(26) How you met

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Harry - (HIS POV) She walked in wearing a coat and muffler, gloves, warm beanie and a handbag around her neck. It was the time around Christmas and the time where our bakery had it's most customers. No one could resist a Christmas special discount could they? "Hey, how can I help you?" I asked the pretty woman in front of me. I couldn't see her features that well, her coat was covered in snow and she had a face mask put on to keep most of her warm. I wondered what she was doing out so late in the cold. "A hot chocolate please.. oh and could you turn up the heaters?" She asked, politely. "Of course. Have a seat." We were closing in a few minutes and no one was around the store at this hour. She seemed like she was waiting for a text. A date maybe? So late at night? I continued looking at her as she took off her layers of clothing. Her wavy long brown hair reached her waist. Her eyes were beautiful, even though I didn't catch the color of them from afar. She kept glancing at her phone every minute, and sighing at it. She stared out of the window and I walked up to her with her drink. "Here's your drink.." I say, taking a seat beside her. "Thank you.." She says, sipping her drink. "Shouldn't you be home at this hour? I'm sure you're a collage student aren't you?" She asked. Her eyes were amber. "Yeah.. I manage though. What about you?" I asked. "I study in the collage opposite here." She said, blowing her drink before taking a sip. "Harry we need help closing!" A voice came from the kitchen. "I gotta go.. and maybe you do too. See you next time?" I said. "See you next time." She smiled. 

Louis - (YOUR POV) "Excuse me sir, you're in my seat." I say, sighing in annoyance. Every flight, my window seat has someone sitting in it. The man in my seat turned to look at me. He had blue eyes, ruffled hair and outfit as though he was in a rock band. Denim jacket and jeans over a white 'The Stone Roses' shirt. Damn he has taste. And he's beautiful. "I'm sorry love." He says, sitting in the seat beside me. His voice is sweet and calming. Unlike every other person who's sat in my seat. I thanked the man because he was being exceptionally polite. I buckled up and leant back, shutting my eyes, ready for take off, plugging in my headphones and listening to some rock. "I see you're a fan of rock too." I hear a voice beside me. I opened my eyes and looked at the beautiful man smiling at me. "How did you-" "Your earphones aren't plugged in properly, love." He smiled. "Oh I'm sorry.." You said, pausing the music to plug it in. "Don't bother. I love rock." He said, pointing at his shirt. "Yeah I noticed.." I smiled, putting the headphones back in my ear. "Oh come on, it's a three hour flight. You have all the time in your life to listen to music. Talk to me." He says, turning slightly to face me. I take my headphones off and sigh. "Okay." "So why California?" He asked, his eyes not leaving mine. "Why not?" I ask. "Because, moving from New York to California, is kind of a major change of environment." He said. "I got a job there." I said. We talked the next two hours, sharing our music and eventually getting our well deserved sleep. He was a pretty man, Louis. If he didn't manage to get my number that day, my life would have stayed incomplete.

Zayn - (YOUR POV) - So you sat, in the group of Zayn and his friends, hearing him tell them the story of how you two met. Harry being the most interested among them. "So I may have fallen on her and broken her elbow the first time we met." He started. "Oh Zayn." Harry groaned. "Not a very romantic start.." "Shut up. I'm boning her now." He says, smiling at his joke. "Zayn!" You say, playfully hitting his arm. "Anyway, she was waiting at the bus stop and I was running away from a guy chasing me." "Ehem, a dog. A dog was chasing you because you growled at it for absolutely no reason." You said, correcting him. "Shut up." He says. "So a GUY was chasing me, and I didn't see Y/N in the way, and I fell. On her. And she broke her arm. And yelled. And then I took her to the hospital. She missed her bus. She was annoyed at me, because she had to be on a date. *flashback* "I'm sorry for ruining your date.. want some candy?" He said, offering you a licorice. "Yes please. Thank you." You said, annoyed. "I really didn't mean to hurt you miss.." "Y/N" You said, chewing into the licorice. "Wow you're really mad. I uh, I brought you flowers because I thought that was the least I could do for a beautiful woman who's life I ruined.." He said, innocently holding the bouquet. You smiled. "You didn't ruin my life, .." "Zayn." He said, finishing your sentence. "Ooh, pretty name. You didn't ruin my life Zayn, you ruined what could have been a perfect date for a pathetic month of mine. February is the month of love.. and I'm stuck here at the hospital with a broken arm having to accept a strangers flowers." You sighed. "Well I can take you out on a date in compensation for this one, and I promise it'd be good." *end of flashback* "And guess what, she said no but I got her to give me her number anyway and here we are."

