Class 1-A

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Izumi and her group got their results and all of them are in the same class, but one really. King Solomon was in the General Education classes with some Hero classes as he has passed some of the class and will be with class 1-A for those classes really.

"Better than nothing. You also get to spend some time with your future queen, King Solomon." King Shadow.

"You're right and I did that to have classes with you guys if I don't make it into the Hero Course really." King Solomon.

"Smart. Thinking ahead. You know how to..." King Blazing Frost.

"I'm going to let Queen Sheeta look them over and see which ones I should do as I want to make sure I don't break her mind really." King Solomon.

"I can see that happening. Nice of you to ask for help." King Speedy Gonzales.

"I'll look them over in two weeks time. We still need to do some planning as I have a bad feeling we got the worst teacher ever really and we need to be prepared for anything." Queen Sheeta.

"Right." King Shadow, King Blazing Frost, King Speedy Gonzales, Queen Aquarius, Queen Creative, King Ravity and King Solomon.

"Let's get back to our kingdoms and hope like heck that really no Pro-Heroes managed to get into our castles." Izumi said as they're all relieved none did, but Queen Carola wasn't and banned them from her island making them to be shocked as HPSC also took their licenses away for this.

Oh it was on the news also making many to not like what they did as that's illegal to do really. HPSC was very upset as they had to pay fines to Queen Carola and Izumi was laughing as she KNEW some were going to be banned from Neutral Island really.

Izumi would meet Toshinori on Neutral Island with her friends making him to be happy to meet them and he apologized for what life had thrown at them which they know was general feelings and they told him it wasn't his fault really.

"Still... If you want to forget about, it's not my chose to keep fully reminding you all about it. How did you all survive for so long like you did? Most would have been captured by the Pro-Heroes and some would have escaped."

"We took them with us and they live on Neutral Island with Queen Carola as their guardian until they are eighteen. They go to school here and are happy here. A lot of arrests were done cause most were abuse cases really.

Any family members who were in the same situation was really brave enough to confess it also fully happened to themselves and live here with them. They're more happy being here than fully back home." Toshinori nods and he was happy about that as this is a good thing for them all really.

"Did you?"

"I trust them with my life. I'm not going to hide it really from them." Izumi said as Toshinori nods since she needs her own support line and they seem to care for her since she helped them out it would seem.

"Which ones have no par..."

"Us." Queen Ravity, King Shadow and Queen Aquarius said at the same time and he took out three checks of money making the three shocked.

"My friend is in the police and knows about the Quirk. He asked if I met someone, as in I got a lover... I think, and I denied it. He knows I met someone. I just said a teen by the name Izumi and fully nothing more. He figured it out himself.

I had to answer his questions. The money was from the parents' wills and they fully had to go to their children. He figured the eight missing children who are fully in contact with me, I should give the money personally to them. Sorry."

"Not your fault. He must of had a Quirk that makes him a human lie detector really." He laughs as she got it spec on for what his Quirk does really. He asked Izumi if she wants to be his TA during his Hero classes making her to think as this means she gets to find more for her group to have really.

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