.

"So you mean to tell me is that: one) you made a new baby that was ONLY meant to see different timelines to see where a lot of things went wrong and to keep it from effect our timeline if people make the wrong choices.

Two) AU King Cremation Frost and Queen Carola was looking you straight in the face before these three had showed up and you saw their deaths. Three) You think they sent their three children who is in the very hospital that also has their files that came with them to keep them safe from whatever killed their real parents in that AU timeline and four..."

"Four) This was critical cause that timeline doesn't have the 'Royal Eight' at all really. So..." Izumi was going to have a headache really as King Speedy Gonzales hugs his wife who leans into him as this is a critical major thing for them really.

"Alright... First things first... Queen and King, do you accept your AU children?"

"We'll ask them questions a bit first and then ask them. If they do to us, we'll accept them." King Cremation Frost said as Queen Carola nods her head.

"Fine by me. Give them a chose is a good move. Second, how are they?"

"Thanks to their medical files, all three seems fine. Expect for a couple of injuries like scratches, a couple of bruises which are now healing nicely thanks to the very stronger bruise medicine and one or two deep wounds. Other than that, they'll recovery fine."

"Thanks, Doctor Frost." Natsuo Todoroki accepts that code name to hide who he is from his father as his sister, Fuyumi Todoroki is Icy Wind-sensei and their mother, Rei Todoroki is Queen Elsa to hide from her husband. Izumi gave those code names out to all of them personally.

King Speedy Gonzales wasn't mad at his Queen as she just wanted to see timelines and see what would go wrong and stop them only in their timeline really. He fully saw nothing wrong with her worries, but she should have warned them first, so they can be there.

"Next time, honey, have us be here just in cause something like this happens. Alright?" She agrees as it was a quick ten second look and nothing more. 'League of Villains' has Queen Bloody Lizzie and King Cremation Frost in their base now.

It was making the two to quickly act differently as Queen Speedy Glitchy had showed them and they acted it out perfectly making them to be in the group. They were even allowed to leave if they already have a place which they do both making it easier to report in to Izumi really.

What one of them didn't expect was the 'League of Villains' to kidnap his AU children making him and his wife fully pissed to the point they will kill and will not leave anything showing they did it really and they did shock them good really.

(AN: Toga wasn't touching the older one as she is twenty feet away from them really. Oh and Hawks is females in the story, so think a angry hawk mother in a form of a female human with a pair of wings really)

"They're..." The ring leader was shocked as he just though they were fully Pro-Heroine Hawks' children making King Cremation Frost to glare and blast a fire ball near his face which had him to release all three as the older one went for her father and the other two their mother fast.

"Touch them again... I won't be leaving anything of you behind, got it?!" King Cremation Frost threatens which heads were fully nodding like bobbleheads making him and his wife to head home with scared Queen Bloody Lizzie following them.

Izumi didn't like that and plans to keep them close as King Speedy Gonzalo can look after the three during each attack the group plans to do really and Izumi's dear King Explosion Murder was getting more use to his new home and life really.

Izumi was happy about that as her children calls him daddy as they like they are going to get two more making Izumi to wonder how to get her senpai as this is going to be hard to do really. King Solomon can help which she'll allow when she feels like it got to that point.

The treasure that Queen Aquarius has gotten was sorted out between the two Neutral Islands and eight Islands making it to be fair really. Izumi loves how she got it and wonders if Queen Speedy Glitchy can make a baby to make realistic copies of all of it really.

"We get more and don't need to do any trades for a while thanks to it and we can keep our islands going for years if we do it all very much smartly really." Izumi said as they can see that happening. Queen Speedy Lust announced she's fully pregnant with quads.

It was fully making King Speedy Gonzalo to be happy and the very whole island was rejoicing in having four princesses or princes running among them really. A lot of baby stuff was gifted with some recipes for the chiefs to make for her really.

King Speedy Gonzales and Queen Speedy Glitchy was happy as they loved to be an uncle and auntie since this means the family is going to grow. Queen Speedy Lust took leave from U.A for her first pregnancy making Nezu to accept and have another take over for her.

Now Queen Speedy Lust was fully at home making her dear King Speedy Gonzalo to be trilled by this as he gets to look after her as he took leave and trusts his man to hold the fort while he's gone which got Nezu to know how the father is really.

The rest of the Iida family also sent gifts to the agency and he took it with him really. He needs to hide he's a Neutral between the main island and the 'Royal Eight's Islands really. Queen Speedy Lust can't wait to see what they would look like really.

Izumi knows that with two members pregnant, Izumi knows that Mrs. Jirou is helping her out like she is with her own daughter which she doesn't mind really. It would hurt a lot and doctors has the room set for when they are ready to come into the very world really.

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