(22) Slow dancing

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(His POV)

Harry - We danced to The Backstreet Boys. 'As long as you love me' was one of her favorites and always made her smile. I loved looking at her smile. Her eyes glisten with love which I know, was for me. Her smile makes me smile and she tells me she loves my smile. Little does she know she's the reason I smile this much. Her eyes are a pretty grey. So grey I can see my eyes in hers. Her hair had been shabbily tied up in a bun. One of her traits I loved. She didn't care how she looked in front of me, because she knew she was always going to be the most beautiful woman in my eyes. My hand fit perfectly on her hip like two pieces of a puzzle. We pranced along the whole living room to the song, the silence speaking enough for itself. She's definitely got to be the most gorgeous woman to ever live and I'm certainly the luckiest man to have her. Her sweet breath hit my neck as I pulled her closer and sang to her. Her hand found her way in my curls. Her comforting touch caused me to close my eyes and just engulf her presence entirely. She didn't know what a major effect she held on me. This night made me realize how precious the woman in my arms was. She was a keeper, as they say.

Zayn - Slow dancing was a weekly thing. Anytime she needed a break, instead of what all couples usually do, she pulls me off the couch and dances. Just the music and us. That's when I realize I've never taken the time to admire the prepossessing woman I'm committed to. I'd fall to my feet if I just gazed into her striking hazel eyes. I'm sure she knows what an effect she has on me. 'Hey soul sister' by Train, was one of her favorites. Her arms wrapped around my neck was all I needed after a tiring week of producing. Watching her relax in my arms made me feel safe and content. We swayed back and forth to the calming music and she held my face in her subtle hands and told me, "I love you, baby." The 4 words that one day had changed my life. The 4 words I want to shower her with every minute of my time with her. The 4 words I'll never let go of. I live for her love. I feed on her love. I'll love her until I take in my last breath. I'll love her through the ups and downs. I'll love her when she feels unloved. I'll love her forever whether she loves me back or not because she'll always be my baby.

Niall - "You're stepping on my foot Niall!" She giggled. We were making an attempt to slow dance. I had never done it before, clearly. I giggled along with her. Her voice filled my heart. The same angelic voice I want to hear every day when I woke up until the time I'm back to bed. "I'm trying!" I say, watching her laugh wholeheartedly at my awful attempts at slow dancing. "Okay look. Move your feet with mine okay? One two three.." Her voice cut me off. I was in a daze. Jesus Christ she's gorgeous. If I had a ring I'd have fallen right there. I guess I didn't need a ring though. I dropped on my knees and held her hand. "Fuck this Y/N. We'll do it when we're up on stage declared as official bride and groom. You've taken my breath away ever since we started dating.. I know a year is probably not long enough for you to know a guy but I promise. I promise you I can love you more than any other guy you'd find about anywhere. I suck at proposals but I'm asking you to marry me. Please don't turn down this egoistic fond boyfriend of yours." She giggles again. Oh that giggle I want to hear for the rest of my life. "Now that we're marrying, you're gonna have to learn how to dance." She says, picking me off of the floor and kissing me.

Louis - I'm not the dancer. She knows. But her sole purpose was to humiliate me in front of hundreds of guests at our own wedding. I didn't quite see her motive, but if I was going down, so was she. We made our vows. 'Everything' by Michael Bublé played as she dragged me onto the dance floor. "Baby you know I can't dance." I say, placing my drink on the nearest table and holding onto her waist. "Just follow my steps." She said, gently placing her hands on my shoulder. We moved with grace, surprisingly and none of us tripped. This night was the most special I've ever felt since I met the woman in front of me. Every flaw she had from head to toe highlighted the beauty in her. Her wide smile brought one just as big on my lips. I realized I've never felt this happy when I've seen a woman before. In front of me was the love of my life. My life wouldn't have had a future if she hadn't stepped in. My ultimate goal was to keep her the happiest until I'm on my death bed. And I selfishly wish I'd be gone before she'd have to, because I wouldn't be able to bear a moment without her.

Liam - There are plenty of fish in the sea, they say. But a man's greed can take him to a point where, he'd have nothing less than the one he wished for. Y/N was my fish. Slow dancing was our remedy for a terrible terrible day. We'd just dance quietly to the music and let all the shit out. I hated seeing her beautiful bright brown eyes so broken and hurt. It hurt my heart. I held her in my arms and persuaded her to tell me about her day. "Please baby. Let it out" I said, rubbing circles on her back as we danced around the living room playing soothing music on the Vinyl record her family owned from generations. "My boss snapped because I arrived at work late, My colleague didn't get his part of the work done which delayed our presentation, the maid spilled a hot cup of coffee on me and now I've got a red burning bruise on my stomach, and I've been working all fucking day when all I wanted was just some time with you." She said, stepping closer to me. Fuck she's my everything. "Call in sick tomorrow baby. We'll have so much fun together and sleep under the stars." I suggested. "I fucking love you." She said, kissing me softly. If I ever lost her, I'd go looking for her. No matter how big the ocean may be. She's my fish. My only fish.

P.S ~ Holy shit this fluff made me cry tbh I'm proud of this fr.

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