(11) He bullies you

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Trigger warning - Self h*rm, bullying

Harry - "Oops, I am so sorry sweetie." Olivia giggles, laughing at your fallen down physique. Your books splayed across the hallway. Eleanor, Regina, Katherine and Lexi surrounded you, joining in on the bullying with Olivia. "Oh! Oh no.." Eleanor says, dropping her cold coffee all over you as you heard everyone around laugh. You start tearing up when your friend Harry comes along. "What are you doing-" He asks, breaking through the crowd. "Look at the loser on the floor Harry haha!" Olivia says, wrapping her arm around his, leaning her head against his shoulder. He thought for a while. "Get up dude.. not cool." He says to you, bitterly and laughs along with the girls. You look up at his face. You were hurt. He was your only friend. Well, that's what you thought until today. "Move out of the damn way. Leave her the fuck alone guys she's had enough." You hear a voice barging through the crowd. It was Niall. You didn't know him much but it hurt you even more knowing that Harry, the one you really cared about and thought cared about you just wanted to grab the opportunity to impress a popular girl he's probably never going to get. Harry realizes what he's done and his eyes soften. His expression turns soft and guilty and he rushes after you as Niall led you to the restroom. "Thank you.." You say as he smiles and leaves you be. "Y/N" You hear behind you as you sob, washing yourself off. "Don't talk to me Harry. We were never really friends." You say, walking past him as a tear slipped down his cheek.

Louis - You and Louis were actually dating. But, you both didn't want the news to go public in your school yet, because you knew how every public relationship in your school ever ended and you didn't want to lose what you had with Louis that easy. So, to keep away the suspicion, he pretended to bully you. Not physically of course, he'd never hurt you. It was all fun and you knew it too and never took it to heart. But one day, it was all too much. You were going through a rough patch and Louis didn't know. He walked with his friends to your locker while you were busy collecting books for your next class and knocked down your books. You sighed, being tired of the shitty stunt you two had to pull off everyday. "Oh ho ho look who's here!" Calum said, looking you up and down. Louis steps on your diary and leaves a large footprint on it. You tear up, picking them off the floor, dusting them with your jacket. Louis' expression softens as he hears you sniffle. He's never made you cry.. and the bullying was just cover up.. you both knew he loved you dearly and would never do anything like that if he didn't have to. "Guys go fetch a table I'll be there." He tells his mates and pulls you out of the school building. "What are you doing Lou.." You ask, trying to cover your face with your jacket. He cups your face and forces your red eyes to look into his. "What's wrong baby? Did I hurt you?" He asks, pulling you closer. "I'm not- mum isn't well.." You say, hugging him and sobbing loudly. He holds you close and whispers, kissing behind your ears. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so, so sorry."

Liam - He always fancied you, but was teased about it alot which he didn't like. He always thought bullying you would mean cover up for all his feelings. the entire school would bully you because Liam always targeted you. Now would you blame the most popular person in school for being the role model of the entire school. He'd throw some pathetic words at you, make you feel insecure and worthless but your boyfriend Zayn, who went to the opposite only boys school, would always be by your side and comfort you at home. You had moved in with him recently which has been a benefit considering Liam's bullying getting worse. Once, he spotted you rush to the gate while leaving home and stopped you in your tracks, snatching your bag from you, making you chase him around for it, and ultimately throwing it into the bin. You never really let all his bullshit get to you but you were so hurt, you hated him. You never knew what you did to him but he hurt you mercilessly. You broke. You just fell on your knees and started sobbing when you thought Liam left. But he was there. Listening in. He realized what he did and regretted everything. He never wanted to make you cry.. he loved you. He walked towards you and you moved away. "I'm sorry I'll do what you want please don't hurt me" You sobbed, making his heart break more. "I wont hurt you. I'll never hurt you." He says, picking your back from the bin and helping you up. "I'm sorry Y/N I really am.." He says, as you run down the hall wishing just to cuddle in bed with Zayn to feel better.

Zayn - He was the school jerk. But, he treated every girl like a princess. Except you. He despised you. He'd team up with his girlfriend and her tails, his football mates and bully you relentlessly. He had been sent to the principle multiple times, but nothing changed it. It got worse everyday. You couldn't take it anymore. You had been feeling like a worthless bitch. You knew, that no one around you would care if you went missing one day and never came back. Zayn walked up to you one day and slammed you against your locker. "Homework." He demanded. You refused to give it. The next day, he had made some dirty rumors about you and your classmate Will. You were done. The entire school saw you as a whore now. You cried and rushed to the school restroom, hearing the guys laugh behind you. You pulled out your blade and pressed deep cuts. One across your wrist for being too big, two on your stomach for being too fat, one on each of your thighs for having those ugly streachmarks, your clothes stained with red blots all over as you sat in the corner of the bathroom crying. A few girls entered the restroom and saw you passed out on the floor, bleeding from several places. They pick you up to the nurse's and you wake up there to see Zayn sitting there watching you. "What do you want." You say bitterly. "I'm sorry Y/N.. I didn't want you to hurt yourself.. I thought it was fun I had no idea what you were going through.. please don't hurt yourself.. you're gorgeous and perfect and I promise I'll protect you from myself and everyone else who hurts you.. I'm sorry." He says, his tears falling onto your cheeks. 

Niall - He never really bullied anyone. He was an angel. Perfect. You always wanted to get to know him but he was popular and the girls around him hated you. He'd choose to sit next to you during lunch sometimes, when the tables were full, and he'd make small talk. You really fancied him but you knew you stood no chance while the other girls existed. He treated everyone so right, unlike the people he hung out with. They always picked on you, hurt you, bullied you and made you cry. "Hey slut." Dylan yelled across the room. The girls laughed and threw their used tissues at you. "Disgusting.." they whisper, walking past you. You reach your locker and open it, just to find some notes hidden in there. "Find a school that takes bitches." "My house has a gym if you like haha" "Pizza? No.. treadmill?" You folded up the notes and felt your eyes teary ad you picked the books for your next class. "Oh are you crying little lost girl?" Amelia, Niall's girlfriend asks, pushing you back against the lockers, her friends all laughing and giggling. "I know you're trying to steal my man from me sweetie but the difference between you and I, is that I'm not... whatever you are." She said, disgustingly gesturing at your body. You held your jacket tight as tears streamed down your eyes. Just then, Niall arrived. You thought he'd help you out but instead he says, "Why are you wasting your time crying it's not going to change anything Y/N get over it." You stared at his face, absolutely bewildered. You rushed to the bathroom and hid yourself inside, thinking of what big of a mistake you did even by THINKING of Niall as the good guy.

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