(1) First Date with him <3

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Louis : He stood out your door with a bouquet of beautiful red roses. You were inside getting dressed, looking your best. You wore a beautiful cream colored lace cocktail dress, which went perfectly with your golden brown skin, curled your lush brown straight hair, put on the rose gold pearl necklace your mother gifted to you on your 18th birthday and your favorite black almond toe heels to match your outfit. You were finally, ready to go.  As you opened the door, you saw a handsome young man waiting for you with a bouquet of roses. 

"Cheesy, I know.. but they're beautiful.. like you" He said, shuffling his legs and blushing. You blushed as he offered them to you and opened the car door for you to sit. What a gentleman! He took you to a beautiful beach to watch the sunset. He had booked a small table near the waves. Candle light dinner under the stars beside the waves with Louis holding your hand smiling at you. His beautiful face, hopeful eyes and affectionate smile just made you fall in love over and over. It was perfect. After dinner, you two walked along the beach. He held you by the waist as you spoke about your job and interests. He pulled you in so close you could feel his warm breath against your skin. "You're so pretty.. you're irresistible you know?" He says as your lips finally touch and you share your first passionate kiss with him, which marked the start of your relationship.

Niall : You were getting ready for a date with a cute Irish lad you had met at an arcade with your friends. You guys had gotten talking, shared numbers and now, here you were. You were brushing your hair as you received a text from him. "Y/N.. I'm so sorry I'm down with the flu.. I feel terrible right now.. this is our first date and I probably ruined it. I'm really sorry I understand if you're mad at me :(" you couldn't help but smile at his cute texts. "I'm coming over Niall Xx." You text back and head to the door just grabbing your coat. On the way you bought chips, chocolate and some tablets from the nearby store. 

As soon as you arrived at Niall's doorstep, he opened it, looking tired and weak with a puffy red nose. The entire couch was surrounded by used tissue papers. "Hey" he said looking down not wanting to meet your eyes in that condition. You say nothing and push him to the bedroom, clean up the tissues from the living room, and get him his tablet. "Can I borrow your hoodie? These clothes are itchy" You say as he points at his cupboard. You put on his soft hoodie opened up a bag of chips and snuggled with him. "I don't want you catching the flu Y/N.." Niall says trying to push you off his embrace. You pout and say "It's our first date, maybe if I fall sick, it'll last longer." "You're so pretty.." He smiled as you two got back to cuddling and watching movies all night.

Liam : You two were at the amusement park. You were wearing your favorite mint colored crop top with a tiny brown butterfly in the corner of it and your sky blue skinny jeans. You had your hair tied up in a bun with a few strands hanging out. You had a pretty pink lip gloss on with mint colored pearl earrings to match your outfit. Liam's jacket and arm was wrapped around your shoulder. You two were holding a cotton candy and Liam was telling you all sorts of stories. You looked at his pretty face as he laughed at his own stories, he looked like an angel, lips so pink and kissable, cheeks soft, hair brown, long and silky. His smile, his eyes, every wrinkle in his skin you admired. You hadn't met a more perfect person than Liam. 

You smiled slightly, unknowingly gazing at Liam when he noticed you. He immediately stopped talking and blushed. "What are you smiling at?" He said still blushing. "You" you replied. You two looked into each other's eyes and he pulled you in for a kiss. His sweet lips wrapped around yours, you felt safe and loved. You smiled as he pulled away. His hand now wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him, pointing at the rollercoaster ride he said "See that ride?" "Oh hell no Payne train I'm not doing that" You protested, quickly stepping back and laughing. He smiled at the nickname and grabbed you by your waist. You let out a squeal as he said "We'll see about that princess."

Zayn : He had a splendid idea planned for you. He told you to dress simple and you did. You wore a pink teddy bear shirt and tights. He wore his hoodie and jeans. His hair was dyed green and he was wearing a pair of Gucci sunglasses. He looked adorable when he smiled. You had met him at a high school party and went head over heels for him. Seems like had fallen hard for you too. You two were at the go karting track all ready for your ride. Everytime he overtook you, he would stick out his tongue and make a v out of his fingers. You only found it cute so you smiled and blew him a kiss. He would pretend to faint and then, you'd find the right time to overtake, looking back at his pouty face and giggling. 

After the ride, he took you too the café. You ordered cold coffee and shared. You shared many laughs and next went to the bowling alley. Clearly, he had let you win. But you enjoyed every bit of his company. As you were leaving, you saw an old man who was selling cake pops around the corner. "Hello, I'm collecting some money for my family.. would you and your beautiful girlfriend like to have a cake pop?" He asked sweetly. You blushed when you heard 'girlfriend'. Zayn looked at you and pulled you by the waist. "Yes. My girlfriend and I would love a cake pop. You can keep the change" He said. You two walked hand in hand, with your cakepop, snuggled close to each other.

Harry : He took you horseback riding. He knew how much you loved animals, he knew how much you adored horseback riding. He wore a puma shirt with a black coat, black hat and skinny jeans. You wore a white crop top, sandals and had your hair tied up into a high ponytail. He held your hand and walked you to the horse. "Aww" You say, caressing the horse's muzzle. It let out a soft neigh as you turned to Harry and giggled. He watched you treat the horse like your very own pet. He watched the genuine happiness in your pretty brown eyes and smiled along. Just then the equestrian arrived, telling you two exactly what to do. You got onto the horse and Harry sat behind you. Just as you two were buckled up, the horse started trotting. You giggled and Harry slowly wrapped his arms around your waist. 

Your giggles turned into shy smiles and Harry nuzzled his face in between your neck and whispered. "Do you like it baby?" You immediately blushed when he called you baby. It was so cute. Just the thought of being so close to Harry, of being called baby, his arms wrapping around you in bed every morning. You just smiled, turned back and gave him a little kiss on his nose. "Yes Haz, thank you." You replied as you turned front, enjoying the scenery and Harry's sweet embrace. As soon as the ride was over, you ran up to Harry and gave him a passionate kiss. "Thank you.. today was amazing I really loved it." Harry smiled and kissed your cheek. "Let's go zip-lining next time."

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