All Might Meets the Leader part 3

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All three was shocked at the very transformation of Toshinori as her healing gas had to do fully both do this much healing and so much reversing on him means the injuries was critical as that much major damage to a body fully gone just like that is not a good sign.

'And we know it." Both the doctor and the girl thinks as this not fully going to be a good thing at all if he was that badly injuries and was still fighting like that as if he had a death wish which they hope not as this is not something someone can just continue fighting with really.

"I'm looking good really." Toshinori liked what he was seeing as he's happy with this and he has a full eight hours with his Quirk which helps him out, but the doctor did have to tell him to not fight villains for two weeks max to allow his body to get use to the new changes.

"Thanks, doc. I'll keep that in mind since it'll be hard, but I'll try really. Thanks, young lady."

"No problems, Yagi-san. Best you head to bed now. I'll be in the ship to help the passengers back to the island really." Toshinori nods and he left as the doctor turns serious as he looks towards her as he knows who she truly is.

"Queen Sheeta, what do you plan to do?" The girl, known for her codename only on the Islands frowns as she hates Heroes and here All Might explains not only his life, but also about a very evil villain who injuried him to that point her gas was needed to fully reverse it all.

"That villain is going to be dead meat if I have anything to even say about it. Make sure a copy of his medical file you have is sent to Recovery Girl by fax. We can't have that villain know about this really for the safety of Yagi-san as this is going to be a war between us and this villain."

"Yes, right away, Queen Sheeta." Those four days passed and here she is again on the airship fully as Toshinori politely asked for her name since he never got it as he was telling her about what he knows about the Quirk and the enemy: All For One.

'Which he fully doesn't know is my five times great-grand uncle really and I'm not going to tell him about it either. I need to keep this a secret really from him for the rest of my life.' The girl thinks before giving her first name only really.

"It's Izumi, Yagi-san. I'm not going to be giving you my last name since that incubator of mine, my childhood friend/playmate and the teachers plus others said I can't be a Hero cause I'm 'Quirkless'. I ran away cause I couldn't stand it all anymore really.

I met my friends and they, too ran away with me since they can't take it either. Three of them lost their parents and the others just ran away like I did. We don't want to go back and we feel like the very expectations of others is going to weigh on us.

Which it actually was to only two of them, Yagi-san. They just can't handle it." Toshinori fully nods and promises to not mention he saw her at all. She sighs of relief as she was worried he would go and tell them after telling him all this really and was glad he wasn't.

"Thank you." After the two days ride, he checks his phone and he's shocked with the number of miss calls, number of miss texts and the  number of voice messages he has fully gotten really for the past two months. He had made a very big announcement.

'All Might is back and he needs fully two weeks rest to get back into the swing of it.' He posted it and sighs as Sir Nighteye calls him quickly and he had to warn to not shout as he's not in a private area yet and he got home fast to have the talk he needs really.

"Now then, what's with the phone calls every five minutes? I was on my vacation, Sir."

"I don't care about that! Did you or did you not go on the Air Destroyer Goliath airship?!" Toshinori was confused to what the heck got Sir so worked up about the airship really.

"I'd just got off it, Sir as I went to Neutral Island and you wouldn't believe how the Pro-Heroes were acting there. They're so close to being banned from there and the island has a good relationship with HPSC if their members being on the island means anything.

I just read about that when I had turned my phone back on. How did I miss that? Guess that's what happens when I kept my phone off for the whole vacation just to have some peace and quiet really." Sir groans as he mumbles about idoits as he can't believe this really.

"I'm agreeing with you about them being idiots. One was even going to attack a young lady if I didn't step in and no, I didn't fight him. He knew me as my own manager and apologized to me." Sir sighs.

"The reason I was calling you like crazy was because I saw you get killed."

"Sir, we talked about this before and I..."

"By Queen Sheeta, the very Villain Leader of the new villainous group called 'The Royal Eight'. On the island. You being here means she either changed her mind or she's up to something."

"Wait... What group?" Toshinori was confused as this is a first for him.

"You never heard of them?! All Might! For five years, they have done a lot of crimes and cause of them being rulers of six islands with two being married to the very other two members of the group to be their queens!" Toshinori was now shocked.

"What caused it?! They'd have to have a reason if they are doing all this!"

"No one knows anything about them cause they use codenames. Queen Sheeta, King Shadow, Queen Aquarius, Quen Ravity, King Speedy Gonzales, King Blazing Frost, Queen Creative and King Solomon. No one knows what they look like either.

No pictures were ever taken and Queen Carola, Queen of the Neutral Island is very neutral to them eight really. I heard she had married the very advisor of King Blazing Frost: Advisor Cremation Frost. And no one knows who he is or who Queen Bloody Lizzie is.

She's married to Queen Ravity and is beloved as she kills to protect her people which they loved cause she cares for them all really." Toshirno is now having a hard time just fully understanding this all as how did he miss this huge deal really.

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