(20) He has a crush on you (Part 1)

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(His POV)

Harry - She's one of the popular ones. Of course. But not the sassy bullies. She's sweet. Her smile is sweet, and I'm sure her lips are sweeter. She's noticed me quite a few times. I'm new here and not many people know me, but it doesn't matter because she knows me. She has sat beside me in the canteen when a few guys were throwing their food at me.. just so they would leave me alone. I don't fit in this school but she makes me feel like I can.. Her hair smells like strawberries and her cherry lips make me want to grab her face and just kiss and savor her lips. "Hey there Harry." She said, walking up to me. "Hi Y/N.." I whispered, admiring her beauty as she walked towards me. She makes my heart flutter. "My friends and I are having a little party. It's my 16th birthday and I'd really appreciate if you could make it." She said, handing me a little invitation card and flashing her beautiful heartbreaking smile at me. "I'd love to be there.. Thanks." I muttered out as she walked away catching up with her friends. This was the one chance I had to write her a song and tell her how I felt about her. She's going to love it. I need her to love it. Just as much as I love her.

Louis - We were in the music club. Well, she joined only a few weeks ago but WOW. Her voice is my new favorite voice. The effect she has over me is unbelievable. I'm not the one to fall first, but I guess she did it. Surprisingly, no one noticed her in class.. I wondered how anyone could resist such beauty. Her blue eyes and wavy brown hair had me lost and captive in them. Everytime my eyes met hers, It'd soften. I'd find myself drowning in the smell of her perfume. I had to talk to her. "Y/N, is it?" I said, walking towards her. "Yeah. Hey Louis." She said, smiling wide at me. She knows my name. Good lord she knows my name. I smiled wide and mustered up the courage to ask her, "You're voice is gorgeous.. I was wondering if you were free this weekend maybe we could go get some coffee and I could get to know you better?" My hands immediately flew to the back of my neck. I think I said too much. She giggled. Oh her giggles were so cute. "Sure. Is 4 on a Saturday okay?" She asked. "Yeah. I'll see you at the Rainbow Café?" She smiled. That smile will definitely be the end of me. "Yeah. I can't wait." She said. She then leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheek. She kissed me. She KISSED me. I knew this was going to be the best day of my life. Possibly the best year with her around.

Liam - It hurt me to see her cry. She didn't fit in much and always got bullied by my friends.. little did they know how much I felt for her. She's the prettiest girl in the entire school. Inside and out. She can't see it.. she never tries. I'm her friend, but my friends hate her. I'm torn and I don't know how to stop it. I saw her at the canteen today. She took her food and went behind the trees, trying to escape from the popular girls. She wanted nothing to do with anyone which made my heart break. "I'll be right back guys." I told my friends, and followed her behind the trees. She had her headphones plugged in and didn't notice me sit beside her. "Hey." I said, breaking her chain of thoughts. "Oh hi. Why aren't you with your friends?" She asked innocently. She melts my heart. "You're all alone.. and I wanted to apologize for what they do to you.. I'm really sorry. I'm here for you and I promise I'll protect you if I see them come at you again. I'm really sorry." She smiled at me and hugged me. She's so beautiful if I kissed her I wouldn't be able to stop. She hugged me. I don't think I can let go. "Thanks Liam. I'm probably gonna need you alot."

Niall - "Shut up and give me my phone back!" She yelled at me. She's short so she can't really do anything about it. All I had to do was hold her phone up high. "Niall please I need to text him." She says. As much as it breaks my heart to say, she has a boyfriend. I wanted to be a supportive friend but she's too beautiful to be with someone like him. He's controlling and never let's her do what she likes. She doesn't deserve that. I know I can treat her better than that. I sigh and give her the phone back. "Thank you. Moron." She says, nudging me and giggling. "Y/N I need to be frank with you. I don't like Denis." I say. Stopping her in her tracks. "What? Why?" "Because He's a controlling dick with fucked up standards and needs to drop his ego." I said. She clearly was upset after that. "Don't talk about him like that. He's not controlling I'm okay with what he asks me to do. And you're supposed to be a goddamn supportive friend all you've been trying to do is break us up this whole week." She yells. "I'm just trying to help Y/N he's not worth you don't you fucking understand?" I yell back. "Don't you dare use that tone with me Horan. You out of everyone I know should be knowing how much I hate being yelled at." She says, gritting her teeth and walking away. "Well I don't care because I love you and I'll do anything I can to have you over with a guy who doesn't show you your value." I yell back. Shit.

Zayn - She was cuddled up beside me, fast asleep. And all I could remember was the day I met her. "Wow. She's beautiful." Mike said to me as she walked up in her prom dress. "Does she have a date?" I asked him. "I'm pretty sure. I doubt someone that lovely would be left alone.. ever." He said. She sat at a table and ordered a drink for herself and a friend of hers who sat beside her. Her name I heard was Y/N and her beauty pierced my heart. Her large brown eyes wandered around the room as though she was looking for someone. Her hair was tied up beautifully in a bun, a few strands falling onto her face. Her lips parted, showing her pretty teeth. I realized then what living for a smile meant. She makes me feel butterflies and with that blue gown she walked into my chest and stole my heart, leaving a piece of hers behind. Our eyes locked and she blushed, looking down. I walked up to her. I couldn't resist her any longer. "Hey.. I noticed you're alone.. wanna dance?" She looks at me and then at her friend. "You go girl. Have fun." Her friend says, her smile widening as she takes my hand. "Show me what you've got." She said, winking at me. I hold her hips and take her hand in mine. "Watch and learn."

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