(19) After tour

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Harry - His first leg of tour is finally over with and the next leg starts only 2 days later. Exhausted, Harry enters the hotel room you two shared. His heart melted and his lips parted into a long smile after looking at you having made yourself comfortable in bed with a packet of nachos as you sat watching your favorite show in Harry's shirt. He hopped in bed with you, engulfing your little body in his. "Hi there my giant teddy bear" You giggled, running your free hand through his curls. "You didn't come see me today.." He said, frowning a little. "Sorry baby, I met one of my middle school besties around Starbucks yesterday and I promised to hang out with her today. Want some nachos?" You spoke, kissing his hair. "No. Let's cuddle and tell each other stories instead. You go first." He said, burying his head further in the side of your back. You giggled and placed the nacho packet on the bed stand. "Okay." That night was the sweetest night you had spent with your boyfriend of 2 months and you knew you'd never find another man like him.

Louis - You were waiting impatiently for your boyfriend to be back home from his tour any minute now. Twitter was going crazy trending #LOUISTOMLINSON, #WELOVEYOULOUIS, #PROUDOFLOUIS after he completed his first ever world tour. You watched every single one of them through Instagram lives and were equally as proud as the fans. Just then the door rattled and in came your favorite human being with a wide smile splayed across his face. "I did it Y/N. I finished my first ever world tour." He dropped his bags at the door and rushed in for a big hug. "Aww baby I'm so proud of you. Wait until we're at Lottie's. Our baby nephew hasn't seen his uncle yet." You say, kissing the side of his jaw. His smile which you lived for, widened. In all the excitement, he blurted something that changed your life. "Y/N I think I want to marry you and make one of those little humans with you." His expression changed from smiley to serious as he waited for your reply. "Let's do this."

Niall - Heartbreak whether had finally released and backstage was Niall, your boyfriend of 2 years and his band, ready to head up on stage. You fixed his collar and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Once you're done, we'll go for an ice-cream date. Like our first one. Remember?" You asked. "Yeah so well. We got high on sugar and laughed across the streets the neighbors thought we were having seizures and called the cops it was hilarious." Niall went on. "Yeah" You sighed. "Aw baby this is my last leg and it'll only be a few hours. We'll have so much fun after. I'll skip Friday beer for you, okay?" Niall says, pulling you close to him. "No love you don't have to do that.." You say, hugging him back. "No but I want to. I love you Y/N. I want to spend time with you." He said, placing a soft loving kiss on your lips. "Okay lovebirds lets break it up. Niall we need you." Jake, his band member said. "Got to head up. Love you." He said, giving you a quick peck on the lips and heading up for his last leg of tour.

Liam - You were watching his concert from backstage and couldn't help but check yourself every few minutes into it. The minute he stepped out, he noticed you squeezing your thighs shut and a wide smirk splayed on his face. "Someone's needy.." He says, moving his hands up to your waist. You blush and look away when he starts leaving wet sloppy kisses down your neck. You let out a soft moan and he takes you into the car. He drives you back home in his car without making a single noise when you cry out in pain. "What's wrong baby? Do you want me to pull over?" He asks, looking worried. "No baby.. what's the date today?" You ask, clutching the lower part of your stomach. "The 27th.. why?" He asks, before realizing. "Oh." "I'm sorry Li.. I ruined everything.." You say, as you step out of the car heading into the house. "Hey no baby, it's not your fault.. You can't really control your periods.. we can cuddle tonight okay? I'll make some warm soup for your belly." He says, kissing your neck and heading inside.

Zayn - Zayn always cuddled with you before and after each and every tour he had. He never really liked stepping on stage and singing in front of billions of people. His anxiety always kicked in. But then he remembered you and pretended to sing for you and only you, which soothed his nerves. His tour was finally over and he lay splayed across your lap, in a deep slumber as you ran your hands in his slick hair. "Zayn we've got a few drinks up." You heard Louis enter the room with a can of beer. "Shh" You say, your gaze not leaving your peacefully sleeping boyfriend. "Damn. Y/N, he really loves you.." Louis said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "And he's really tired. Poor lad. At least one of us won't wake with a hungover headache." He joked. You giggled and said, "Don't drink to much guys. And don't be too loud. Good night.. have fun." "Goodnight Y/N." Louis said, giving you an assuring kiss on the forehead as he got up and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

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