Niall - (HIS POV) I was tired. The party had been on for 5 hours and everyone had been dancing ever since. We had released our fourth album 'FOUR' and it had blown up. Liam had brought his old friend Y/N with him to meet all of us and give her an idea of his hectic career. She had long wavy hair, brown eyes and a smile so intoxicating.. She wore a black body con dress that wound around her curves perfectly. I noticed her staring quite a few times. She whispered something into Liam's ears, and walked towards me with a glass of wine in her hands. "Hey blondie." She says, seating herself beside me. She smelled like vanilla.. as sweet at vanilla. Her breath smelled like cherries and her lips parted into a smile when she noticed me staring. "Hi." I reply, intimidated by her presence. "Tiring party isn't it?" She said, in a posh British accent, sighing and sipping her drink." "Noticed you staring.. Liam said you fancied me the day he showed you a picture of us in high school together." She said, smiling but her eyes away from mine. "You're pretty.. I can't help but stare. I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable.." I rambled. "No no. You didn't make me uncomfortable.. I'm just flattered. No one has said that to me before, other than Liam but that was just courtesy. You're exceptionally adorable too." She said, her eye contact maintained with the juke box at the bar. I took this moment to break the comfortable silence between us. "So, you dateless on Friday night? We can maybe hang out and get to know each other.." "I'm dateless every night darling. Here's my number. Text me the details." She said, standing up and giving me a soft kiss on the cheek. That was the first time I felt her lips on me, and now here she was, tied up with me in bed, with my lips all over her beautiful body as she slept peacefully beside me.

Liam - (HIS POV) "There he is!" I heard a voice. "Omg Y/N he's reading something!" another. "DID HE JUST LOOK AT YOU??" Another. I smiled slyly, knowing they were up to something, but the girls at school normally fancied me. And I hated it. It was hard trying to obtain a proper platonic relationship with any of the girls who knew me. Either they'd be called a slut if caught hanging out with me, or I'd be called a playboy. But there's only one girl in the entire school who makes me feel like I can't have her. And that makes me want her. She has beautiful eyes and her voice is heavenly. I'd listen to her sing me to sleep if she would. "Damnit. He reads?? Can he get any prettier.." I heard a whisper, a little too loud. But it was her voice this time. The one I long for. She made me smile. Wide. She enters the library and picks a book from aisle 3, bringing it to my table. "Hey Liam." She whispers. I hear all the girls giggling and fangirling in the table next. "Hi Y/N." I reply. "What are you reading?" She asks, peaking into my book. "Pride and Prejudice. I know, boring. But I'm sorta into this romance genre you know?" I say, waiting patiently for her reply. "Pride and Prejudice is far from boring. It's honestly one of my favorites." She said. "What are you reading?" I asked. "Little women.. guess I also fancy romance novels." She said, smiling at me. "Hey.." I say, nervously. "Would you like.. maybe enjoy a coffee or something after school? I know a place.. I can text you?" She smiled. "I'm sorry love, I'm busy after school.. But I'm open this Sunday, maybe instead of coffee we can brunch?" She asked. "Yeah of course.. here's my number." I said, smiling uncontrollably as she walked out with the piece of paper. 

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