(21) He has a crush on you (Part 2)

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(Your POV)

Harry - He's such a pretty boy. I don't understand why people bully him. He's lovely and playful and I love his company. I couldn't wait to see his sweet smile and gorgeous dimples. All my friends know how big of a crush I have on that boy and all they do is tease me when I'm around him. He treats a lady just how he's supposed to I've heard and I could tell just by looking at him. It's 6 PM and my friends are here. "Happy birthday babe!" They said, hugging me and placing the presents on the table next to me. Harry was here. I saw him walk in. With a guitar? What was he doing with that? He can play? Just when I thought he couldn't get any prettier. "Hi Y/N." He said, smiling widely at him. "Hey there." I said, smiling uncontrollably back at him. "Happy birthday.. You don't mind if I give you your present later in the evening do you?" He asked innocently. "No. Thanks for coming Harry." You said, walking away slowly. The party went on and I was having my best time when I heard a familiar voice on stage. "Ehem.. Hi guys. I'm Harry from Y/N's school. I actually wrote her a present. This song is for you, Y/N." He held his guitar up and sang his heart out. Tears welled up in my eyes when he finished and everyone clapped. I ran to him on stage and kissed him. "Thank you. That's the best present I've ever had."

Louis - It was Saturday and the day Louis asked me out on a date. I didn't know him very well yet and I wasn't sure if this café date was really a "date" but I like to think of it as one. He's really beautiful and a gentleman and my bestie wouldn't let me decline. He stood at the entrance of Rainbow Café and smiled as I walked towards him. He wore a denim jacket with a white shirt and jeans with sneakers. He pulled it off beautifully. I wore a white crop top and high waist jeans. My handbag was black and I wore white and black canvas shoes. My hair was tied up with a clutcher and I was pretty happy with how I dressed. We caught a seat at the busy café and he started a conversation. "You're really pretty Y/N. Has anyone ever told you?" He says, leaning in, his blue eyes piercing into mine. I was used to seeing blue eyes, because mine were blue. But his were different. They were sky blue with a tinge of ocean blue. Louis blue. Pretty blue. "Y/N?" He said again, snapping me out of the daze. "Yeah- You're gorgeous too.." I said, forgetting what his question was. Lia was right. He's dreamy. "You know what, let's get out of here and I'll take you somewhere fun. I really like you Y/N and I don't wanna blow our first date in this boring place." He said, holding my hand and leading me out. So it was a date. And he likes me too.

Liam - He was nice to me. I liked him. I liked hugging him and he seemed to like it too. We just sat there under the trees all lunch and I leant him my headphones so he could listen to music with me. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. You should go. Your friends don't like me and they wouldn't want to see you with me." You say, moving away from him slowly. "But I don't care what they say. I really like you Y/N.. I really really do. You're beautiful and I'd kill to be with you. But I know you'd never feel the same about me because of my friends." He told me. I've liked him since we were in middle school but his friends always stopped me from confronting to him. "Really? I always liked you too but I didn't think I was good enough for you. And the last thing I wanted was you to hate me and bully me with your friends. That'd hurt worse." I said, sighing and leaning on the tree behind me. He held the nape of my neck in his hands and placed a kiss on my lips. Those lips were the sweetest lips I had ever tasted. His kiss trailed down to the bruise I had on my neck. "I'm sorry." He whispered, leaving wet kisses softly over it. I closed my eyes and a tear slipped down my cheek. I love this boy. I just don't want his friends or any one in fact, to know. I don't want to be hurt for the stupid butterflies he causes in my chest.

Niall - "You what?" I said, stopping in my tracks. "You heard right. I love you and I wont let that jerk take advantage of you." He said, in the same tone. I teared up and turned back, walking to him in a quick pace. "You. Cannot just tell me you love me 3 years after I loved you, wished you were mine and couldn't say a thing because I wanted our friendship intact." I said with gritted teeth, my pointer finger on his chest. "You know how hurt I was when all you did was talk about Amanda? Like she was the only one you'd ever love. She wasn't that great either. All she wished for was money. She was a gold digger but did I EVER say it to your face?" I said, tears streaming down both of our faces now. "I only dated her because whenever I gave you the signs saying I loved you, you would take it as a joke. Did you know how much that hurt me?" I stayed silent on hearing that. "Do you still love me?" He asked, with teary and hopeful eyes. I didn't say a word. I waited. I processed. And then I kissed him. It was the best kiss I've had since dating Denis. I felt safe with Niall. Niall was my everything, not Denis. I never fancied Denis. He just reminded me of Niall and I needed to be with someone like him, if not him. "I need to break up with Denis." I say, pulling away from the kiss. "We can do that later." He said, carrying you bridal style into the car and kissing you deeply. 

Zayn - "You're eyes are pretty." I told him. We danced to the song "Can't help falling in love" By Elvis Presley and I couldn't stop admiring the handsome figure in front of me. He was gentle and delicate.. any woman's weakness. "You are pretty." He said, pulling me closer to him. "What's your name?" I asked. "Zayn Malik. We have art class together." He said, trying to get me to remember. "Oh yeah. I remember I tried drawing you.. Not easy to draw something that pretty." I said. His lips parted into a smile and he held my face in his cupped hands. "I know we're not that familiar with each other, so would you like to get ice-cream with me maybe sometime after dance?" He asked. "Yeah sure I'd love to." I said, continuing the dancing. He was certainly the prettiest boy I'd ever seen. And he was a Taylor Swift fan. Could there be any more perfect of a guy?! I woke up to see Zayn looking at me sweetly. "My baby's up from her nap." He says, smiling and kissing my forehead. "Hi." I say, gruffly. "Well, it's a Sunday and it's just 6:30 we don't have jobs yet so... you thinking what I'm thinking?" He says, smirking at me cheekily. "I'll get the speakers and connect them to the tv you shut the door and get the food." I said, shooting off of his lap. It was time to go crazy to Taylor Swift.


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